Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 38

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PAGE AB, WRITBY FFEBE PRSMcpal election -91 L, ~~~~en r OCOBRr0,191 ____________________ JOHN, DOLSTRA: Centre,, ,ward PR OM PAGE A5 the opportunity eiste for, extensive public inivolvoment. Aýctive ratepayersd groupe, if organized properly, cen ho a'help te the municipal goverrnment process by provinding an exchange of information among members, sud act as a clearing bouse for issue raised by membersansd providng a strong voice i daling with diffrent departmonts. 8.if yen ins thut jour oun :WC! en n a ampecim am .bdas ceucli wu aatia ith fin morlitj o(jeurconllutub icli uaj uw OUdye vtI would bave te, vote with the msgjorty 0f my constituonts if the issue was-justifiable. I arn elected te ropresent the peopleo f the' centre ward, I arn not there for my own personal gain sud glory. If I hasi te go against the wishos of my constituents duo te, legal ressonts, thon I would maie sure that. I céleerly explained te the residents the rossons why I bad te vote againet them. 4. Do jeu thlnk 'Witby% gorernmemitbaa bon teaotiveuinlbhepat? If Mi viatchangea would yen mak e Do yenfaitint maltera comlng ber»re counci slbe b glomoe publiclty te lin cooemuntj as a ubai? WenId yen &&atcae tint agenda.reportasudW background information be ME&. avallblie te luteated citisona a minimum ofr afeu deysabefor.tfin metingaat ubicli they acebin iuaaad I feel that there is room for improvement. I porsonally hve not had a problem with obteng information from the Town, but I have spoken te a number 0f centre mwrd residonts who feel that Whitby'a government bas been to secretive. It would ho a tremendous asset if the Town staff could accommadate agendas, reports sud background information te interestedcitizons a few day. hofor the meetings. It would give the residents the opportunity te carefully consider the pros sud cana of each issue instead of having te, hastily read the material at the meetings. 5.Are yeunrtlfed ulti the'pao adtpeo! devlepm ent lu Whtby? Are you mtiuled ta tla won ccnorlflWbat prolema have yeunomaenor do ye oies? I am not opposed toprogresa but I feel that Whitby i. devloping to quickly sud the services such as ïchool, fire poetion, police protection, rods and sewers sud recreational facilities are not kee* g up. I ama not satisfied wit the way development is controlled; more consideration muet ho given te the ebove-mentioned services. The probleme, I foresee are traffic congestion, lack of playing fields for outdoor sports, lack of indoor recreation time, fire and police protection, overcrowding of achools, poor sewer sud water services sud problems with waste management, just te, name a fow. 5.NuMBi Cnetin Ur bock yard) ha. become a common problem i municipal politîca. What uould jeu do te prent il or avakdili? Not in my back yard -- nobody wsuts their area te change, but we do have an Once a devloper bas submitted plans for a pioce of prcperty, they muet see "i plan thrugh instead of applying fora chanue. 7. Where de yen feal the.balance sabouldxat between the. private property rlgite of Individuels, and the collective rlghta of a comnmunity or nelgbubood? Do you fel the. municipal govenment .hould devolop mechanismnato enforco tigiter property standardd The balance between individuel propety owners'rights and the community's rights deponds on- the area being cansiderod. If the area is well establshed, then what the individuel property owner wishes should blond inte the charactor of the area sud.not detract from it. Once a precedent is set, then it opena the door for more change and soon the entire charactor 0f the area islaest. This cen have a dramatic impact especially in heri tege areas. Iado feel that. the muniipa gavernment should develop mechanisme te enforce tighter property standards. It only takes one run-down home on a street te romn the eesthotics of a streetecape. B. Do jou ted ithat demgo controla muid b. lmpe.nuited iluMmre Ca ense haï linew coa wcionwthin .xlatlng developed area conforme te miaing buildinga or de you feel tint contrela pi eaentyl place under the officiaielanï and socnnby-lawsamareadequate? Yee, in some cases design controls should ho implemented te, ensure new construction conforma toe eisting buildings. Many times, historical buildings are destroyed te make room for modern buildings when maybe these older structrues could have been incorporatod inte the new development. W. could have the dovelopers meot with the local LACAC te, discuses the possibility of saving our older buildings. 9. Do yen fed tintthlinaznbence e(the aid cem mma of(Wbitby la important te the. ommualty s&M if no wbat qed iqi sw oud jeu advoeute te POMMOrveIt?' The ambience 0f the old core area 0f Wbithy is extremoly important because it ls a Whibe' heritage end w. must preserve it. Some 0f the spèciflc stops I would take are no spot zoing,, try 'te dissude ownora and developers from altering or tesring down older buildings, encourage owners te, tae pride in the aIder area i which thoy liv. Iy promoting the histerical aspect. 106 Do yen agree wth a trae contrdl lylaw whlcb weuld protaci trams en prIvaI. as weil am public lsme I egree with a tree control bylaw which would protect trees on private and public lande. Trees help gv cherecter te, a street, helpe the environment and gives the rosadnt a feeling of living in open spaces, as well as adding ta the eesthetics of a community. IL WbaI la jour Vision ot lb. Wbltby wateefont Hou Impotant la public acc.d? My vision 0f the Whitby waefot includes the followlng. open eccoas for the public, improved raSss, water and sewers, new schools, fire hall, romoval 0f the PEI, improved parka along the lakeshore and the dovelopment 0f the McNamara Pbeassees is extremely important. Our waterfront bas the potentiel te ho a beautifuil area for the citizens of Whitby to 1I. Do ene b lmunAra----it .«tint pmoi--t-- aà m.é»mplv If itiior,- wn. chamgm V" ld pu dvecso Int abat a fa& biwa hitab mt à"& buth" titdmdommr cuta ln expoedturescaud b. e ?Du jeu - waam whee revmnuésmlgbt b. lncn.ued? WbaLt lna juir poedtlemonmarktvalue 1 em.iIfeel that we ,are overtaxed but I do not believe that enyone cen honestly promise and deiverWa tex freeze. inflation and higher intereot rates. may miean increased caos- in maintaining existing levels 0f service.' There may be- an increased need for health end welfare services ýwhich would entail an increase. I do believe that taxes cen be kept to, a minimum by having coundcil review eisting services and operations te eeo if they cen ho streemlined, improved or elimi- nated., Sometimos estalihed progremis are continued even though there is no need of them. Unnecossary pores and expenditures need to, b. weeded out. Council muet carefully weigh requeste from groupe esking for special conuideration. Revenues could ho incresed by encoureging industry and business te locate in Whitby; not only would it help oase the tex burden on the public but it could also provide jobs for the residents. I feel that market velue assessment is -not foasible i the centre werd. There are many seniors who live i the older developments 0f the centre werd, and it would ho a finencial burden which could ultimately lead te, these seniors having te soU their homes. 14. In a brouI pwipective how do you vlew th. grbqp crizis .nd wlt speci5c ispe woui yo docate t.umauff it? Are therv a" opedfic lsaderailp lntlatlv.a tit Wblthy could taWn The gerbage crhais in Whitby is not as severe as Torontosà but we muet tae. stops te ensure that we do not end up ile Toronto liy: encoureging manufacturera te supply . their products in bio-degradeblo packages and te use les packaging, encourage residents te recycle and compost their garbage, implement recylcing in high-rises, ask the province for logiélation that would force manufacturera te package their products in bio-degradable packages and educate the public on how the environment will benefit if we al recycle and compost., M15. Sdcuncil be bluet? Ame thevar&a tS ýI do not think that council should ho bigger at the present tikne. However, if developmnent continues at a rapid rate, thon this issue will have te ho looked ai clasely. le. Why do yen resi thnt the.genermi publicila e auti-oiiida? What would yen do as an .lected oomllrwiich migit alleviate that attitude? I feel that the public is 80 anti-politician becauso they are* tfred of being texed, upset over the loss of jobsý, they fool that the gpvrnment is not listening te them and no action is being taken to correct the problems.. To alleviato this attitude, I WMl be willing te listen, examine the budget closely te cut coes rosulting in a minimal tax incroaso, encourage industry inte New swors , and improvéd raads and sidewalke are urgently needed in meny of the older arees of the.centire ward. The unofficial crossing iat the CP tracks* on Centre St. N. muet ho addressod quickly' te prevent, future tregedy. The seniors need a now centre now. Trafflc on Brock St. must ho alleviated. H-istoriai buildings muet- be preserved on their original sites instead. Stop spot zoning. M8 What lu particular dlffrentafasyen fi-cm em pponentd? I have attendod the planning, operation, counicil.end budget meetings as well as the com- inittoe 0f adjustmont meetings over the peut several yeers. I have, had nput into the Officiai Plan'of Whitby; I -have- taken an active, rôle inhepg area residents with spot zom esim . I live in the centre ward and .I cere what happens here. - I*wes runner up in the last lection andl1have loeptup with the issues which, bave ýarisen in the centre ward ovecwr the peut three years I will listen to and hear what the- centre. ward reuidents are saying and I will act on their behaif. Tis bas not been -a lest-minute decision te- run, I made my mnd. up te seek the position of centre ward councillor after the lest élection, and I regstered te rum in Januay f thi yeer. 1 know that I cen do the job. DON MITCHELL: North ward PROM PAGE A4 the contrary. -W. are already awash in govenment regulation sud bureaucracy, sud I do not see the need for eny more. 8.Do yeoel" tint desgn confroa ahould b. mpeien n ome caeate enaure that new construton lhbin exlstlng doveloped ares. conforma te exinlng buldinga or do yen fuel thaI otmsa pr«eatly lu place under the officia plan axa zooing bylausamar adequate? De"st.y is the key factor la residential dovelopmeat. If. densities conformn, an area cen accommadato a largo range of specific design while remaining cohesivo sud attractive. Specific deegn control la better left wlth the individuel ownor or builder. 9. Do yen fed tinI lin amblonce o!flt.ai or. aeu o! Wbtby la Important te lb. communlty smd if ». uhat apec fl tesould jeu advocate te prouerve Il? I arn mare concerned with the. ambience -of the old core of Brooklin. 10. Do yen area ia Ires contrai bylau ublch uuuld pratect tram on privaI. assvelIas I am not aware of a need for it. I ilso disagre. with the assumption underlying this sud other questions, . that over-ncreasing gavermient regulation sud interference la the cure-ail for socioty. Every regulation croates asiditional miopense, su we muet ensuro that government intervention ia clearly necesary before proceeding, and mnuet further ensuro that the régulation specifically asidresses the problom w. seek te cure, sud nothing more. Il. Wbat lu your visio o!e lin btby uaterfront? Hou Important la public scond? W. should work te ensure a long, connected green pae wth a public wabkway abong the waterfront sud harbour. This was a promineat featuro of the Kingston waterfront, sud it was very attractive sud woll used. Il. Anayenin fvor othenplansafor th. Conulu BildigHou eho"ldilb. paid for The recommended develop- ment concept for the Centennial Building shouldhob supportod, as it wiil croate; a useful sud attractive facility for the Town for- years te corne, as well as ensuring the preservation 0f su important piece 0f Town history. I woubd not expct, howover, thiat it woud bhigh onthe listof capital projocts over the noit term. I understand there bas boon sbtnil private fundraising to, date, wbich shoubd ho a'plauded sud oùcourgod. Coupled with av'iabe fudntheToýwn s ud end up with a much improve4l facility at a reasonable coét. à8 Do yen &a us a'a ed r tint greroment la tee ponaivi7Ir dtbi. vin chmue.u OM yen adrcaw ? intehabuaIa=a lame? la vin arms do yS bd tnt daiecn couaila ueaiumm o epai .m».?DO jyS - Ma warubr efflMin " m lb.lom=ui We in la peurpedh. Main ml We ae overtexod sud ~r omar n . too expensive. o.is agrow-- resistenceto tai . mcroae1Vsjl in long cverilUe. Howeveý thee is oems to e hoopposition'. 1and, resistance te almost suy pooei reduction in service.Whewe must alwaya hblo 'lfor Yays, te deliver mumcxpalsrvices more eflcently, there will ebways ho som roduction in services- accompanying ignificant spen-.. digct.This resistance sonde a Mixedmessg te local, council which neesis a cbear mandae te either reduce spending or continue as at. presont. *I woubd prfer a syrstom whore. tho ratepayora have ' a direct say in the ovorall level; of municipal emnding. Councilis job Would thonho eallocate the available funds, rather than dotormine the amount. If the ratepayer vote in favour 0f reduced spndingj thon the profosina tafepIoýedbyx the Town, who know their earea sud thoir people botter thanan councillor, -would be in the bu poiton te determine. how ,te, provide the required service witbin the financial guidelines directed by the ratepayers., I do not support market. value essessment as the sole basis for property taxation. 14. In a breilperapectve budo'yen vleu lb. gpilage m d uhat upocllo ais,. voeu ye advecte te manageIt? AraeIlion aW opoceel The garbage crieis sems te h a political creation. By trying:to please eveyuand failing,-thé peus asmangdte arons sud offend 'almoat everyone, sund bas led te the huge and. pointls expense 0f the proposod trefe station. I woub tinktatbmsic environmental sud economic criteria bhave long identified the logicel site, but the politicab-will te make the decision has 'boon lacking. For that, w. will. ail pay apThe. provinciel intervention amppearate have takon the initiative fom local gvmmn for the tune boing. 1I&,e M mm b.abe uu? Areathb. yars t» No. No. M6 Why do y=bd tht theUmwal publilaM waulltbkh udghtallmevaentattle It is the respoSe te a failure 0f expectations. Government, et ail levels, bas boon guilty of big promisesasd bigger tex biDeo. If sommoe tae. a big chunk 0f your money, sud justffies it by ass--i-- y-u-yo-rneoda will ho mot, sdthey arenet, you are c e iy upeet.avOmmet and sllow lpbetotae.charge 0f 17. Ama 9 aw dliUl1 mehei e No. la. Who& la Paxtlulrar da" tm ' la I woeuld expoct tbat My tranin~ ud eticem nlaw eholdýe Cpfuin Rmai spuects of coundil wu&k Apart from tat it ,ip not zpiypostio to comment oni

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