Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 49

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?N" rrylvy v -TTrr~v~~r MReflPRSKMiniahia életion U,<*èE~ 1Ptk JOE flUGE"wràLLI: -Separate -School Board PROMPAGEA15 provincal guidelines Mnd contro ovor the curriculum witiiout-flrst analyzing wiat the. critoria may b. and iiow mucii flexibility. i. Nallow.d witiiin it. t. Niaulithm ob. mor emp" son 4bsic MmoulS fe Mub. tanhu t~a .Although it may appear as a. simple i"se at fst blush, sLandard$zation iktstngcould b.adou)ble-edged sword. O.bas to b. careful ok adardization ince it could lead to- a teacher teaching to the!test, i order to meet the standards, thereby missing the. mor important ta= of teaching te, the needs and akill level of the indivi dual. AM Arul'm Ils'W i she t.m f.o% wlmt am they? Wbat W flWoudyuvn&lM aued Every organization, public or otherwise, bas 'fr111.' of onoekind or annother. To What* extent, and te, what degree they need te b. addressed will ho something for me te determin, after I get elected te the board. 6. Am thea" mixe bch yoS belleverecie to. machho littue ahg(Wor mpIe tnaportioopmms)?=à am 7. Do ySu feel that educatioS taiesame Io bihW Ifou, Can you .zggest ways t. central than? Ail lower-tiered structures within the province are being severely impacted by budget eut. and reduced funding. This forces local governments and school boarda te impose on-going tax Ancreases. Tis cycle in a nover endiig ome' because as the demande for more programs, *tasportaton, fewer portables, botter studont/teacher ratio% etc.. '-becoàme more prolific, whule at the same tmeprvncial subsidy la docreadMng the Sily other source -of funding avaflablq -te t$los c bpra odies la the umi- a tai ae bd Dojsh ut achoel boud»u i.Slocikw Bd" sIa tons.ratloo Uma the Thero are, two aides te tuai question. If the. bourdascollected their own taxes thoy coud bonefit from the. intorest collected- on their tai portion. Howover, tUse would alScus a dupliaton. cf effort neceusitating the. cmetioin cf new departments, equipment, stafig and, implementation by both echool boards and the Region. That meana that what, i. presently being effectively don. by one public body (the Town of Whitby), will have te ho duplicated by three other public bodhes. Since ail are flinded by the. samo tax base, the. taxpayer wiil d.finitely ioae in the. process. amS sane..bsf. the public adS usç.mto wImd ymuIn Soh e aadddujifo. uni radaceeits I have always advocated tiie siiarng of programa and faciities hotween thIi. own and the. shool boards. Althougii I holieve that tiiere i. still room for more - co-operation, bothi boards and the. Town are suff'ering from the. same 'growing pains' and excessive demanda on limited and over-taxed resoures. JEANNETTE WINDFELD: eSeparate Sehool, P ROMPAGEA15 on moral values. 4. Uoould fIai'.b. more uriplaulaos 'bmabcr oold thhue bo utndrrdlsed t~aii As stated i' question #2, the. tiiree %s should ho a prime consideration. Standardized testing would insure that al teachers have a curriculum target and- the. quality of education would ho tiie saine for al students -- rich or poor. & Are thora lfrifln he . yutam? If me. vhat amn tiie WIat voeald jou vont lmiate~ffl In the. past, the catholic echool system bas had no 'fr111..' A beautiful envirnmnt is conducive te learning. a. Aret he arisavhlch yen boeve recave ho. mach/ to 1h1.finig (or exemple. tranportatIon, progrmu)? In the. light of my present knowledge I cannot answer a question with respect te too much or too little funding. You eau hoe FRANK CANNATARO:é Separate Sehool FROMPAGEA15 th41?ae«eW teaching alla, and to'ewne how weil tue students are learaing under the. "stem. &. Anethm 4 e a'in the ?Iaohat an >By touriig sciiocla in Whimty, rny, conclusion is that "yes" there are frils in the system. 1W. don't need extravagant ichoolsi the community- go with tue standard plan. Students don't need to have, or care if, floors contain ceramic tules, cement floors wiil do juat fine. &. Ame thera arisa vlh jeu bby. erood'etS mucl/Ioo lt]. 3zning (for axmplo, Irunspotahlon, progams>? 1Iwould have te review the. budget on tuis question. 7., Do ym e t Iaieducation I au tNeh g? Ifs carin yenu aggast wmys t.ontai lth=r? No question thiat education taxtes are too hieh Controlled, by: controfing wages and salaries; recycling pgam;having a plan wvitliiu the n comnt te hild sehools tuat would aiso houa. tiiings such as a libnry or swimming Pools, iu that the community couldtalc. advantage of these facilities al year round; aid tbat schoole siiould ho built with respect te the growtii cf the. ares. 8.Do jeu=o] ftb" cImolbout&abu dcafLac No F4iýt would ho too costly for tue bosrkt coilect taxes aMim Ss bsivoo fIapu!lie aiýd segraf ad"eol aima ini erdor te avM eduplicabmosand i'edac osote No ... but I would ho inclined te mayho share somne services, but notfacilites. 10. What do pyS fhlnket the yeurerund school cone f. t bogin en a imalaseu aa pilot Prudoec b, th. Durbum BDoi i EucatlanhI1992? No ides. More studies should ho done on tliis question. il Wbat 'rIlr prwbluau do ju ace Ia h edacadional qute? Are tlore changes vblch Yeu fi eau b. Mmsoai fIe locall boal boumi 1ud? Well, accouintabiity aid botter communication is needed within tue system. Changes: Tue funding issue, the curriculum aid a botter understanding of tue students' needa witiiin the system. 12. Wbst raspenibMltls. do jeu hala trustes bas t0vardsIninSvidulconstituents mrd f.wuathe poultions a a mia? Do Yeu i t»ina.l nafcen gporbtly for public input? To enable the. constituent. more access te how their tax dollar is spent; te, have taxpayers present at meetings te present their concerns; te, have input from the constituents on any major proect hoing put -forward by the 13. If yen kn.v fIai youi' -n position on a opacifie ilaue.w»va ati s aith tia midcrty cijour constituentsa vhich vq voud yeu vola? Depouda «S wiich issue.. 14L Wbat puy incrScess. vaiyen p0mRopoa for truites. Our ent uoilreyear poroS? .Increase would ho les. tun tue toachers or no increase at ail. M6 HOv am eYeu dfrezt à=. tiaeliai' PlncrfullyReduce.waste witiiin thg L* exponàs wlior.neceuary- assured however that if electedI wiil become more informed. 7. Do you foui that oducatl on fsxesare f.. meal? If s0, cam You .aggest vays t. contrl thom? Students are our future -- what botter investment can b. made. &. Do you ted that achoo bosrdms should collect their ovri achool taxes rather la the munlcipalitlee? No. 9. Are you ln tavour of sharirig of mmre facilitiou andservices betwoen the public anS separate school systema i ordor t. avoid duplication adreduco coati? Yes. 10. What do you thinla of the. yesr-round achool concept, t. begiri on a imais, au a plot project b fia Durham Bourd of Education la 1992 A pilot proj.ect is necessary and the r-esuits publicized before an informed decision can ho made. Il. What other problems do yo&iuo nhiie educational uystem? Are there changes vhlch you fei cari b. made ah thIe ocalchool board level? .A local school board should always ho open te changes -in order te keep paoe. 12. What responslitles do yen ted afbum"eobas towurds Individual consttuents arwS tovards the. population as a vholo? Do yen ted there la sufficlont opportuzlhy for public Input? An open-door policy will ho my creed, since I wil ho representing the taxpayer cf Whithy-Durham Region. Any decisions I make will have a collective effect on the rest of the Region and the school board as a whole. 1I& [f you mev that your ova position on a apecif l Immvas ah ods a ith the. mujoty ai jour ccnstitueits vhlch vayW"oul ovte? Since we live in a democracy I would stand up for what I holieve te ho riglit but would also listen te the other sid.. 14. What psy incraame S ouye propose for truste«s v~rtheinn thtroo-year period? Any increase proposed would b. relative te the times. I& if yr0 Imem lIaI jour ovri position on a specfic ssu ah etodds itI lthe maorty of jour constitants which way veuld you vote? Ail candidates are unique, but as a mothier of ten -eblldren .ducated i the catholic sehoolsa former educator m he i system, and presently an administrative assistant te tthe Bishop for this ares, I am weil aware of the issues affecting ,the .s aete schools I the Durham gàipon. la. WIHIde . m think < ofsheyMr-rnumd mernu ceqi. te. loMfa umaflmenseMa PRlopr4oct by the Dulmod ofuai m hcthriln 199 The. sepatesechool board will ho closly monitoring and evaluating hôth the short- and long-termi effects of tbis pilot pqect. It would ho fritiesa for tii sparate board- te, spend monoy duplicating the efforts of the public board. 11. WbMI other prebkoîisdo yju m 1 nb ed ctmlqet? Aefa' lia bc u From my. own 'perspective, recogmizing that my views are those of an outsider looking i, there ane two major problema facing the school beord One is what appears te hoe a very strained relationship between the hourd and the teachers' federation, and the. second Ja what I view as a wealoening attitude tewards the importance of the values of Catholicity and its place in the sehoal curriculum. lm. Wlm oÉ eiiltlde yS bhaatruste him t.Oi'Inividuai cosutu Md iarduthe. population sa w"ol? Do you fW ithoraJe MMz fflcls potunity f« pubnfl ipt 11 kf 0nev that your ova poition on a qooclic lsw» vseaIodà avlt thfb. onjoity ofyour -censitli svhch way vould you voe? In a democracy, the rights of the. individual muet -always ho weighed against thoeof the. general population. From this perspective, the answer te, the first question would depend on the- circumstances. Obviously, a truste. ie responsible te and accountable te his constituency. Public input should always ho accessible through the. committe., process but unotntely, from experionce I can say that despite efforts te advertise public meetings and information forums, very few people avail themeelves of the opportunity. Thle onus of remaining informed muet rest with-the individuai since it would ho impossible for a trustee te continuously communicate with the electerate. If my- position on a spécifie issue la based on~esoa preference -or peso bis, without ti.' honefit of historical, fact data or information, I would. ho 'uided h y the wishes of the. gujoity on the. otiier hand, I take a position based on researcii and fact-fling,,, and that decision i. for the overail good of the. system, I wilbe negligent iflI chang my position because it would»ho politically viable for me te do. 14. WIat psy Incr WOUM svudyou propos. truteo Wer b.netUmm fIrer oS It i. my understanding that the. overaIl budget for ail 19 trustees including the chairman'a honorarium i. less than $200,000. This sumn reprecents less than .002 per cent of a budget of $130 million. I draw the public'. attention te this fact because wiiatever decisions the majority of the. trustees make, subject te staff and public input wiil nover have an impact on either the overail budget or the. level- of education administered. It would ho wise, howev.r, for the. board te keep a fair rolationaiiip b.tween the. demanda and siils required for the efficient management of sucii a1iefty budget by comparin simiar .requirements n remuneration in the public sector. M5 How are yoSi&fferut ftom the other cmnid.to I trust- that ail candidates running in. ths election have one thing i common -- the desirete serve and 'participate in, the political proceas for the betterment of this conimumity. I' certainly share that feeling and desire, one wiiich I have actively participated i for the. ist 13 years as a member of the, Whitby tewn council. I now look forward te expending tatsame energ and entiiusiasm as a truste. cf the Durham Region Roman* Catiiolic Separate Sehool Board. JOE Eu BUGELLI DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SOHOOL TRUSTEEj* AlJtodzed by4he FO for Jo.&Uge n7u7nÀîr-c7ipat efection

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