Whitby Free Press, 13 Nov 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WH3TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVMMER 13, 1991 FOCUS ON WOMEN Focus on Women will serve coffee and dessert on Tuesday, NOV. 19, 7:30 - p.m., at the Salvation Army Oshawa Temple,* 570 Thornton Rd. N. The feature wiIl be Qults 'n. Creation by Margaret Pierson, musical guests will be the Bayfair Duet and Pastor Martin will be the speaker. Admission is $3. For reservationsà, cali 725-5062. WIHTBY PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club wilI meet at the Family Trust building (downstairs), corner of Dundas and H-ickory Sts., on Monday, Nov. 18, 7 to 9:30 p.rn. The topic will be 'photographing glasswware,' a hands-on presen- tation by Charlie Stahi, who will supply the camera and film. Members are requested to bring slides for the next cinic as well as their entriies for the Theme of the Month (abstract). New memibers are welcome. BIG SISTERS Big Sisters of Newcastle-Osh- awa-Whitby w)) hold orientation for potential volunteers on Wed- nesdaiy, Nov. 20 7 to-9,% at the Big Sisters office, 1 ~ng St. E., Oshawa. There are cur- rently 34 youngsters waitinff to be matched býr Big Sisters. For more information caîl 436-095 1. We invite you to aur Fifth Annual Christmas Carousel Craft & Gift Show at the HOLIDAY INN, Bloor St., Oshawa. Thursday, November 21 frm 1 30pm until 9pmn WID)OWS AND WIDOWERS A social club for widows and widowers will hold its next meeting on Sunday, Nov. 17, 7:30 p.m., in the 420 wing, Oshawa airport. There will be dancing, shuffleboard, darts and cards. For more information, cal) 683-2045, 430-0130 or 683-3855. First Oshawa ITC (Inter- national training in Communica- tion) Club will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 6 p.m., at the Hong oycng ouse, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Theme is 'Communi- cation is the Key? Cost of dinner is $14. All invited. For more information, cal) 571-1386, 725- 9375 or 668-5504. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING WN COMMIUNICATION The First Oshawa Club ITC will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 6 p.m. at Hong. Kong House, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Cost of dinner is $14. The theme will be 'Motions in Motion.! For more information, cal) Pat at 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. INJURED WORKERS Anyone who has had problems with the Workmens Compensa- tion Board is invited to attend an organizationa meeting of the Durhamn Region Union of Injured Workers, on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m. at the Italian Club, 245 Simcoe §t. S., Oshawa, Osh- awa. For more information cal Glene Cilligan at 571-1667. ST. JOHN TE EVANGELIST CHUBCH CELEBRATION St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby will celebrate its 15Oth anniversary of the Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Three liturgical celebrations entitled Renew, Reconcile and Celebrate will be held on Nov. 12, 13 and 14 at 7:30 ip.m. A small reception will folow each evening at the parish centre. For further information, contact St. John's at 668-3676. DURHAM PC USERS CLUB The next meeting of the Durham PC Users Club will be held on Thursday, Nov. 14, 7 pm., at the Michael Starr building, King. St. W. at Centre St., Oshawa. Demos are. often given, and aIl are welcome. For information, caîl Bernie at 416-655-4156. DOWN SYNDROME The Durham Down Syndrome Association will meet on Tues- day, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.xn., at WhithjBa ti t Church, 411 Gil- bert it. E pÉic wil) be 'Estate Planning,' presented by Canada Life. For more information cal) 668-9510. COLOURS St. John Ambulance is offering a new course 'Colours,' ta train preschool children in the akilîs needed to recogni*ze an emer- gency situation, and how and when to dia) 911. Cost is $5i. Thebre is also a course, 'We Can Help,' for those aged 8 ta 14. Cal) 668-9006 or 668-4159. KIDNEY FOUNDATION The Kidney Foundation, Whitby Unit, will hold an ifr mation night for ail interested citizens at Leslie MeFarlane pub- lic school, 300 Garden St., WVhitby on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7:30 pm. For more information cal) 668-5330. CAPIC DUBHAÉM CHAFrER CAPIC Durham Chapter will hold a dinner meeting on Thursday, Nov. 21 at Earl of Durham, 227 Brock. St. S., Whitby. Benjamin M. Schluselp CPIM of BMS Associates will speak on 'Bill)-of Materials - The, Riight Way.' There will be a cash' bar from 6 ta 7 p.m., dinner wilj be served at 7 p.m. and there will be a presenttinrm 8 te 9 p.m. The coot (including GSI')S is $27. For details, cal) Chander Nathani 686-2425. To register, cal) (416) 576-0210, ext. 479. NOVEMBER 18 DIABETES MONTE Acres Canada, November bas been designatel Diabetes Month, and Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) volunteer canvassers will be knocking on your, door asking for a contribution.. Your contribution will work to support research, education, service and advocacy programe. Your donation is tax deductible and aIl CDA canvassers- will carry identifi- cation and offilcial receipts. CDA thank you ;for your continued support. ENTERTAINING MADE EASY FOR CHRISTMAS The YMCA still bas space n their adult Appetizers Il* program, 'Entertaining for Christmas made easy,' on Thursday, Nov. 14 at Anderson Collegiate. Learn to make King Edward seafood pate, roasted red peprad cheese bites, brie and cranber a and more.Fo inomain0n registration, cal 668-6868 or 683-4093. COPE SESSIONS 'World.ng Together,' a six-week session called 'Awareness Group for Education and Coping with Mental Disorders,' will hold its fifth session on Thursday, Nov. 14, 7 to 9 p.m., at 400 Centre St. S., Whitby. Stephanie Ball of Durham Community Legal Clinie will speak on 'Legal Issues -- Disability PensionaiWalfare/ W ills.' Ed Harrington, patient advocate at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will also speak To join. us for these free sessions, cali Sharon 'Cochrane of Oshawa/ Whitby COPE st 434-1693. 1: Bar47. and~ Eraftshow1TT CRAFT SHOW Ksinette Club of Whitby will hold a craft show Sunday, Nov. 24, 10 amx. ta 4:30 p.m. at Heydenshore Pavilion, Water St., Port Whitby. Admission $1 and children under 12 are free. Handmade toys, jewelry, hand decorated clothing, folk art, crafts. Free parking. Net proceeds go ta charity. BAZAAR There will be unique crafts, folk art, knitting, baking, homemade candy, preserves and much more at the AIl Saints Village Bazaar. 301 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m. ta, 3 p.m. There will be a silent auction, a tea roomn and a hearty lunch will be available. Admission is free. For more information cal) Jaclde 668-0467. SNOWFLAKEBAZAAR The annual Snowfiake bazaar and tea will be held at St. John's Anglican Church, Brock St. S. and Victoria St. E., on Saturday, Nov. 23, il a.m. to, 3 p.m. Tlhere will be a bake table, white ele- phant, tea table, needlework, crafts, new and used books. Fer more information cal) Betty at 668-4535. 3RD A.NNUAL CHRTSTMAS CRAFT SHOW A Christmas craft show wifl be held at the Metro East Trade Centre, Brock Rd. N., Pickering (between Hwy. 401 and HWY. 2), on Friday, Nov. 29 (3 ta, 9 p.m.), Saturday, Nov. 30 (9:30 a.m. ta 9 p.m.) and Sunday, Dec. 1 (9:30 a.m. t 6 p.m.). The show will feature craftsand gifts presented by craftspersons from thoughout the province. Polka Dot Door iàve with Polkaroo, and friends will be live on stage on Nov. 29 at 3:30 pat. 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p. Patasma magic show wZilbe held on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 st 2 p.m. A Cullen Garden Christmas 21vi en planned. There alsobedaïly door prizes. For. moeiformation, al)668-8838 CHISTlMAS MAGIC BAZAAR St. John the Evangelist Catholic Women's League wil) hold a 'Christmas Magic' parish bazaar on Sa ýturday, Nov. 23, 10 a.în. ta 4 p.m. at St. John's annex gym, Giffard St., Whitby. There will be knitting, children's attire, white elephant, book nook, bake tables and much more. Net proceeds will go to charity. C RAPTr FAI The Durham Region Parents of Multiple Birth Association will hold a crafts/ small business fair on Saturday, Nov. 23, 9:30 a.m. ta 12:30 p.m. at Centennial United Church, Rosehil) Blvd., Oshawa. There will be clothing, books, tays, crafts, baked goods. BAZAAR The Westminster United Church bazaar wil) be officially ppened at l a.m. on Noif. 23-by Re.Carles Swan (intemna nlr.Te church is at 25 Man- ning Rd., between Garrard and Thickson roads. Lunch will be availabel in the tea room until 1 p.m. Tlhere will be novelties, home bknsewing, cny plnsad wte elephants. Any contributions te booth apprecia- ted. All welcome. NOVEMBERFEST Brooklin United Church women will hold a Novemberfest on Saturday, Nov. 23, il a.m. ta 2 p.m. There will be crafts, swgknitting. a bake table, Chitas 'puddings and other goodies. For table rentals, cal) Evelyn Dennis at 655-3467. BAZAAR Country Christmas Bazaar, presented by Holy Faniily Parish, will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16,' 10 am. ta 2 p.m. in the church hall, 91 Ribblesdale Ave., Whitby. Features include handicrafts and Christmas things, home baking, knitting and Swing, candy, preserves, planta, nickel sale, fiah pond, country-, store,- religious articles'and - a 'biennboiî. There will also' bemelsand~ Eci al d dI ---- -B-- GIANT SML *antsale of crafts, colletibL,%antiques and mor will be presented by United Way of Oshawa-Whitly-Newcaste. Saturday, Nov. 30, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. at Camp Samac, north entrante. Free admission and parking. For more information cal) 436-7377. UCW BAZAARl The Westminster United Church Women bazaar will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23, il a.m. te 3 p.m., at the church, 25 Manning Rd. (between Thickson and Garrard roads). There will be novelties, sewing, candy, home bakin,. white elephant, knitig ndplanta. Lunch is available until 1 p.m. in the tea room. AI) welcome. CBAFT, BAKE SALE A craft and bake sale wil be held or the Brooklin Da Nur- sery, 14 Church St., Broklnon Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free, lunch is available. ANNUAL RAZAAR The Regency Tenants' Association, 225 ickory St. will hold its annual bazaar and bake sale on Sunday, Nov. 17, 1:30 p.m. ta closing. Free tea and coffe wil)) be served, and ail are welcome. CRAF? SHOW Col. J.E. Farewell public school, 810 McQ.uay Blvdf., wil) hold their eighth annual craft show on Sunday, Nov. 24, 10 a.m.,ta 4 p.m. There wi)l be 46 tables. No admission. Proceeds go taward school equipment. BROOKLIN COMMKUNITY CBAYfTSHOW A craft show will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16 and Sunday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., at the Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Rd. E. Admission is $1, and proceeds wl)) go ta the CHUM/CITY Christmas' Wiah.- There will be u variety of, ýcrafts an& btnnegoitsivxlb' Ail -etN' wekholntu'..* every day of 1992 for the amnount - i calendar. Il proceeds for the Whitby and Oshawa hospitals building f unds Calendars are available from any Rotary Sunrise member or from Picture This and That, Donald Travel, NRS Realty One, National Trust (Dundas St. W.). & Nurse Chev Olds N OWmor. chiances tei in the Whitby Free Press* each week from now tii Christmas, we wil draw 8 numbers from those that have already been sold. The numbers wiIl be published exclusively in the Whitby Free Press. If your number is drawn, you can pick Ulp an additional calendar loea from the Whitby Free Press office at 131 Brock St. N. Double your chancesoftwlnnlng In 1992! The earller you buy your CA$H CALENDAR,, the better your chances to wln another. Any such calendars must b. claimed wlthin 10 days ater the numbers are published or they wiII b. returned to the prize pool and drawn for again HeIp Rotary hoUp our hospitals Buy your calendar today Thiswee's ErlyBidNu esae cailithé Fr". PressatO6611 o isrcUno hW topickn .... . .tra.c. . . .~

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