Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 35

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:~. ~fff~ç j«L~~ ~ TST1HW~ ~RtA~* WEMTY FREE PRE8S3. wEDNBM YOCTOBER 23, 19914 PA(m 3s ......... .. EFFICIENT, REUIABLE expert- enced window/office cleaning. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Cali for appointmpent, 430-6-139. Also, generaî repairs. eDeywaiing (tape & fnishlng) *Rec'Roorns - Basements -TextueSpraylng Paiting (x rnW > e Trm Free estimates 576&7503 GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemicals. Homes and offices. We otter néother-in-law dlean" (ready for inspection!). Al employees are pollce-security checked, bonded & insured Member Of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). PAINTERS PLUS - Service and qualtty are. not an accident. For 10% o ff and no GST, cal! Bill or Geri, 404-1224. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY - te-upholstery of antiques. Ail klnds .of rovening. Your fabric or mine. Free estMimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitb. AFFORDABLE, computerized bookkeepina and accounth services. Specializingins business, personal & business taxes, GST ccunt. Please cati Pal, 433-0034. HANK BROUWERS ROOFING *Re-Roofs - New Roof - Emnergency Repairs GuarantodWooiôianship & maleual *Fast, efficient servie *Charteoed bank fInancing 571-2436 or 668-0418 Hanmudoc to r "we make house calis"j è small household repairs é fali fix-ups lk *Painting - Storm Dors Dobug Hart Ken»veauona. 72w5.4718 at CA$H N WDA$H 701 Dundas Street West, Whitby Phone: 666-8711 Fax: 666-8728 ALTYPES'0F CHEQUES CASHED .Coverrnent e Payroll 'Incoie Tax eInsurarice eOther Approved cheques *Approved post-dated cheques! CHEZQUE US OUT! USL CUSTOM CARPENTRY - French doors, bars, rec roomns, trim, etc. Ian, 428-1287. DURHAM'S BEST C. Gibb Construction for ail your renovatian .needs. ,Additions, renovations, trench doors, custom trim, wainscotting, rec-rooms, etc. 436-9845. OLD FAMILY PHOTOS? Need additional copies? INo negative needed. Quahity copies made of your favourite ictures. Robert Aldsworth Photo Crd 576-5123. 701 -Brock St. N. 430-0344 DALE G. RUSSELL e blownibegass'inulaion texture spray-*fàncy oelîing deuigna *crow n muldings 04,u wd- t*h In1972 1-416-649-1256 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 ________Est. 35 Yrs. Driving Lessons $16 per lesson $30 per road test Esqutre Drlving .436-9254 BINGO! You're a wvinner, if you WHITBY- FUNISHED ROOM. WHITIBY CLEAN andMsacous- are a first-time home buyver or F/roomn TV, -fridge, kitchen three bedroom main floor.-rincludes investor in today's market. Hormes privileges. Mature working'person frldge, stove, carpet, blinds. Walk from under $99,000, very creative- or student. $85/week. Cali to aIl amenities. No pets 895.00 - f inancin or low per cent' 666-1618. . 668-5802. assumabe mortgages on many prop!3ries. No down payment, n o 2 BEDROOM HOME with garage problem on certain properties. If FURNISHED ROOM- for rent. ceo ad uhm2 you are content to rent forever or Share bath & kitchen. Close to ali ony 2,acrj -o anduham.850pe do not wish to be financially secure amenities. Cal atter 6 p.m. month, p lus utilities. Pets aibwved. plase do not cali Rick Daniels of 666-3776. 6604.AkfrNr. Re/Max Reflection Reaty Inc., ___________ 660~ s o om 434-5222, Toronto line 427-1177. Your first-time herme buyer and WHITBY - FURNISHED room Inl WHiT-BY - AVAILABLE NîOW. first-time investor specialist. dlean,_ quiet home. Waik toail~ 150 Bassett- 3-4 bedroom,' double COBOURG DUPLEX- nice residential ares. Excellent income property. Over $15,000 per year. Lawer: 2 berooms, living room, fireplace, large kitchen, sun porch. Upper: separate entrance, 3 bedrooms,. living room, kitchen. $137,000. (416) 286-2477. REDUCED $159 900. Three extra large bedrooms, family room wth f ireplace, Roman tub & separate shower iaol, private pool-size' backyard wfth customn deck, eat-in kitchen, garage wit h double paved driveway.- Window coverinqs lncludêd. Otter Creek area in Whitby. 668-0877. jCOMING EVENTS Cali 668-6111 I JOV3SSDN - Aluminum/Vinyl Siding eSoffit, Fascia, Eavestrough *Windows, Doors, Renovations *Free Estimats Cali John Van Slageren 666-8418. After 5P.M. 6"134 The Mutuai Gr HERB TRAN Sai orquotaton 725-6564 COUP GISERCE * IterOckPvnLD Fecn 15VERSEPEIEC --E male. $85 weekly. Flrst & last. 668,1.0 CLEAN,'NQUIET HOME south Ajax. Non-smokers. Laundr facilities available. Close toall amenities. Call & leave message, 686-1570. -------- RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. collect 613-748-785o 2-46 HOUSE, APARTUENT FOR RENT? If you b.d adverilsd hors, i ,aaas 1Me.ySo would b. readlng this now. 6604111 WHITBY - UPPER 4-bedroom, 2-V/2 baths, formai dining, family room wth fireplace. Central air/ vac. $1,200 per month. 430-6789. RENOVATED CENTURY-OLD farm house for rent wlfth pool & pnd oat f Claremont. $1200/month plus tililities. 416649-1692. 7- CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'5 EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALI THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. -- ---$ 1.20--- --- a --- enfej------ixa MOONMSMOTOREMOMESMTROE. invetary UqldaSan ROMSTOHSel,4 nt.Nwaduo.Ai ixeenyLidationeS.al pie 0Is asew aid1-800-263 7955. Narth Brock RV. Port Party. Ont. iFOR SALE 80 BEAUTIFUL GLOSSY COLOUR PAGES, catalogue. Lingerie, covetty Items..For troc mia omailtSESE ta Mret Astodiaea. PO. Bax 252. Grimsby. Ontario, L3R 1IMO. (Catalogue price retundiabie wlth order.> Sl-EEPSKIN PRODUOTS. Australen lippere. car seat cavera, glovee. mill, hais, rugs. Law pricas. croney back guarentce. Credit cerd aidera. Tolires 1-800-667- 2261. Derner enquirles weicome. LINEN HOUSE INO. Goeedawn Duvets tram $89. Cati Suemn Abldgaard for aur WEEKLY SPECIALS. 1-800- 661-3696.24 tir.seorvice. SYMPIIONIA: VOUR OONOERT-HALLI Compact Dlsk <minimum 60 minutes) end MagazIne: live-conceri performances - leeding ArtIst:?Artmu. Rubinstein. Segoviea-1 $117.00/leeuc - $1160.fflyear. Order: 1-800- 663-8346. IF VOUR DOG WONT STAY HOME. We have the answart île Ammzing. Ira Electranlc. fi worksi Octaill: PAO. RRC1. Bancrait. Ontario, KOL 100. 1.800-NO- LEASH. Fax 613> 332-1375. STAINED.GLASS: Bhap by mail. Glosa and Supplice. Great pitres. 184p cataogue, Dopoai retundabie>: The GloaePlace. 50 Sta-Amne. Paiate Claire, Osiebea. NOS 4P8. Or dors cali: 1-800-363-7855. HOMESTEADER CUfDOOR WOOD STOVES beaIue caet grates, pull out eehpan. cast door, tnsulied. metaiclad, large taquInes invited. <204> 325-9072. BARN OLEANER CHAIN Hoak a Eye. Super Tough and Pintie tram $7.99111. Complote lcaners aiea. Ship anywliere. Husky Faim Equipment. Aima. Ontario, (519) 8-46-5329. CHINA NQRITAKE SALEI Terrifia discounts an curront patlornsi Dolivered wel-packed, ineured. For prica litton yaur Noritako patern - Atoxandors, 'The Noritako Experts. Toronto. Totrea 1-800-263-5896. PERSONALS IS BEDWE11ING. Biadder or Boae Contrai a probîam tor yaur chld? WE CAN lIELPI Confidientiai Inormation. Write DRYCOR CANADA, Boxr69505, 109 Thiomas St.. Oaksvlle, L6J 7R4. STEEL BUILDINGS ROCK BOTTOM Steel Building ue direct tram tactory. Freo ovîutiead door when prlrsng aut 25a30 for $2,800 or 30x40 tor $4.643. Other etzee ai elmitar savinge. Poneer/Ecoenoan 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Boceuse ai a euccesstut Piawing Match. tho tectary has mticated us 30 additionat buildings ta bo despased ai. Cati now far boit eloctiaa. Future Steel 1-800-668-8853. quûonst.- 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556;. 50x96 $15.331; 263-8499. STEEL Bi.!ILDING SALE. 2OX30 $2632; 2SX36 $3762; 33X40 $5058; 4OX60 $7071. Price Include Steel Enc*#alls and Al Taxes. Pnd odemi Galli 1.800-668-ý 4338 of (416)842-2100. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types. steoVMood. quansot. ceddlng. Fo r ase velue, action a answers - Waliy 416) 626-1794 aller 6pm, weeisends. Fiee brochure. Clip-save. HELP WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY Oit Burner Technicien. Wage negotiabie. Roamn and board avaitabie iemporaniy. Cal or write Hoat Wave, Box 747. Sioux Loakout. Ont. POV 2TC. Phone 807) -737-1666. PARENTSITEACHERS NEEDED- your valueble exporience. Periguli lime. Wookty Incarne besedi on prosontation ai outtendlng educetionai products ta lnterated parents. London (519> 657-1891. Guelph <519) 822-3337. CAREER TRAINING iS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Lers descuss il. Introducing extended progrems and Credit Courses. Oeil William et l.800-265-7173. MarItal Training Systeme. LEARN AUOTIONEERING et the Soulhweîiem Ontario School ai Auctloneering. Neat ci&&&: November 9-15. Information, contact. Soulhweietetfl Ontario Sctiooi of Auctiononng, R.R.#5. Woodst" . Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MORTGAGES FAST MORTCIAGES Avaiabie toc Homeowcersi Pay bilta, crodit cardel Exempte: Borrow $10.000. re-pay $134. montisiyi No Oueiityng Hesselsi Cali Intrensicon Financlt(416) 650-9455 buey cal 1.800-268-1429. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO tor unpeid taxes. Crown Land avaiiabiity. For information on bath write: Properlies. Dopt. ON. Box 5380. Sin F. Ottawe, K2C SALES HELP WANTED MAKE A FORTUNE maldng othore happy. Thm ultimate lunclraising lbat je croating hundrede of new opportunities wth incrodibly HIGH INCOMES. Ur1gonty nord sales people. 1 -80:263-11900. BUSINESS OPPORTUNîTIES THE OçIGINALJUICEWOR<S' VENDING Machine. Earn cash profite daily. vondàng fruit juicos. OId South,. Dew Drap. McOains, Sunkist. Uptons. Invoelmente irom 1$14,995. mia oaCnadawido 1-800-4655006. BARDAHL LUBRICANTS. Join e winlng îeem. Distributors roquired ln mmny pants ai Ontanio. Trucki & Investinent required. Write Ken lrine., 211 Oucon S. Nowmaitlet, 3V 201. BUSINESS SERVICES STARTINO A BUSINESS? Regier yaur business ln 24 hoursl Name somrched and business regletered the camae day. $25 + $50 goWt tee. Cmii BIZ FACTS (416) 348-8704. Vour ad couîd appear ln communty newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individuai province. Space ls Ltmltod, so Cati This Newspaper Todayi BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wder market, adverfise throughouithe regional memb.rsh*> o01h. Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations Ce6n-tralCOntaria 55 aewspapors - $160 for 25 words - Ait Ontario 171 nowspap.rs - $350jfor725worda Ný- -Ait Canada 572 newsapra - $974 for 25 words For further Information please oel the Whîtby Free Press CîassifIeds - 668-0594 c

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