Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1991, p. 29

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WH1TB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1991, PAGE 29 -EG---I------O--- AUCTIONS *oft# CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY BOARD* AND, COMMITTEE APPOINTMVENT Every year Whitby Town Councdl advertises for applicantfomle public and appoints citizens ta variaus Boards and Committees that make recommTendations and decisions on a variety cf matters #Mta affec; t uechrater and quality of lite of the Town of Whitby. These appoitmnts give Town residents from a vaniety cf backgrounds a chane tavolnteer their skills ta help mun the Town. Whitby Town Council is currentlyacptn applications fram residents interested in serving on the follouning Bors and Comimes: Rnard or Comm*tte Bsniblh Board of Management forme Whitby Centrai Business District Improvement Area Committee cf Adjustment Fenoe-Viewer Groveside Cemetery Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Plumbers' Board of Examiners Property Standards WhtÎ PubliceLibrary Terrn cf Apontknent Ta beautify and maintain pub- Three years lic lands, buildngs and struc- tures Iocated in the improve- meant aiea and ta poaotthe aiea as a business and shop- ping centre. (Members cf Mh Board of Management must bu a! least 18 years of age, Canadian citizens arnd assessed for business assessment in the improvement area, or nominees of corporations Sa assessed.> To revew applications for minor variances from the pro- visions of the Municpality's zoning by-Iaws. To review mafters relative ta, ,#* standards for me erection and maintenance cf line tances. To administer Municipal cemeteries. To research and promote me conservation of hedtage pro-. perties within mhe Munscspality. Ta examine applicants for master plumbers licences. Lk Mmbers af tme Board cf Examiners must bu icenced as maste plumbers by dme Municpality.) To review matters relative ta mhe standards for the mainten- ance and occupancy of pro- perty within the Municpality. To administer the publie lib- radles widuuu the Municipality. Three years Three years Three years Three years Three ypars Three years Three ypars If you would like ta volunteer your skilîs ta help maka Whby a butter place ta live, work and play you are invited ta miake application for appointrnent. Application forms for mhis purpose can bu obtained by contacting mhe ClrWs Department. Completed applications are ta be subitted ta fthe Town Clark by no Iater than November 30, 1991, forme Counci's consideration. DONALD&G McKAY CLERK THE CORPORA1ON 0F THE tOWN 0F WHfTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LUN M8 PHOtE: <416) 668-580 ......N.L. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS »- Update your fall wardrobu, back ta schooî clothes, ail kinds of alterations and custom tailoring. 101-1V2 Mary St. W., Pearson Lanes, 430O-6550. Tuesday through Saturday. WELL-TO- DO, ATTRACTIVE gu,40, eeks sincere, sensitive [cady for meaningful relationship, passible marriage. Single mathers welcorne. Loves children, travel- ling, dancng and romantic-dinners. Phoýne BilI', 666-3644. START GROWING HAIR NOW for next summer. Learn my copyrighted technique ta grow hair. Book early and don't bu disappointed. Sessions star! week of Novembur 25. Caîl Lau at Luftek Natural Hair System. Whitby, 668-9019. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- - ships. For, help, cail the Denise House for Women and Children. Tol free 1800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Forrnerly Auberge.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F DONALD BRIAN WARBURTON AIl persans having dlaims against the estate of Donald EBrian Warburtan, deceased, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 3rd day of Augiust, 1991, are hereby notified ta send them ta the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the th day of December, 1991. After such date the assets of the above-named estate wili be distributed among the persans entitîed thereta, having regard only ta dlaims of which the executor shaîl then have notice. DATED at Whitby this 3lst day of October, 1991. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario LiN 531 Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM JAMES HILL, DECEASED AIl persans having dlaims against the Estate of William James Hill, late of the City of Scarborough, who died on or about August 3lst, 1991, are hereby notified ta send particu- lars of same ta the undersigned on or before January 6th, 1992, alter which date the afore- mentioned estate will bu distri- buted by the undersigned having regard only to the dlaims then fi led. DATED Novembur 4th, 1991. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Administrator of the Estate of William James Hill, by their Solicitor, DAVID'G. GOODAIRE Barrister and Solicitor 124-126 Byron Street North Box 123 WHITBY, ONTARIO LIIN 5R7 MALE TWIN with family wanting ta meet other twins wit h farnilies. 430-8260. AUCTION SALE aKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSu Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. So join us ever Wed. and participate* in one of Ontafio's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate- selling aur specialty." Caîl us today. Previews ftrom 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE SAT NOV. 23 AT 5 P.M. ODI5FELLOWS HALL IN PORT PERRY Consignment sale with furniture, appliances & much more. Incîuding upright freezer, 8-pc. dining roomn ste., office desk w/chairs, dehu- midifier, antique dressing tables, chesterfield ste., good end tables, braided rugs, bodK shelves, good night tables, silver pieces, blankets & bedding, good glass & china, table saw, vac. cleaner plus power head, also unknowin qty. from Sandford. Vierwing tram 1 p.m. on sale day. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 416-655-8073 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, NOV. ý22 AT 6 P.M. Walnut cedar chest w/drawer, 5- pc. modemn bedroom ste., antique oak bed, oak dresser, apt.-sîze dryer, 9-pc. walnut dining roomn ste., walnut what- not stand, console colour TV, chesterfield & matching chair, walnut hall table, coffee & end tables, -chrome kitchen ste., washstands, bridge lamps, 4 pc. bridge set, V/2-moon tables, occ'l. c9hairs, qty. odd wooden chairs, 'cracks, ca-ail lamps, chesterfields, fIat-top trunks, qty. of brass lamps, Chinese porcelain plates, hoosier cupboard, dryer, MJaytaq washer, 24w stove, 2- dr. Maffat f ridge. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R #1, LITTLE BRITA IN 1-705-786-2183 MANY THANKS ta St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. CL. TO ST. JUDE THE APOSTLE Glorlous Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, I salute you through the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through His Heart I praise and thank Gad for aIl the graces He has bestowed -à .......... .. . . .. . . I~ ~~ .. . ......t ~-- ~ ~ fmo 5 pu~ Fa 0wO~ 'IF e ............. ; AUCTION SAT, NOV. 23 AT 1039 A.M. LEMON VILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE, Household furniture, antiques, dishes, glassware, china, small tools, snowblower, hockey a basebail cards, chairs, aid sealers, many more collectible items. Terms: cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT NOV. 23 AT 6:30 P.M. EVERV SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M., PETHICK AUCTION BARN, I-AYDON, 10 Ml. N.E. 0F OSHAWA This week we have the contents of a 3-bedroom home tram Oshawa: dining room ste., bedroom ste., tables, chairs, colour TV, living room stes., dishes, dryer, stove, plus lots of other interesting & unusual items. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. Viewingftram 5 p.m. For mare -info, cati 416-263-4252. Sale managed& sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE 0F COMPLETE RESTAURANT THURSDAY, NOV. 21- 111 A.M. 6V ORbER 0F DURHAM BAILIFF SERVICES UNDER VIRTUE 0F THE LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT RSO 1980, WE ARE SELLING THE BUSINESS & EQUIPMENT 0F J.C'S. PLACE, 527 WESTNEY RD. S., PICKERING This business will be sold 'en bloc' as a complete package, an ideal oppartunity for someone ta purchase a small restaurant busi- ness campletely set up in a busy industrial & residential area. For a complete list of equip. or more information, cati 416-263-4252. Viewing 1 hr. prior ta sale. Terms are cash or certified cheque. Sale managed &sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAYS NOV. 24 1 P.M. - PREVIÉW NOON AT THE KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS, 133 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY - PARTIAL LIST ONLY Save moneyî Buy ai auctionî Antiques reproductions, house- hold furnlshings for Mrs. Cramer & others including 9-pc. walnut dining roomn ste., walnut. china cabinet, 3-pc. sofa set, parlour tables & chairs, high-back side- board w/mirror, bow glass china cabinet, slope-frant bureau, pine jeîl cpboard, pine bookcase, 1 n stool wlback, pr. of wing- chairs, Oriental carpets, pea- nu 9jr, pine & other blanket boxe,7 cups/saucers, walnut dresser & mirror, bedroomn ste., country beds, china buffet, oak bookoase, prnts, pictures, love- seat, drop-Ieaf table. open

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