Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 36

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DAVIDBRENNAN 1. Wbat isa sPoliticien worthWbt psy Inoresa. would yen acivocate for coumMclio vor the nu& thm.. -S ulci mach imnces eb v"tedlu losed doos seasan.? Wouldy psrsnafly remous yourufflftom ach sa oti? Wosald yon rdeansuncreas.whlchb bd hew voLed at mch aeadoOt and by how weU he serves bis consituents. lb. pay increases siioeld'ha at the rate of inftion, and the. outgoing council siiould de cide on the. increments for the. newly elected council. No. No -- because more items on the. agenda may ha introduoed. Yea. 2. What reaponsiltisa do yen fia a councilor bas towsrda Indyldusicontituontsansd t.wsxd th. populationaua s wol.?Do pou "e ithon lu aufficlnt oapportumty for public luput? Do yen foi that active ratepuyora' pp would b. a h.lp or s hindrauceto the municipl gowerument The prme rouisite is ta follow temjority of the costtents opinions. This mnay b. at oddls witii other wards. In 1968, Brooklin was fearful. of joining Whitby and having ta carr a bigh tax burden from growth in Whitby because tiie north ward could always ha outvoted by the south wards. There is inadequate public input 'at prosent.Rapyrs groups could *help i f the. constitents pýt the effort into the. group. Ir yfpo kn.w thi t pur ommpostion on a poci m afimooreomiw»s ut odds wtb the. mujrlty cf pour conouatitu IcW Yewndpu vote? When a councillor's opini»on differs from bis constituentai h. muet bave. meetings ta obtain a common direction with them. Direct opposition ta the constituents is usually rewarded by defoat in the next eleion. 4. Do pou LblnkWhlLbys gvrnmSt haa hem tS. ecreive l in hepasL? If aw whatchaffles would ySu mako?*Do you rosi uaL matterx oaming beoter counclahudWb. givon more publcRyto thelb commumty »a swhoWeW"uldySn sdvcte that agendas% reportsaM'sud bagrudirmation b. made avallable t. intoreated citiýarna s inium of a few dffl before lb. meeings st whlcih .p wore belng dlauaaed? Wihitby's previous councils bave been 'tao secretive. Important issues should ho announced in theo newspaper boforhand, along witii the date it is3 ta b. on council's agenda. Reports and background information will not help interested parties, as the. reports DAVID BRENNAN Age 49, resident burn for 41 years Designer and coi of R2000 homes -~~ that I have meen amre ealy «diiinformation! Why waste money maldng these reports? Maybe the mayor should b. held responsible for informative, reports boing made public. &. Am ympoamtlfld itii the ps sud typaco d.v.logsnon uW~ltyAre yon UMLIodthaï t iLl weIl con troliod? WIIBLproblu hm veyeu m- or do pou frogea In the past, Brooklin bas seen no development. If and when development- does corne ta 5 Broolin, I hope the right councillor is elected ta overse. it don. with high public input. 6. NIUnmBY *I.netlumy bock yard)ba boo omodoanleu iavldîtr11 WbaL Not in my Broolin yard started with the. 'me goneration.' Canada is a great country and governing it requires more public of Ash- 'input. By talking witii thi. m4ority of the. north ward constituents, I atraktor have found there is a high level of agreement on the. important tapics and issues. 7. Wiihedvnfel LUnbbisai...bid miELd betweeu the PRivat. rwdlu fli&vidual sad the . cloctiv e rgt a. Ommunhty or lmgbohoDo You fw el bmunkcipl 'M Mt ioidmavelaOp mcusto Sfc» Thie individuals comprie the neighbourhood, ao their rights should b. respected flrst. NO. B. De ouS "itdezýgu conti. .iiond'b. mpuotdla - - te mnt. Ibt MWc constution wtblnltn g devdeped armas" coiico .nadngbuûifl«s rde pySfiaWlt contrais pruotb u la ce undor Lb. oMW Icipa ud" uoalzgI".asradupitd. I do not agroo that eistingc or future contrle Winl help. lic sentient changes, s laws based on sentiment are of littie.use. 9. DO ySn fiai bgt the. mbluacte Lb.aidco am res WM*ty la Impotant tthe b munlty nad If ». wI.t mqioritfl p.w" ySpuaadrct. to There is very littie ambience in downtown Broolin yot, but with the installation of- sewers an d ubli c n e e t t e e c ud M0 Do yo= mpm. with a tt. ontrai by-lsw whlch wSul protuet tram on privda .-m i-aspublic No - nover. One cannoét eglaelove for trees. Sadly noga lot of our maples are a]ready dying. .Tf people want. to look at moce trees, they sh6uld plant them. SEE PAGE A12 DON MITCHELL i. Wbat lu a poltician worIi? Wbat psy Ior»mw oulu pou adrocate for cMonilrs~ Lb. nu&ithm ye-ursul mM ach imnassb. voted ln cloaed door maodon.? Would ySa poranail ey ers oaftommach sa moo? Woud pourefua. an incrmaa. vblcii bed hem V" e t mach amiedon? There should ha no pay increases for councillors without a general economic recovery. Only when private sector incarnes have increaed significantly in real term, soulaa maryincrease for coundillors ha considered. It lu bard ta foreseo this happening ovor tiie next term. A pay incroase at any time siiould b. voted in open sesson, ha modest 'and net exceed the range given ta municipal omployees, generaly. M2. What roa abilltiesdo yen trni a councllo ha. towarda Indvidusicontituenat mowarda Lb. population as a viiow.?Do pou &daithore la sufficlent ooppotunity for public input? DoepyS f"e liai active rtepayr.' poups wmuid b. a belp or a hlndrance othelb.munici plmvrment A councillor muet ho readily available ta listen ta tiie problems and concerns of constituenta, and wiiere a legitimat grievance eista, ta advocate that grievance ta the hast of bis or her ability on bébalf of the ecosituent. & Irfyou knew thatour owlapomtion on a 'qasc ilmebefmr.council vas nt nids vlth tb. majoity c OEut conatituonta vbch »vaMy ud o My job -as a councillor with respect ta, any issue would ha ta, fully inform myseif on the issue, thoen te vote inieccordanco witii niy bout judgnient. Public inpu&t fromail sources would ha an important factor in forming my opinion, and if I caine ta bolieve that my opinion was very muci i n the minority, that would ha a reason ta reviow the. basis of the opinion.hI the final analysis, however, a counillor is reposil for the. exorcise of bis or iLr bout judgmont, and tbis rsosbility cannot proporly ha aoddby sugesting that whule tiie councillor might pornally think on. cours e btter, 'the majoriW think aotherwise, This would ha an abdication of responsbility. Tii. question itslf- is misleedinîg because there is,i fact, neomebanism by whicii a councillor could truly determipe iiow «tho majority'eols on any issue. Anyone advocating this approacii would, I believe, merely DON MITCELL Age 40, resident of Brook- lin for 26 years Owner of Mfitcheil Broth- ers Building Supplies lbeomo the. puppet of vocal minority groupa, not a representative of the niajority. 4. Do you think whltbyb govoumont baa hem tco ascetive iluhe Lb.pstIf M wM ba banes ouli youmal? D yo fel Iat matera coming befor coucil.huldb.givn mon pubàdcty t. the. COMMUnlty Ma sw.l? Wauld peu aivoat. that agendas, reports anci bachroumd inforustion b. mac. avallable t. Intorelmi cta msmiium of s for cisys houari the meatiag at wblch tbey wce bang dlacused No. Net applicable, moere is sufficient public notice now. Yés. Am Are pu mtaffed vith the. pomace" ypra dovelopu nn htby? Ar. peuamthied tbat IL I. veR cmonlefWbaL prodeus bave peu mm or do ye formas? I would persoeially prefer minimal development around Brooldin. If development must come, tiie residential portion should conform ta thi.eising ciieracter of the village, particularly with respect -ta, densities. Commercial develop- ment siiould ha directed ta the existing downtawn business area. 8. NUMYIma (Èotil my bock yard bas bicore s cammon pmab.mInl municipal politic a. ts vould pou do t. peuen t I or aved IL? Government, at any level, is about making choices -- and every choice, ta some degree, involves a winner and a louer. The 'easy way out for any politicien i. toamueowbicii way the. political wind is blowing; thon switch -course accordingly. This is i rrepnosible. Politicians siiould net ha coeunting hoada wiien makcing decisons, nor ciianging course soimply because there is -a pocket of local oppostion wln*ch' is partirularly vocal. To do dÃ"ý so encourages NIMBYism wbicii, -I believe, is an increasmg problem because of tiie perception that politicians will change course. if the opposition is loud enougii, iiowever amali that opposition niigiit ha. Reasoned argument siiould have more Impact on' decision-makcing than vocal opposition. 7. Wheredo yen fel lthe baleuiiudmaU b.Lweonthopvae proeWtyrighflo ndviduals sam theC colcie gts or a comnunlty or lhurhood? aDo you rsitam.municipal ovrnuent shoudedvelop mechanime sto nfome. Utightr pepert utndards? People siiould ha free ta .use their property for such reasonable uses as they chaose, subj*ect *ta sanie compelling pub lic intereE1ý4q SEE PAGE A6 BRIAN WICK i. Wbt la a poltlclun voruh? What pay irmams muid pou a&iocate for councfilor. oer th. non ttirepestaShmI ulc cbincreusas b. voteci lu losid door aesaonî? Wouldy ou peronaly rsmov.youraeif tm sucb sa.aalon? Would pou rfui. an increaevich had bean volaci et Such a sesson? As a pert.time position, counillorsarepaïd enoughas can ha seeS b te large nunihar off people seekcing positions on the. cauncil. Voting on pay maises siiould ha done in open sessions. Pay increases should ha dealt with at the end of the tbree year termi of office ta allow the. voters a chance ta, scrutinize their representatives for unjustifled increases. If councillors are daing their job properly by attending meetings, reading background niaterial returning phone cails, and iistening ta their contitens' onernu, they are worth every cent. M. Wbat rspn ébàti ouenssacuclr bai tevards ue islcmnatumiland ovrda thé popuitien »as how ?Do pou amithon la mitllMt"oppertunhty for publi npDo ou fie that ative naeaPjoW !toulb. ab.p ors TIh. councillor has to alance his r.posbili t taserve the. boatItet of tii Town and ta, id.nti* and @«rve the needa of the vters who out hlm into office. Most inipdrtant is ta hoe able ta work together as a teani member with the, rest of the. councillors ta, arrive at tii. hast option. Public meetings serve as a very effective tool, bath ta receive input froni the citizens on iiow a, décision will affect theni and also ta provide a valueble opportunity for the councillors tao ducate tiie public on Town policios and why these poicies are in place. An active ratepayers' gfroup would iielp brng ta light issues and concerns oY tho taxpayers which maight otherwise ha overlooked. I would support their input. S. If pou kn.w haipyour owu potiop on s speciffloIssus eforcouncil ivas ésiidavth lbe mmjorty of pour ontituents vhich vsy wmuid pou vote? . Intiie case off a specific issue, it would ha irresponsible ta put your own feelings againat those of your constituents. However, it is important tint decisions are based on the facts. In sanie cases, the. constituents may not ha aware of ail the information neoded ta make a rational decision. mhe real question is, i it in the hast- interest ofte BRIAN WICK Age 29, lifetifte resident Brooklin General manager of Brooklin Bulletin Pub. Co. -constituents that you vote one way or the other? 4. Do pou tink Whiby's governmont ha. bien too aecretlvs lu lb. peut? If so viai change. ould pou make? Doyou rosilbtat matrs coming hofore council ahould he given more publlciy 10 ihe community as awbols? Would pou scivoc atbi aUm"dreprtesud hbackground lnformstion ho - --- aiilie t utereatoid citizenis aminimum of a fswday.hofors Lb. meetnp et whc thq wora hein diacuamic? I cIa not fuel the. municipal governinent bas been too secretive in the. past. AnytimeI have had questions abut matters of interest ta nme, I have been able ta g et the. information I was after. 1 have had trouble obtaining agendas onil due ta the. fact that te clerk's departmen suly rune out beoreîgeIýt tee ut how can the staff anticipate tii. demand for these without creating a lot of waste? I halieve reports and background material should ha available ta the public ta vi.w Of durinq the. week.end hafore a comittee or council meeting. L. Are you mtU*sf-advtbbpuceand type d d uecyet ln Wliby? Are pou mWiseciIbat It la~ ~ wa mi otolcWILpromme s ave ou Mrdpçcfl -for -devlopm.ent is determined by the.econoic deinand for housing, industry and commercial sace. Sorbe of the. building reguations require more expensivo, types of construction than may ho necesaary, iiowever it i. the desire of the town ta niaintain its image as a prestigious coninity ta live in. T1he area I feel needai more considoration is providing for more eniploymnent areas. if the citizens live in the. sanie community as tiiey work i, they will feel they are getting botter value for thoîr tax dollars. 8. NJmYIm (not lu my back ysrd) ha. become a common problam lu municipa politims.What would yoùdo t. pr«entit or avold It? NIMBYisim is an important vent for residents te express their fears and concerns about changes in their. neighbouniiood.- I se. NIMBYism as a mare local form of a ratepayers group that may otiierwise ha overlooked., 7. Where do you 6Wl the balance aheul,"ata beLveen tif rvalaptert=rlghta oindlviduals and lbt ceie rgl faa miyor ndgbibourhood? Do pou Wie the~'pIie aommn t houlcidevelop mscl@dniiaus t. Mefore terporty stadards? 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