Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 30

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PAOR s3, WIIBY FREE *PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1991 . . * .. ._...._ __.__.__......._ _ ....-.... . CORPORATION O H 1991 M.UPLELECUNUNS~ ADVANCE POLLS, REGULAR POLLS AND PROXY APPLICATIONS NOTICE te hereby given to the. municipal lectors cf 1the Town of Wh fiti hat whomeas more candidates have been nomrnatsd to oach cf the oIwn offices than th. numbor r.quir.d Io til1 such offices, poil witî bshoeon the dateBand a h i ms and placsstated in 111. notice for th. purpose of electrnng the hoders of such offices: OICES FOR WHICH POLLS -ILL BE HEL> <a) Combined office cf Mayor and RegionalCOcunicilior, on. to be ,t.cted by genoral vote cf th. electrs of 1the Town cf Whilby; (b) Oombinod office cf Regional and Twn Councittor, lhroe te be otectod by gonemil vote cf 1the electrs cf te1 Town cf Whitby; (c) Offic, cf Town Couricillor, North Ward oWnd11 re Io b. etected by ward vote cf 1the North Ward e= otscf1.Tonc Whitby; (dI) Offic, cf Town Counctior, West Ward <Wad 2)cie te b. etected by ward vote cfte West Ward oloclors cf dm.Tomn cf WNtby; <e) Office cf Town Counicilor, Contre Wwid (Wrd 3)ý, o e h lcted by wwrd vote cf h. Centre Wardoecosf1. Town cf Whitby; ()Office cf Town Councittor, East Ward (Ward 4), cone te ha el.cted by ward vote cf th. East Ward eéoleics of the Town of Whitby; <g) Office of Memnber cf 1d. Durham Board of Education, thmee te b. elected by general vote cf 1the public schoot electerai group cf th. Town c flWhy; (h) Office cf Member of the Durham Region Roman Ca1holo Separate Schcol Board. the t e aeclé b>y enerat vote cf the separale school Engtsh.agqe e ýgrcup cf 1h. Town cf Whitby; (i). Membor cf he Durham Region Rofm Caihclc Sprma Schoocî Boardwo Io b.e eled by goneral vole cf1h separale echoci Fmench-Iagae lceatgcpfrorethe combined municipalties cf th iY cf Oishawa. h.Tàocf Whitby and th. Townships cf Brock and Scugog; and. ()Office cf Whitby Hycfro-Eeric Commissioner, four, Ioha ectdby generaivole of 1h.ueclors of 1h.Town of Whitby. ADA PLI Advance pclis wH U h hd on Saturday, November 2 1991 anid Wodnesd, Nov.mbor 6, 1991 at h. Whrtby Municipal Bkp,575- ROSSlanRoad East, Whiby, frcm 10.00arn. te 8:00 p.m., fôr the upofs e c eiving he votes of those eleotors who expect te ha unable'%evot, ai 1h.regularpolils. Regutar pol~mishal eheId throughoutthe Townen Tuesday, Nqvember 12Z 1991, frcm 10:.00 &rn.o 8-.00 p.m. Every oI.tcr w3 rècow. ,a voter notfication card in "h mail Ediing cf the location cf 1de pcig station wheoe h. or sh, is to vote. Shoutd you, mi receive a icard by November 1, pleae calth 1e Cie&ks Office for 1h. locafS of your poltmng station. Electers may vote by prcxy. Forma for tis purpose are avalabeai 1h. Office cf the Town Ci.dc A persan who has beon apcnned as a votingproxy may apply te 1h. Clerk mi thWalri i n430p ti.m1he aflemoion cf November 12Z 1991 Io receive a certificale te vote by proxy for th. polig sbdiviion m which h. porson appoinWhe h votrnn prcxy is .n-",e tevote1. Dated this 23rd dayof October, AD., 1991. DONALD 0. McICAY CLERK & REWRNING OFFICER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHfTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LUN 2M8 - 11101E: (416)66US-MO en nm me u - mu, omnomu, -m no-m ~mia * RECYCLING ' CONSERVES NATURALs as RESOURCES, HELPS IMPROVE THE ;ENVIRONMENT AND l SCREA TES NEW JOBS. LA1MDSCAPING,. LAWIN tenance, pruning, sodding. Fait cloan-ups,1 gerc en renovatiens, rc P anting bulte, f irewood. 0 rse estiimetes (416) E1 Dutehway Landscaping. MUfàHROOM COMPOST - excoliont for *vogebable & flbwor gartens. Also, top soit, lmestono, de $55, delivered. 725-4902. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place te go when youî benk says ONO." Serving Whitby sicos1973. 668-7200. ANU BIS INVESIMENTS. MORTGAGES AND LOANS fcr aziy purpose fîem as low as 8.975%6/. Quick approvals. Att applications ccnsidersd. Raycan Financiai Lid. 436-8.104. I¶ANK'S APPUANCES. New 2dorfriciges $460 & up. New bar fndges $210 & up.,Aise tcw puices nsw freezers, stoves, ran etios en range hoods. Used fridge & e ove sets $375 & up.BoBQ .mrers, rebult timers from $30. ens year guerentos. 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa 728-4043. IPPUANCE REPAIRS te, vashers, drysis, stoves, dsh- m ses Semvinm Durham. W. pay ST on ail repairs. 68-81 Ajax, Pickering, 430-7382 Whikny BANKRUPT SALE THURS., FRIDAY & BAT. S il A.M. TO 5 P.M. ASTIN GARDEN CENTRE 800 TAUNTON RD. W., OSHAWA AT THORNTON 75% OFF YELLOW TICKET - RETAIL PRICE Everyihing ln store must b. sold - com pltt gardon centre. Ovor 1,000 shrubs, trees, evorgreens, al first clas, - otls, o rilizers, chemicals, fountains, ponds, statuary bird baths, Chrîstmas, ornamonts, mraths, etc., lots Of lants, fruit treos, shado tises, etc. ~TE TIME: il a.m. to 5 p.m., 75% ooff rotait prico. MoLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 686-3291 & 432-2836 ON SITE PHONE 576-2239 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F AGNES LOUISE MOORE AIt poisons heving dlaims ainst theo octesof Agnes Louis. Moore, dsceaed, laie of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipelity of Durnarn who died on or about the 2nd day of Juty, 1991, are hersby natifisd te ssnd them te the undersigned, duly verified, on er before th1e 201h day of Novembor, 1991 After such date the assets of the aboe-nemed eoctes wilt b. distributed amen g 1he poisons entitied thereto, naving regard onty te dlaims cf which the oxecutor shaîl then have notice. DATED et Whitby this 2l1st day of October, 1991. SCHILLUNG, EVANS Berristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whltbý, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrices iwicker settee, welnut china cabinet, welnui buffet, antiqus Spletform rocker, uprmight freezer, NOIautomatic washer &dmlryer, dining hxeni, table, wooden rocking Schis wasstsand, pailcur stove, coffos & end tabtes, wodnhgh chair, modern dressera & chests of M main- drawers, omooka, chestertislds, qby. seoding, new brass temps, occasienat planting, chairs, edd wooden kitchen chairs, ,ockeries, 6 prints by Richard Shorty, Shop' Ddd loba. Craft dditpiess, 10HP johnscn 99-3183, outboard motci, B&D 7412 band saw, 3PTH JD 7 ft. scraper blae, *plus a qty. cf china, glass, heuse- hotd & collectibte items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX: 705-786-2183 SATURIDAY'S AUCTION ACTIION BAT., NOV. 2 AT- 630 Pli EVERY SAT. NiGHT AT 6:30 PM PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MI. NE 0F OSHIAWA This wsek we have the balance cf gift shop ta include jeweImy, icture frames, 'umportod boa, coffes, chocolats, gift baskets, Xmas decorablens, china & glass, aise oui usual lins of antique &. modern fumniture, beets, 1977 Chev van, Rtd. edition prints & much more. Ternis are cash, choque or Visa. For m'ore infc,- catI 1-416-263-4252. Sale managod& sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS unicel CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRtIDAY, NOV. 1 AT 6 P.M. 3 MlLEà EAST 0F LITTLE BRtTAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Oak china cabinet curved glass sides, round pedestai dlning table, refiniished open-face washstand, ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insumence because of age, poor driving record or suspension of licence? Perheps w. cen hetp. Phone 666-2090. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE SSAT NOV. a AT 1 P.M. AUCTIÃ"N SALE 0F HOME& PROPERTY FOR PAULA & DAVID TOMLINSON, 3548 MIDDLE FO., BOWMANVILLE To inctude approx. 10 y r. otd Engtish Tudor design 4,Os. ft. home with 6 bodrooms, 5 bath- rooms, 3 f iroplaces, foic0d air electric heat, centrailaropen concept foyer highilihted wih oak staircaso & raitins,9utty carpoted, buili wiih ait moder specificaiions & & convenienc & schoot bus'ai the doci. Ail this on 10,87 acres cf dovelopmsnb-potenbial land & 1the hast part is that it's directly across th1e road from Bowmanvmile Golff and Country Club. Terms of sais are $10,000 deposit b certif led choque on sais day, baance at csig30 day s. Viewing wil ha FiyNov. 1 frcm 1-4 p.m. & 7-9 p.m. only. Thore wiIl b. no viewing on sais day. Pioperty te b. sold 10 a very ,realistmc sorvo bid, far beiow curont appralsed value. Other viewing can bs arianged by appcintment only. For mois information cail 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on'Brook Rd., Pickering,3 miles north cf Hwy., 401 (exilt39) Featuring every Wed. an excellent selectien cf antiques, tins furniture, glass, china, coileclib)les, primitives' and the unusuals. $0 join us.every Wed. and participais in one cf Ontaiio's 'hrue' auctions with ne buy-backs or reservos. wConsign- mont. and - estate selling oui specialty."! Cati us today. .Previews frcm 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUICTION SALE FRIDAY NOV. 8 AT 11 A.M. REsTAIJRANTrEQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, TANDEM FLATBED TRAILER & MORE. BY ORDER 0F DURHAM BAILIFF SERVICES WE ARE SELLING THE COMPLETE CONTENTS 0F THE .PLOUGH AND HARROW RESTAURANT. SUNDERLAND AT THE HERDER INDUSTRIAL CONDOS OLD PORT ROAD, PORT PEW~Y, FOLLOW 401 E. TO #2 ý HOF MANCHESTER TO REACH RD. 8, TURIl RIGHT TO 010 PORT RD. & FOLLOW SIGNS) To Include 18' tandem f latbod traiter, Foster 3-dr. stainloes frldge, 3 freezers, two 2-compartment sinks, -4x8 outdoor sigri, Garland & Moffatgas- deep frysis, Garland gs8-bumrer & grill stove, Vulcan gas grill, Tuthill dlshwashor, cash register, Insta-chilî lins coolsi, Mutco ine-cootercompresser, draft tale, hases, umpe, liquor lor

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