Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 35

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wunPn~~iEÈ P M, MnWinaAW etionO'9. OCTOM'R80,19911 AGR A LYNDA BUFFETT: Mayoï* FR OM PAGEAi tihik it would ho Wise te deal with thismatter in tds way ince it is usally a lack 0fifrmto or undderstanding that causestue greatçat probiem. %. 109M de j- iubem bama MWi bu=v n p 'Wai pee ba "IdvIua aniUn mIhti ughore a «mmuliv ew pvtmotouldemmdnl m.v W. have very strict- proporty standards tuat protect ýbotii individuals and negouios from tuoe who cioose not toep up tueir properties. This is one of the. most common complaits I recoive fri= residonts in my ward and, in every casetedat. with one exception, we have hoen able te enforce our bylaws and resoive tues. matters. Iereoaro some areasthbat I wisii w. had tue' rigiit toepeforce stricter 'measures, but this is hoyond the. scope 0f municipal law. LDo e.S el Unidweolgob teaahould bu tmlnnt4l e .imat. OM UnautntW dm viucte" tliniaing dem4dpdma Caorma t. eigutng buildings e« do jyS dUni 'Contni rola ptin pince- un&de CIeD"lplan anài nn bY-Iava ameadeqiMWs ..Design controis are now i place te deal witii building character, brick detailing, signage and streetscape prvmnsI order te rspod te tue need te protect .shlied neigiibour- iioods and the. character 0f tue Town witiiin tii. downtewn cor. area, the. urban design guidelines for the downtown secondary plan we re just pass.d by council. This plan will now provide tiie means te enforce strict design standards within eisting establisiied areas 0f tue downtewn as redevelop- ment takes shape in tii. future. 9. Do yen (d that the ambiance of the old cote ama o(WbibytaIportant ta the community and If Mo vint a=#f tep@ vould you advocata ta parett? The ambience of tiie downtown. core is on. of the most ùnportant issues affecting tiie community,- since our older histeric ciieracter is on. of tiie reasons that many new residents chose Whitby above other cornmunities. Now that tii. final urban design guidelines have been passed by council, tii. next stop is te incorporate heritage districts within tiie downtown area witi tiie guidance and direction of LACAC. Other coenmunities like Vaughan and Markiiam have dealt witii this effectively through this process. W. must b. serious about tii. implementation of this stage if we are te, successfully achieve preservation of our heritage. Once it is lost it cannot b. replaced. 10. Do ySn agru with a Item control by-law vhich vould protect trema on privata au vel as. publcland? This summer we passed a new tree preservation policy te deal witu reconstruction of roads and new services within older areas wiiere establisiied trees .xist. W. very succes3sfudly achieved this on Byron St. witii tue help of tiies. local rosidents and tuir insistance that this matter becom0 anew YTow area will alo o preserved. .5Pubic acceos s i 1s also, guaranted, by eé,ýYBDMMe Commission Report on the waterfront that-liks -the. waterfrot from Bownan#ille te, Burlingten. Whitby demonstratedl leadership years hofore, thie report was prepared in ensuring that public park open space remaîned in tii. own.rsiiip 0f the. Town. I cm enesthis wat.rfront becoming a leisure area. for al of our residents toejy Witii the."SaIlds prqject and Coscan projects, we wiil b. ahi. te, begin redevelopment througii tiies open. space areas witii walkways and bike trails. The harbour area, wiil remain an ideai area te attract more leisurecraft boats and provide a tourist attraction that will bring in new revenue for the. Town, not unlike Kingston, Cobourg and many otiier harbour tewns dotting the. waterfront. W. have now got areal opportunittodo a great deai more witii our hrbur. Il. Are jeu tIvn Mr the bm lanhen CoetuiaIBuildinbwH o bul i t ta sufet? The plans we approved in principie for the. Centenniai Building wili honefit the. Town and provide yet one more teurist attraction for visitors locally and outside 0f the. Region. Since we already pay for maintenance and operation 0f the. buildingtii. new uses establieiied will mean the. opportunity exists te, receive funding fromn botii the federal and provincial government. Thes. funde wouid not otiierwise ho available. W. have alrady raised almoet $1 million of funds from tii. developmnent comrnunity and tuis money, plus additionai, fundraising, will cover the. major coots involved initiaily. Once the. buildig functions are met, furtiier new revenues will ho generated througiitiie use 0f tiie building. Currently we are very Iimited in tiie revenues received from the building in its present "tte. lm. DO you (mml va an overtamd et Uni goverment ia ta. mapenive? If iher. Wh" cagawldyou advecata? VWat about a lux feen itare«a do yen (" Utit aignifcant cuta ina penfitureS could bt a&d? Do you ne "ny arme. hererevSunum mgt b. tnereaaed? What la your Pocitioflen marktat valu amaainnt? SAil Canadians today are overtaxed. This year as budget chairman, several cuts w.ro made te our budget in an effort te reduce tax increases te, local residents. Reponsible manage- ment of taxpayers' money must always ho foremost, even wiien tii. economy is improved, i order te, keep taxes at an acceptable level. I opposed MVA and stiil feel that our present system 0f assessment is aiso inadequate in addressing a fair means of assigning tax on property. Toronto recently reviewed a new tax system referred to, as ' unit assessment.' This method siiouid ho consid.red, since it seema te more adequatély address inequities ithec etsystomn 14. la a a ffeelve MrS thea U gan d»«I d oiwhnt Up ubip Y~eu admut. t. mavagait? tflM hemdnidp luIttUma Uni Wbitb*ciOMM J 'lihngrgecssbas been iihtenedeven more S e cently. by the prqvhice's -nefrne Durham Rogion had .already in ated septo deai with our own garbage and estbibed a method of providing revenue to help pay for future neods, If tii. province cannot provide rad loadership thonthey mustý allow eacii Muniialty and regicm to dealwit "rown probiems witiioout iterference. As po)litician locahly, we anl must lob i.provice on a united front or any intitive we tae wiIl fail on d. ears. That is the. foremost important stop that has to be taken or else we should refuse te acopt the. building of an unnecessary and costly transfer station. Astih. Town level, we can reduce the limit of bags put out on garbage day and encourage more recycling and. composting in every -.residence. M1g5. Uoeumâ b i a g? Am Un ardt& t No. Wards are currently imbalanced by population and siiould ho realigned, but tiiere is no need te increase i number of wards. The siz. of councii today is more thon adequate in addressing the. needs of the. community., Too many representatives would only impede the. procesa. Ir,. Why do ySjeU (elt " Un i pubhltaino antt-p"oltdn? Wint w"liySeudo anmelecta couDCifrWi& uighelt a tin*t attituwe The ?ublc todlay feels frstatd pp irlevels of govýernmoiit. Uvertaxationan inefficient government cause everyone te question the. role of government i providing services. Sinco w. are more accessble and are accuntable for every action at tiie local level, w. are mor efricient .i our day-to-day operation. If I could change anytiiing myself; it would b. te reassign areas of responibiiity and jurisdiction, so as te sort out wiio is responsible for what. Presently, ail three levels are so intertwined in funding,, that the. taxpayer does not know anymore wiio hs the. ultimate responsibility to provide what service. This disentanglement is currently hoing reviewed by the AMO (Assoiation Of Municipalities) and the. provincial goenet witii a view to 9 =emlnn and redefining responsibility, and ultimately, future funding arrangements. 17, Ame thre anm addltlonâdl juna.wlch you fkdl am important? Most issues have been addressed througii this extensive questionaire._______ le. Whdint Partmulr dffaaiootlae n'c.rm As a mayoralty candidate the. most. important characteristic a candidate siiouid posws eissound business experionce. To successfmUly rn an efficient -rermetand ho abi. te have ti.skifls doveloped througii t1is experience wil ensure that wo as a town get our fair share of industrial'd.veiopmnent as more coinpanies look te tewns in the. GTA (Greater Toronto Area) te, relocate. Since this challenge wil mean taking an even more endevouming te bring more jobs te Whbitby, sales experienco is essentiel. My sucess i business hbhon due te, my experience i marketing and2 years as a self-emploIdbuinesn*peon. Th e o~o candidates lack tuis necessary and more important quality..Their political experience is iielpful but cannot guarante. that theTown will borun in a flscally responsiblo manner and' ho ahi. to fulfili oeir needâ i' bnggabout a balance -tai In furth.r 'contrast to this business experionce, I feel that the years of. commitmont to: serving the community - i volunteer efforts,: prier te and. including my time on ýcouncil wili giv....me a baained songe of the' coenmu n . eeds. And finally, ince the job requiros long, d.<licated hours of service to the commuuity, aiong with'energy, drive, onthusiasm and a senso of direction to lead this cornmunty through the ever, chnigbusiness environrmont, MY ago w11 prove to, b. an avantag. Aggressivély dealing with the many challenges wo wili face in tihe years ahead will take true commitmnent - one that %' willing to make today. ".w orking, to wards positive change." v..E.MM......... . ....... ... . F WHO 15 THE ONLY MAYORALTY CANDIDATE TO VOTE IN FAVOUR 0F PUBLIC ACCESS TO TtiE WATERFRONT AS PART? 0F A PROPOSED DEVELOPMIENT IN PORT W1ý=ffY? TOM EDWARDS DECISIVE, INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP FOR THE 90"s Authorizeuifrg .ý)r umEdwù*- rtir, rji F y r jir a -cý» ýt Pr ý 0- 10 -d'gr ý ýý 40 munîcipal efection L-1

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