Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 52

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SE PRESS, Municipal eIýction '9, OCTOBER, 30, 1991 RALPHJ3LANK: Flydro Je1ec t->ric Commission~ PROMPAGEA19 it botter bw moving into elected office. 2. AMs thora mvlnp 11.1oM b. rmUmiaEt fthe locl lsud Wb" Sulai reduzs thm Iwra. antldjuld frmo OtadHYdnt. Available resoe for capital prqjocta, maintenance sud expanson wiIlb. growlng smaller during the 1990&. There will be little rocm fo rer sund problem muet ho nlippod in the bud. <MNy epr o f14 years at Ontarioydras a power plant operator, ý maintenance planner and detcmlgiat wlll play a major râle in flagging any 'auestionablep propsais thatWhtF Hydro staff may bring fowurd a14 years, i have seen me thinga go right, ýt Ontario Hydro, but I bhave see orne things go not so well- ale); and expenience. fr-om niietakes loften is the best teacher. 3. h SO oemsalm dof a.u.?Wbs a Ye misW associety are rnmngi out msny resources today. Howýeveif society will not go "cold t inp éa lectrical, waste m otwater, etc. brought home toý me v ery clearly GORDON W. MIFFLIN: Hydro P~ROMPAGEA19 with their bis. They ca take the. lead by cnsr in atheir ovoyday operations(building, oqulpmont, etc.). &. Do j. bd IlutmI d wcvlos In Wbi*y let E Su »oal cM l b.?Do yS. tblnkt"t pe« ihtemp&uam. t». frqumi? Yes. Power interruptions are a fact cf life but doser attention muet ho paid te maintenance cf the. system se that avaidable ntruptions do net happen. I do not know what a coenmissioner is paid; payment was net my reason for entering the. race. I would wait until the question was before the Commission before I could make a deciOn. coenmissioner The positon Of is dedication not & lyur viwwhat in the.rois of th. Hydro Cemndsm daa mm .peclcsfy jOUr rois mua My roll as a commissioner would ho ta acquaint myseif with the operation as a whole, listen te management and make my decisiona baaed on my lcnowledge sud judginent of the people, the requdrements and the facts. %. How y i odifomt ftmn 1h oth candidtw. I was a dedicated employee of Whitby* Hydro for 17' years. I know the people and have a fair knowledge ýcf the. overall operation. I feel that a happy, busy employee is a good productive- employee, se I would work toward that end. DON MacMASTER: H yc FROMPAGEA19 thie cuetomers who use the service sTie epo ewho p 'vde it. interruptions la Whitby are net digh for a utility witii sucii a large ovenhead distribution WJEM , prtiularlyconsiderlng te1l, arrl a Y Power outages are often caused by operation cf protective devices sud therefore are a necessary safety faictor. What ca b addressed i. tii. minimization cf the time it takes te reste power. & Wlmt psy Incisas..would jou ppoasfor hydro cunmimsoueaove theuand thi-y..r The. stlpend paid te comssioners le; small in - comparison ta the time tiiat csu be spent being a good commissioner. The small yearly increase considered by the previeus comm us on modeet. &. in ' wbm e the f odu c Co.unl..fchaaminre mscsy y oommfudousr? The people who can vol Hydre Commission are also the utliWs3 custo commissioner therefore customers' ropreentat must be dedicated te, that the utility is respa thelr needs. As a commii must listen teutiie cu needs, keep an oye on t) sud ensuro that the ea have the. resources te dc required. 7. Boy Eamjeudiffor m thedu thor canddate.? Unfortunately, I do net know all cf the otiier candidates, but I do have thi experience te ho a valued addition te a commission that lacludes Biu Lawler sud Gerry CoL BILL LAWLER:o Hydro FROMPAGEA19 bdntoruptmusams otaoquepnt? Yes, it is good. interruptions are usually1 Power beyond Gerry Cox:s Hydro FROMPAGEA19 7. HEU jau dfoeu~t Em du odur Fer 15 years, 1 have tried te serve wel the. electors cf Whitby. I offer my experience, interest and commitment ta continue ta Dl -AN 1M m j....... ;m.. m tii. control of Whitby Hydre sud are quickly rectified. &. What p"y incrsw .w" ou jupropose for hjdrc cmmfncisomer the. nst tbreo-ycSr I weuld propose that the commissioners receive a percentage increase of the, rais. the. council members receive. In lu our view what ilatdu roi. cf tho Hydro Comminsion aaM m marZpcaUcSDj joua commimoner? f The. roi.e ofttheHydre Commission la ta see that rules sud regulations cf the. Pewer Corporation Act are fhowed. Msfve- £dectictyis a ~iIIU!19301J 7. Boy &m yS &dir.t &mtoua u ~' but'I think aur custeiners shoud candjatue be treated as though it in the I amn the fourth grenerati o f a mont coepeitive 'business la conmmty-minded famiy, sud a by my timo served oS e Durham rgin Wùt Manaemet pulic liai2 the other members cf theW, ty Hydro Commission.tarele M funde .ta pr= otep lic educational mtrilon he subjct I Sxlr tht; te plic will veluntarily begin continue onergy conservation. 4Doyf"iUE isci lte .oev infaWbitI5I Ma fit n wiood b.? De y=o tbink tiu mixoe intsrruptlom amn ti. fraqou? NO. me areas c Ite wn suifer from frequent po,ýver interuptionsu which will damge over a period of time,Ithe homeowners' electrical a~i ances. I uaderstand that the wj~s area ia Whitby for eletrcal interup is letheWost Lynde subiviion This must be explored fiurther and solutions drawn up and implemented in a reasabe amount of time. &. WhMbxr nooe wSW dyS. ppa f« bydro omu mm«« "bmi thrt&ymr I have stated that 1 will freeze my pay as a hydro coembissioner for the entire three-year term. Also, since we a re still feeling the effecta of the recession, I will -return 10 per cent of my pay bock JOHN Me HUGHES: Hydro Electrie FROM PAGE A19 governed only by my conoern te sere the community. clro The Commission: -reviewis, modifies sud approves the annual -utility is capital sud operating budgets su also makes policy decisions throughout the year on proposed Smajor capital or special programs Oroi su ansd activities, sud is responsii le or ii.for long-range Planning cf utility te or he services, giving -due regard te 3 clearly customer needesuad. service, mner A epane sd public health sud, I15 the sft u the environnient; ve sud . sresponsible for -the ensUring setting of rates and charges for )nding ta electricity sud services, key isoner I decisions subject under aStoflIOTS legislation, te Ontario Hydre he future approval; rnployees - is responsibie for approvl 1the job of financing for the utility, including borrowing, if sud when - ust submit debenturing requests te council for approvai, althougii utility debentures do flot reflect in the municipaiity's debt loa&. As ladividuals, commissioners siiould: - ho accessible te and represent the needs of utility customers addressing and responding te, service complaints promptly through the manager; - be aware of legisiation, regulations sud other forces that may affect the operation of the utility; - ho aware of other hydre, electric operations sud related issues, including rate sud environmental hearings; - become familiar with sud partacipate in discussions, senunars, conferences, etc. related te eélectric utility activities outside thei- community sud sponsored by the MEA. 7. Bow yS eudfferet touatduothea I bring energy, enthusiasm, ccxnmitment sud leadership te the roi. cf commissioner. My four-sud-a-ha]f years on Whitby Hydre Elelctric Commission bas provided me su insight ta the roi. sud requirements cf su effective,. 6. lu yoe vmwbut inh aborthe ro I my, oinion the raie cf the Commissin is ta insure that this public utity gives the, best possble serice te the reaidents, b usinesse sud industry within Whitby. The bard part is not ta favouor co group motre than the. others when making th. decfisons that affect everyone The -roi. I mee myself in as a comnmsoner ià ta iaure that t" b appons. 7.Hms a mdIiffu.@ hm the other CMfldat No other candidate bas the mlix c fkll sud exrperience that I ca offe3r, iLe. power pat operator wbich included- workrng outoide la ice strm sud other bad - weather ta keep the olectricity goeng maintenance planner w.hichshwod me how te juggle limited rosoucesasd stIi get ý'the jobÏ& ,on time ; technologist oifering 'techniçql support ta the :plant, oporatcirs, membor cf the LASCO Steel sud * Durham Region Waste Mangemnt public liaion cemittes tbat coenbined teclmical knowledge, with .the, concernet the public . at largo; P cf theo.Corridor Area dThese, skills sud exores dnot givo me the ailit t cme up with the right answers, but give me the bockgrouad ta ask the right questions. Prom there,. workable solutions-,oa be create&L .ROBERT BREWERTON: Hydro FROMPAGEA19 & l a eig oouasvstom n mn fumam t e b Whitby Hydroilte Cnmlsdom do abot ? It ià generally recognlzed that alforms cf power consumption have negative eifects on the environment as well as on individual budgets. I think that further sud continuing omphasis on methods cf getting more effective use of hydro sucii as water reduction shower heada, light bulbeo witii extended life sud lower power utilization, meuûla- tien cf basements, etc., is essential. 4. PO you fedUta11.1 sicleisain m Wbtby inm goal n aM d Do y.. hbink d"t Pfle itrnptoam S fa qmsa By Most service levels presently eisting la Northi America, the service level cf WhitbyHdro is right up there at, the Ze. There are a large number cf power interruptions caused, ne doubt, la sme. part by the large ameunt of. new. construction taing place la the. Town, This prolem sheuld ho looked at ceaa f the 'use of timing devices te cook food where both parents aro worlidng. 5. Wlt ps incaaus oul mom uposfor hydro~ ~ ~~ni cozauoeuoed hrs..yssr p.rlod? I think an example cf restraint should ho set at the top. Tuere should ho ne pay iiqcreases for commissioners ever the next three years I am veiy frm on this.. Witii sevoen candidates9 running for four seats%, it demonstrates te me that at least the present compensation lovoel in adequate. & lanym wkwwint intbhe r* tlü» dr. CooeWmdmmuo u qmdâ5oUy ym rdei»sua Whitby Hyddroi laese that th iaci rosouresf obtained through the. sale of er te the public are spent wisoel'in an environmentally sound way. Hydre siiould aim serve an educationaiý purposen inferming mombers cf thé public cf "aXs ta botter utilise eaergy Thé roi. cf the.comimr in te bring te tthe table a cntutvl critical outlook ta i.p, pmsc tii. fulI-time mangmn cf the. Hydre while mi ailg * pstive approach t suggestons for~ ~ ~ ~~t iroe ntbogitatheir attention by members of the. public sud staff. 7. Blo y jIdlaffmmftm th.-siu cmîdidatw. Whi% yHydre. is 'a large business byitaelf sud linaIs. part cf alarger business because of its relationsbip witii OntàÉro Hydro. A lot cf my experience has been obtained by manag suad serving at the board cf ietr level in- subsidiary companies while being able ta relatete tii. needesud aspirations cf lag parent companies.r Cox WHITBY HYDRO- ELECTRIC COMMISSION' 9 Years Commission Chairman, 15 Years Commission Experience "Director 0f The Municipal Electric Association-Eastern Ontario District"@ Committed To Serve Your Interests 0AUTHORIZED BY THE OFO FOR GERRY COXO

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