Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1991, p. 41

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-7 ,7-r7 ,7 r i Monday oFrda Pre9ssOarn to '50 m* a 6809 Office Hours: WhldaytbyFree res * 68094 Fa 6809 ....T.....C.I............T.O. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY NOV. 8 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILEà EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Rot inished oak sideboard w/mirror, Wilis & Ca. upright. piano, round pedestal table, piano bench, wing-back chesterfield & chair, rot inished- sideboard, modern loveseat, 2-dr. dining table & 4 chairs, m;odern hutch, washstand, Sty. metal office desks, modemn reo*rs & chests of drawers, cracks, ca-ail lamps, microwave. aven, 4-drawer metal f iling cabi- net, dining table& 5 chairs, occa- sional chairs, 1OKT od nugget-style pendant, crossbow, ilD832 sowbower, 340 Ski Dao, box traiter, 1(2-ton truck cap, 1984 Fiera, Case Mabdel S tractor, qty. new brass lamps, china, glass& collectible items. DON & GRE-G CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAY - NOV. 10 -1 P.M. PREVIEW NOON AT KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS, 133 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY PARTIAL LIST ONLY Antiques, reproductions, etc. for Colleen Byems & others, including Gibbard walnut dining oom ste., jam cupboard, bonnet chest, jelly cupboard, loveseat, wing-back chairs, oak round table & 6 chairs, pine bookcase, pine raised-panel ,wamdrobe, 3 pc. 1930s Flopper sofa set, gingembread sheif crdck, oak sideboard, 6 ft. pine harvest table & 6 hoopback chars, piano stool, china cabinet, recliner chair, Oriental carpets, oak bow-glass china cabinet, pine coffee table, pine blanket box, antique dressers, bed room ste., press-back rocking chairs, decoys, countmy beds, stools, benches, open washstand, waînut dining table & chairs, shaving stand, pine t lat-back cupboard, press-back chairs, glassware, china, prints, pictures, carpet steamer, parlour & acca- sional tables, weather vanie, cast decorator pcs., brass pcs., plates, country stuff plus much more. Terms: cash, chque fisa, M/C 3e'o). Delivery availalbe Snack bar. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 1-519-345-2082 1-519-345-2426 Save money. Buy at auction. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE SAT NOV. 8 AT 1 P.M. AUCTIÃ" SALE 0F HOME& PROPERTY FOR PAULA & DAVID TOMLINSON, 3548 MIDDLE RD, BOWMANVILLE To include approx. 3 y r. aid Engîish Tudor design 4,000 sq. ft. home with 6 bedrooms, .5 bath- rooma, 3 tireplaces, torced air electria heat, centrai air, open concept foyer highlighted wth oak staircase & irailingsl ulîy carpeted, buift with ail mdern specificatians & & convenienc & sohool bus at the door. AIl this an 10.87 acres of development-potential land & the bost part Is that i's directly across the road tram Bowmanvmlle Golff and Country Club. Terms of sale are $10,000 depasit by certiied choque on sale day, baance at coig30 day s. Viewing will be FdaNov. 1 tram 1-4 p.m..& 7-9 p.m. only. Theme will be no viewing on sale day. Praperty ta bu sold ta a very realistic reserve bld, tam below current appraised value. Other viewing can txi arranged by appaintment anly. For mare information cail 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed &sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NOV. 8 AT il A.M. RESTAUJRALNT EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, TANDEM ITRA ILER & MORE. BY ORDER 0F DURHAM BA ILIFF SERVICES WE ARE SELLING THE COMPLETE CONTENTS 0F THE PLOUGH AND H-ARROW RESTAURANT, SUNDERLAND AT THE HERDER INDUSTRIAL CONDOS, OLD PORT RD., PORT PERRY. <FolIow 401 east ta #12 north ai Manchester ta Reach Rd. 8, turn riglit ta Old Part Rd. & tollow signis) To include 18' tandem tîat-bed trailer, Foster 3-dr. stainîoss t ridge, 3 freezers, 2-compaitment sink, Garland & Moffatt gas deep tryer s, Garland gas 8-burner & grill stove, Vulcan gas grill, Tth ill- dish- washer, cash register, Mulco line-cooler, compressar, draft taps, hases, pumps, iq uor dispenser, 2 micrawave ovens, Bunin cofee machine, menu boards, patio tables & chairs, lg. qty. ai dishes, silverwame, stainless bowls, serving trays, bar stools, antique sorver, saws, plough, harmaws & many more relatd items. lTerms are cash or approved choque anly. For more information, caîl 1-416- 263-4252. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT. NOV. 9- 630 P.M. EVERY bAT. NIGHT - 6:30 P.M., PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 Ml. N.E. 0F OSHAWA This week we have ta be sold several hauseholds tram local storage company ta include colour TV, chesterfields, dining room stes., pool table, tables & chairs, wood off ice desk, dishes, glass & china, limited editian prints & lots mare items. Lg. sale. Viewing fom 5 p.m. Terms: cash, choque or Visa. For mare ia, cal 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed& sold by: CARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS BANKRUPT SALE 870 TAUNTON RD.* E, WHITBY THURS FRI, àSAT., l0 AîjI. - 6 P.M. 50% off. Wamen's & kids' clothing, shoos, nylons, etc. $50,000 wrt h. Also brand new name-bmand matt rosses & box springs. queen, doub>le, singles. Enveopos, paper towels $15/case. Toîlet papor $10/case. Desks, sofas, many other items. 3 days onlyl McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 576-7550 OR 686-3291 AUCTION SALE *KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every Wednesday at 620 p.m. Lacated on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles nioth ai Hwy.401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection ai antiquès, tine fumniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participato in one ai Ontario's 'true' auctians with no buy-backs or eservos. InCansign- ment and est ate selling aur speciafty.w Cal us f oday. Peviews tram 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES .(416).6 83-0041 REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., NOV. 16-4 1030 A.M. SELLING BY PUBLIC AUCTION FlOUSE & CONTENTS, THE ESTATE 0F THE LATE EVELYN LYNDE, 9060 ASHBURN RD. JUST NORTH 0F THE 4 CORNERS IN THÉ VILLAGE 0F ASHBURN & mi. West ot Hwy. 12 at uth Myrtîe) Real estate selîs at 1 o'clock. 3 B/R vinyl ctad home w/attached garage, W/O basement ta lg. backyard. Lot approx. 132' x 518'. A stream tlows acrôss the back af the lot w/mature trees & shmubs. View property earîy - Sat., Nov. 9 &Sun., Nov. 10 tram 1 ta 4 p.m. Terms: $5,000 down day of salé, bal. in 30 days or Iess. Flouse selîs subject ta a very reasonable reserve bid. Full lins ot household items includling furniture, antiques, dishes & gardon toals. Sale managed &sold by: AUDTIONEERS DON & PHIL COCHRANE 985-2788 AUCTION SALE SAT NOV. 9 AT 10:-30 LEN<ONVILLE COMMUN CENTRE ON McCOWAh THE ESTATE 0F E. RA Antiques, collectibles, gîasswame. Terms: cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIOI 640-3079 Tiinkets reasuresn e ý-Special Christinas discount salet November 9 and 10 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hwy. #7, lhaif way betwcen Brougham and Brooklin 655-4267 STARDUST STABLE, Coîborne Monthly horse & tack auction November 10, 1 p.m. December 8, 1 p.m. Now taking bookings for Jim Muir Clinic, Nov. 23. $45 per horse. For inormation or boakings, catI 416-355-2994. .BANKRUPTCY SALE THURS NOV 7 - SAT NOV. 9 ASTIII GARDEN CEITRE 800 TAUNTON RD. (AT THORNTON), OSH-AWA 75% off yellow ticket price. Al hanging plants, tertilizer, potting soli, plant food, gardening accessomies, fr005, shrubs & many other lawn & gardon came products. McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS rSHOP IN THE CLASSUFIEDS! You'Il save lime and money i you shop theg ads in the classified section firstl 'Is fthe placeI to find t he bg bargains you're lookîng for. -,WHITBY F PR EI NESDAy, NOVEMBER 6, 1991, PAGE 41 'No sïgns' should be an election trend To thne Editon Congratulations ta Tom Edwards f or bis decision not ta use electLon aignas during bis bid to ecmtr,,maàiof Whithy. One only bas ta, look ai; the mess on aur street corners ta realize that, although Tom undorstands the 'tradition' of 'signs boing part of an election, it did not prevent him fiom exploring a new trend that sbould* ho practised .by ail in future elections. I holievo wo Byve in a society with a very. well educated and informed electorate who are quite capable of assesing candidates on individual qualifications, leadersbip -abilities, years of experience ... not by the colour, size or quantity of these signe. One candidate defends her use of signas by stating, "the sigrns are the only means for new pole ta, recogmnze your name," and tbis logic seems to bave become the status quo for ail others. It's interesting ta, note that some candidates, Who are using signe ta promote themaolves during ther wncampain are in favrof bn o te use of the portable electric signa which business and mndustry use- to promoto new products or services. Candidates with a true comjitment ta, an issue (whether environmpntal or roadaide appearance i front of businesses) must, lke Edwards, make this a 36îdy-aLearcommitmet, not at teïr- rtion dopeniding if advanced linos of communi- cations, the electorate bas evolved into a bighly informed, citizen who does not require a ign on every corner ta b. acquaited with the candidates -h a best serve the needa of aur community. Lts ail hope that Tords positive example of doing hispart to protect the environment by - leaving aur corners ucutrd sots oh standard for ail future élection&. #Fm Nnic NDP labour reforms FR OM.PAGE 8 plans witb the. result that $20 billion in future investmont, over the next five year, is in jeopardy if the government!s praposed changes are enacted. A.M. Nearly 80 per cent of the IT irma surveyed bolieved that the Y RD.~ ooe changes would seriously %TE iMeaken the ability of their operations ta compote. dishes, '* Furthermore, 70 per cent cf firma surveyed outaide of Ontario idicated they would ho bs ,NEER likely ta inveat in a juriadiction whicb adopta these labour act changes. 'More than 42 of aur inember Scompanies bave cloeed their doors in the past year alone,' said Neil Do Koker, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturera' Association, whose members provide 380,000 direct and indirect jobs ta Ontario workers. 'Why ian't government out there looking for ways to, help us lead the recovery rather than aggravating an already very difficult situation?" David Surplis, presidont of the Counci of Ontaria Construction Associations, said anytbingf that discourages investmnentbrs construction employnwnt. 'Wby would anyone want ta scare off investors -- the. lifeblood of the construction iqdustry -- when housing and construction project starts are >a]ready dangerously low?" Catherine Swift, vice president and chief econoniist of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, said the study is. "nothing short of startling i its prediction of massive job lasses. The (studys) analysis supports related research that we have conducted with aur Ontario members in response ta, a groundswell of concern among small business in the province.. LE1TTER: Whi*tby hospi*tal F ROM PAGE 6 The air conditianing and eating syom is so, eut-dated - it was terrible during aur bat, humid weatber this summnir. What about noxt summor? Please tbink of the patients and staff - nurse, kitchen staff, bouse- keepiffg staff. If thore are no funds for wbat the. patients noed, wbere is the monoy that the people af Durhami Region have doniated? The patio where patients, famuly and friends ait was in terrible condition "hissunmer. No flowers i the_ planters, garbage, broken table and umbrela. If a window is opened for some food fresh. air, and it is seen, no M.ge can it beo pened. If onie patient can have lhiiaher window open, why not the others? WVhy couldn't they ho opened once ia wile ta air the room? This could ho done when the patients are out of thefr rooms. The administration abould spend some time and see wbat is goeng on, especiay for thase wbo cannot express themselves or speak for themselves. Wauldn't thathoea foatheri wbatever? And a thank you ta the nurses who care, and they know who tbey are, and smo ta, the hausekeeping staff. jean ShiH BE. fl, Manifla 'Wart by wart' comparison FROM PAGE 26 deserve and bore I tobave left theni ta the last. Our trustees along with those from the reat cf Durhamn Region are responsible for a budget that is many finies larger than the Town cf Whitby, yet they operate in relative obscurity. Education is the future cf the country and I was pleasantly surprised that, on the wbolIe, the candidates running for the school boards seemed ta have a botter grasp of the relevant issues than candidates running ,for council. Theissues t a, real anid I urge people te read their answers carefully. Taey'Ill ho spending more than Malfof your property tax dollars. We at the Free Press know of no coxnmunity anywhere that bas done sucb an extensive set of questions as we bave publisbed over the st two weeks. We hope that the opportunity to, compare the candidates wart by wart will lead to a more in- formed electorate, a more reapon- sivo- council sud botter governnit. Thée jury, may, now retire ta cosider'their verdict.-

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