Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1991, p. 1

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Removalf PETIs tonsheule >By Mario Boucher Everything 15 "an achedule» for the removal of the dereiict ferry boat from Whitby barbour. Bernie O'Brien, attorney for Art Robinson, awner of the' Prince Edward. Island, says "notbing yet» bas been establ- isbed as -a precise date for remo- val of the baat, but acknowledged that "Everytbing is coming on schedule,» including last week's removal of the PCBs. Robinson declined comment. O'Brien said there bas been ugood co-operation between al auithorities.» Altbough Robinson has not inade e decision on the boat, "the preferred cboice is ta sell it,»" said O'Brien. The sbip must be moved out of the barbour b y Dec. 31lor be dismantled byMy 1cordin ta a court order. PCBstaken to WhiÏtby Hydro 'siee By Mark Reesor The PCBs are finally off the PEI. A. crew fromn P.C.B. Consul- tantsbinc. of Ajax put two trans- formers and a number of barrels containing the substance into a specialiy prepared container and removed themn fromn the aid ferry Friday afternaon. The operation began eround noan in tbe pouring ramn; tbe container was on its way ta aa temporary sterage site et Wbitby Hycro's yard on Tauntan Rd. by 5 p.m.1 It wiil be stored there until the Ontario government approves the incineretion tecbnalogy necessary ta destroy the.PQBs. The owner of tbe . PEI, Art Robinson of Whitby, asisted in the. operetion. He had signed papr requiringbim ta have the PBs removed fomi the sbip by Nov. 15. He elso agreed ta eitber bave the sbip tawed away by tbe end of the vear, or completely dis- mantled six montbs later. P.C.B. Consultants- mc. pre- sident Eric Smitb says it was just anotber day et the office for bis crew, who've worked on 600 contracts in tbe lest four years. "There's natbing particularly difficult about this job -- tbe only thing uinusual is tbe publicity it's recelving.... «(Earlier) this week we did a much larger job.» Smith notes that PCBs are not particularly dangerous wben compared with otber substances -- gas, for instance. "'Gasoline is much more hazardous, than PCBs'-- it's just tbet PCBs are sa super-regula- ted.» He sasicdents sucb as the fire et Stye Basil Le Grande, Quebec were «blown so far out of proportion that the government reacted by imp1eenting very strict reg1a ans. SEE PAGE 18 Whitby mani dies in accident A Whitby man was kîlled in a single car accident on icy roads early Monday monin«. Astan JA. Baird, 54, of Carmi- chael Dr. i Witby, was pro- nounced dead et the soene of the accident, et 6:20 a.m., on LA eridge Rd. (Durham Md 23) and Taunton Rd.W. D"i'urhamReginal Plie s tay he WORKERS remove a container fllled Edwýard"Islandi. The containeris being with transformers and barrels Stored in'a specially-prep ared site'on' containing PCBs from the Prince Whitby Hydro's Taunton Rd. yard. Photo by Mm*k Reosor, Wihlby Fro. Prom .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .... .... ... .......g.....tr ... .......... .....I. By Mike Kowalski Zanette sm*d Rembosz 15 not the first person Government funding of a non-profit Whitby to question the government's role in providing apartinent building has been defended by the housing. Ontaio Ministry of Housing. However, governrnent funding may be the Approximately $2.3 million bas been only wey to provide affordable housing 'n projected as the annual operating subsidy for a today's economy, said Zanette. 122-unit building now under construction at "Nobody bas been building rentai housing Dunlop and Hickory streets. recently except condominium projects which are But according to George Zanette, senior not occupied. - programn co-ordinator for the niinistry, the "And $800 to $900 doesn't refiect the subsidy is necessery as the majority of rents recovery costs, most landiords would need over will be based on tenants' incornes. Only 18 of $1,000 a mointh te break even." the unito will be offered at market rents. Zanette said non- profit groups like Heritage Zanette argues that tbe private sector could do not have the resaurces et-their disposai as not provide rent-geared-to-income epartments does the private sector, sa theïr costs wili be without a subsidy either. miore.A "Ites true te say private developers would A developer can do much of the work such as need less to break even, but they're not renting designing a- building "in bouse" said Zanette, at rent-geared-to-income," seid Zanette. whereas a non-profit group cennot. "Wbat private landiord would rent an "A non-profit board bas ta hire people te apartuient at $300 per month7' provide these services." Zanette was responding te comments' Prior to non-profit and co-operative housing contained in a letter to-the editor in lest week's beconiing common in the 1980s, the provincial Free Press. government usuaily bad full control of wbere In bis letter, Oshawa resident Robert and bow assisted housing would be buiît in Rembosz said- the nqn-profit corporation Ontario, said Zanette. sponsoring tbe apartment building wfll receive "In the aid deys OHO (Ontario Housing an annuel subsidy of $2.6 million. Corp.) did everytbing out of Toronte...a -lot of J (A project of tbe Heritage Commiùnity communities said OHC would just walk in and Housing Corp., the building is tetally funded put up enytbing, anywhere. tbrough tbe provincial Homes Now prograzn.) "This wasn't the case but that -wegf the Rembosz said the subsidy axnounts te perception." $25,000 a year or $2,083 per montb for each But as non-profit and co-ap housing groups 1 subsidized unit. emerged,, there was an opportunity for local He said new private sector apartments rent input and ownersliip, seid Zanette. for $800-$900 per znonth in the Oshawa-Whitby However, wbile the type of assisted bousing area, and he asks wby "the government needs is now be determidned by the commumity, there well over $2000 a month te break evenr' i rbeh ad Zanete aid embsz' igues wre lighly You're dealing with- volunteer boards wbo liigber than tbe governnets own projection of don't have tbe funds and mîust start froim $2.3 million or $1,600 per unit per month scahsidZete subsidy. a"ltebinrtaitenr bcue r not saying the arguments (in favor of there's such- a bigh pèeentage going ta people private fndg)aentfuedbtitase in ned,"saidZanete.measured against reality."

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