PAGE 20, WHJiTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1991 Finding good value for your car repa Whether yur rvn a « 73 experts at Ontario's Consumer Motbr Vehicle Repair Act cen ask friends, fail and sedano r leoel van, Ministry say knowing about the heélyogtierzgwrkc-rksteromndaoo andi repaira <ione for a reauonii' pricp. 117o maýce an older car, last thrdugh one more winter youil be speciaily initerested in fling a repair shojp that offers good Yalue for your car-repair dollar. If you don't know much about auto repairs -- most people don't Iknow that there seem te be more computers than moter parts under the hood -- 'you may be fearful of being over-charged by garages. The best precaution is te garage.Unce YUUre UULWUne W11it1 the qualit, of work and the prices youlre - ng, stick with the saine shop4' Special discount offers for seasonal' inspections and maintenance may seem te be a good idea. But the lowest price for a check-up may not be the'best deal in the long run..1 According te provincial law, repairers' labour rates and 'how they calculate them. (on a fiat or an hourly bass) must be posted c &C EXPERIENCE THE ULTIMATE WINTER DRIVING EDGE - ALL-WHEEL DRIVE TE T [> loF A S BibR T-[:»-V MOTOR 1705 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY (HWY. #2 BETWEEN WHITBY & AJAX) ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___SiEPAGE 21 tOther carÈs offer you comparable featurles., Unfortunately,. they're not comparably priced." sATLRN. MOTORCITY ISAT LR N*SABIuZ 1520 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 430-2350 'MSRP foraba Toe49 auh i~9 PD I.IrbtgXv,-1t¶sutdn$ie, licefi d'à ddthxes' ére ad à tional. ir dollar seen Ifyoususectrepairs are neeedit ay akesense te a a bit more for the inspection b ut less for repairs, which are likely te be the more expensive portion of the final bill. Before work is started, the act re:quires the repairer te pro'vide a written estimate on request. It must include the- following: " the naine and aà dress of the custemer and repairer " the make, model, vehicle identification number and licence number of the vehicle " a description of repaira te be made " the parts to be installed, and whether they'll b. neýw, used or reconditioned *the price of parts " the total labour coots, and " the date the estimate is given and date after which it ne longer applies. By law, if a fee in charged for the esiMate, you muet be told in advanc. After the.-garage is authorized te do the work, the final bUl cannot b. more than 10 per cent higher thon the estimate without your agreement.* The. act also provides an automatic 90-day warranty on ail new and reconditioned parts and associated labour. To lielp the non-mechanically minded get started on their car-service prograns, experts at the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations have prepared a Uit of fa maintenance-check'items: i* intion system* -- spark plugs, ignition leads% distributer cap, etc. if