Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 28

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PAGE 28,WHITY FMEEPRESS WENESAY, UOI't3,19 PI I MU ~ ROMSOM HANDYMAN - CLEAN YARDS, basements, cut trees. Something to sili? Please cati 655-3004. *Diywaling (tape & fnlshng) *Roc Rooms-, Basemeonts -*Texture Sprayllg Paiting (exterlnterlr) -Trim Fre. stimats 576-7503 PAINTERS PLUS- Service and qualfty are not an accident. For 10% off and no GST, cai Bill or Geri, 404124. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY - re-uphoistery of antiques. Alilklnds of recoverlng. Vour fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitb. AFFORDABLE, computerized bookkeepi l anid accountin services. Specaiizing in sImal business, personal & business taxes, GST account. Please cati Pat, 433-0034. GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cisans (no chemnicals). Homes and offices. We offer uAther-in-law cleane (ready for inspectioni). Ail employees are poice-securt checked, bonded & insured Member of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). HomiGdoctor "we make house catis" # smatl household repairs e f ail f ix-ups OLD FAMILY -PHOTOS? Need aciditional copies? No negative needed.-Quality copies made of yufavourite pctures. Robert A'ldsworth Photo Wofld, 576-5123. PLUMBER ' 20 YEARS experience. Equipment for compiete drain service. Comptete bathroom renovation- Ail types of repairs-. Competitive rates. Cati Dave, 686-1781. DESIGNICONSTRUCTION- Experiencedff civil engineerca helpc with- al your probtems- Albert, 668-4790. SHAPE IT & DRAPE ITI Huge savings. 60% off ahi Shade-O- Matic blinds. 686-4821. DURHAM'S BEST C. Gibb Construction for ahI your renovation needs. Additions, renovations, french doors, custom trim, wainscotting, rec-roO;ms, etc. 436-9845. COBOURG DUPLEX - nice residential area. Excellent income property. Over $15,000 per year. Lower: 2 bedrooms, living room, f ireplace. large kitchen, sun porch. Upper: separate entrance, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen. $137,000.(416) 286-2477. RENT OR SALE - 2-bedroomn bungalow, 4 appliances. 149 Park Rd ,Oshawa. $825 plus utihiies 985-8329,579-3103. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LWJLUTADSow~~ 701 Brock St. N. 430-0344 HAtIK BROUWERS ROOFING *Re-Roofs - New Roof - Emergency Rep*r Guamanted woernansh p & maleral *Fat, efficient service - Chartered bank inancng 571-2436. or 668-0418 Quaity construclof« o Home and Businss -Bathrooms -Kitchens - Custom trlm - Decks -'Gazebos *Additions, etc. -lnterlocking stone *Aiuminum/Viflyl Siding *Soffit, Fascia, Eavestmýugh Windows, Doors, Renovations "Free Estimates Cali John Van Siageren F9VITr-HENS ITDi DALE G. RUSSELL *l;drwéafnishlg2ao *texture spray-*fancy oeiing ddgns 40, * crown mouidinges W. pe a ict~.hf(h5 1-416-649-1256 The Mutual I~Y .ouP HERB TRAN caîl for quotaUon 725-6564 RRuFs ANUTE SOLD M= TO *g NEW$ UU WE DO 226 BASSEITr BLVD., WHITBV (FALUJNGBROOK) This classic home is truly one of a kindi From ts beautiful decorating toi ts high efficiency fumnace. This home shows with pride. It has four large bedrooms. three bathrooms, kitchen, separate dining room, ivingroom and Main floor tamiiyroom. There are many upgradesl A couple to mention are a beautifut bevelled side window (torch of welcome) and an intercom system. To view this home, please cati for an appointmeflt. 430-0457 large! bedrooms, famiiy room with; fireplace, Roman tub & separate, shower stail, private pool-sizeý backyard with custom dei*, eat-in kitchen, garage wth double paved driveway. WCindow coverinqs included. Otter Creek area in Whitby. 668-0877. SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS eLarge house -3 acres'iStorage for boats & vehicles e"Large dog on property -$300 per month -First& last equie-Calil427-5825. WHITBY CLEAN a-id spaclous tbree beclroom main tioor.[nircludes fridge, stove, carpet, blinds. Walk to ail amenities. No pets 895.00 - 668-5802. PICKERING - 3, BEDROOM home, quiet area. Hardwood floors, ceramic kitchen floor, 4 appli- ances. air. Fenced In yard, car- port. 5-minute walk to GO station. Available Dec. 1. $1,000 plus 2/3 utilities. Cati 420-2967. WHITBY EXECUTIVE Appr ox. 2,600 si. ftL 4 bedroom,3baths, f ireplaces, central alrlvac, ravine lot. $1,500. First & tast. References. Availabie. Dec. t. Gaie Daniels, NAS Realy One Inc. 436-1800. CLASSlF1ED RATES are $6.00 for 20 worde prepahd Or $8.00 blii1ed. Catli now to place your ad. AdverUsin9' Work~j CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITs FAST - rs EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BiLL DOES IT AIL. THINK BIG.- CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. MOBILE HOMES BUSINESS SERVICES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES. VOICE MAILBOXESI Need a local Toronto number lnventory uiquidation Sala, 40 units. New and usad. wilh a 24 hour message service attached? Low AIl sizes and makas Ail pces siasheci. Cati 1-800. monthly rates -fliexible packages. CaJI Fred ai (416) 2637955 Nath Brocit RV, Port Perry. Ont. 630-4 100 or <416) 6311355. FOR SALE CAREÉER TRAINING PARKAS BY POLAR TOGS. tiancicrafteci, tradillanal, IS TRuCKING FOR YOU. LaVa disceus h. woot duf le wth ouler ahell. fox trlm, hand appliquied. troduclng extended programs and Credit Courses. Ottawa Congress Centre, Novamber 14-24 or (613)> Cati William ai 1.800-265-7173. Mauket Training 820-6025. (613) 6920611. Systerna. aller TriCean ' ro.usable laundry iscs elimînale 4 neecifor detergenla, soheners, additives. Produce 1 cean. sofit, non-static cloihes for years wtthout i adding anyllng tai water or fabris. Satisfacion, money back guarantee. Valuabte guit Item. Disîrîbuiors also welcome. PANTEC, R.R. di. Beiwoad, Ontario. NOB IJO. Faxiphione (519) 843- 4600. AMAZING PRODtJCTI its Electranicl Vour dog wili siay an your propouty, writhout belng lied up. Detais: PAO. RR#1I. Bancroft. Ontaro, KOL 1C0. 1800-NO- LEASH. Fax (613) 332-1375.' BARN CLEANER CHAIN Hook,& Eye, Super Tough andi Pintle ftrm $7.99/h1. ComploesCisanors also. Ship anywhere. Husky Farm Equipmsni. Aima. Ontiario, (519) 846-5329. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Lici. Ouality sisal frame buildings ai wood trame prices. large or amal. essy to ereci. coniractlng avaliabis. Cali today 1-800- 561-2200. ROCK BOTTOM Sisal Building prices direct from factory. Fres overfiesc dooi athen purchaslng aur 25x30 for $2800 or.30x4O for $4 643. Other sizas ai simitar asinga. PoneerlEconospàn 1800668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Bacause of a succasattil Plawing Match, the f acîary hemat alocaied us 30 addilionat buildings 10 bo disposedcof. Cai noan for besi setcion. Future Steel 1800668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Sisal Straîtwalt Type.- niai quonsat - 32x48 $5920: 40x64 $5556; 50x96 $15,331; 60x120 $21.270 - non.expattdabta endi(s), ather ies avaitabte - limiieci sisal - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-000-263-8499. HELP WANTED RAWLEIGI-IGOLDEN PRIDE. househaid producta & formulas for healti. Na restrictions, quotas. minimums - youre the bossi Earn good nmoney pari- lime. Cai John Damne. (519) 432-1548. 7-Bami/6- lopm. SALES HELP WANTED MAKE YOUR FORTUNE from people resdling boaks. New Marketing Breaklhrough. $18 billion book business marketing new books. Grounci floor opportunity. Hugo profits. Invesimetit $1120. 1-800- 465-5400. MAKE A FORTUNE making altiers happy. The ultimata fundraislng ot la oeceating hundrecis aI new onnartunitiia wiîh tncredibty HIGH INCOMES. November 9-15. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoot of Aucioneerlng. R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MORTGAGES FAST MORTOAGES Avaitabte for Homneownerai Psy bis. credit cardai Exampie: Borrow $10.000. re-pay $134. monityl No Ousllfying Hasselsl Cati intransicon Finaniclat (416> 650-9455 busy cati 1-800- 265-1429. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unipalci taxes. Crown Land avaitablihty. For Information on bath write: Properlies. Depi. CN. Box 5380. Sm RF Ottawa, K2C COMPUTERS SHAREWARE, SOFTWARE & Hardware for IBM-PC and Compatibles. Ttiousands of tittes. Plione, Fax or write for FREE Cataiog to GD Software, 1330 Home Ave., Thiunder Bay. Ont. P7E 3B7. Phone 807) 475- 9466. Fax (807) 475-8274. BUSINESS FOR SALE AMBULANCE SERVICE FOR SALE ln Saskatchewan. Over 900 ca annually. Municipal coniraci, gov't subsidy, good rates. Base andi residence Include I n sale. Revenue approximaty $500.000 annually. Assois for sale approximately $200000. Sale pricoise $650.000 flrm. Apply for more detaits Io: Nipawin Ambulance Service (1983).,P.0. Box 2350. Ntpawin. Sask. SOS 1 EO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT1ES THE ORIGINALJUICEWORKS"VENOING Machilne. Earn cash profits dsity. vending fruit juices. Otd South, Dew Drop, McCatns. Sunkîsi, LIpions. Invesiments trom $14.995. Info Canadawide 1-800- 465-5006. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baiworrnaln your basement or garage. Odorleas operattin. 10w Invesimelit. Market guaranteedi Frae Information. Earty Bird Ecology. R.R.0l, Snihvilte. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. EARN EASY MONEY - assist us ln adveriising log homes. No selilng involvoci. Information package. Pacifia Western Ctisiam Log Buiidngs, Box 267PR. Atikokan.- Ontario. POT 1 CO. (807) 929-1129. uNLIMITED EARNINGS seiting 10OK jeweiry. Profit now from higli pre-Xmas domaiid. Easy. fun. fuipart. f me. The Gatd isoeoy. 14335-47 Ave.. Edmonton, AR TAW 0lQO IAfl4 i!2550. 9 Roc Rooms - Washrooms 1%.i 1.8@% -- C MPET -i9spops.î.0026-100 *Framing - lnsuiatinig - Drywail C M LT tetyne ai op;.--o-2310. A.1tmus.q. *T-Bar Celling - Trim - Doors 605 Brock St. N. HOME IMPROVEMENT I Vur ad could appear in communlty newspapers in Ontario, or rlghl across Canada, Panig trmDosSERVICES [ r aniflàdividuaprovince. Space ls LImIted, se Cail This Newspaper Todayl Painîng Stom DorsWhitby, Ont. Li N 4J3roc aig n ecig -_ Doug Hart To eah wdeomdce. dvfseihougOtAnhdreioalmlTb(hPaith Keno atu ns 68-16215 VEARS EXPERIENCE BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" Centrl Onarjo Ontaro and Canadien Communify Newspap8rAssOcatiofls .AVUO dVitbAY OfflEst430 -1016.Ai Canada 572 news mnr- $97 for 25 wordsI _____________ fà D) s1.3 Yr .Fer f uriher Information ple aithe Whltby Free Press clasflfeds - 668-594 1 1 rQup 1

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