Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 27

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PRESWEMESAYOC[Ilan lait ,PAU 27 WR Fc __ __ _ JOHN R. HAMILTON:# Public School Board FROM PAGE 26 & gmàlnig ftI.mMent the prodwecs contro - cunicuhiro, what cagswould jon Mo .t. M la what ouf.lml ts 1 would like te ose. the studenttaught a range, of basic subjecta wlnch wzll enable hum to get on., of a variety of different jobs with a littie extra training, rather than allowing the. etudent one specffic *course as that job tlo pik course torepare hem for of te fuureemployers in the school system. This would mean more courses where, senior students go out te the actual work place for a set time and the employer would aIse have more say in wbagt was taught to the student in the school system. 4. Should tiare b. more emphaulm on 'badca? Should du»he e.tandardzed testtng >,Yes.- There should definitely be more emphass on basies. If yQu are net welr é-ducafed in the bascs you have probleme applying the harder work which is based on them. We are in a coenpetitien world-wide witii our labour force and if we are not as well equipped te do simple taks requiring basic arithmeticq reading and writing skidfs we will eventually loe.the- cempetition for jobs. SYes, I feel there should aise b. standardized testing. At least the. last grades of a perseon's education in a school level shoul;d b. subject te, a standard test. This weuld guarante. a cominon level of educati on* regardiless of which echool board the. student was in. When I was in university tii. firat haif of soin. courses was spent getting everybody te tth. same evel. Ase ît would previde a comparison base when students moved up te tth. next level of education (up te high echool for example). &. Am hm frfla n the ygtm? Irf@owhatare they? What wSMl you wmt elmlnate? The main excesa I feel tiiere js, je thie number of general intereet courses suad non-basic courses poided It je thie responsibility of tii. public education. system te previde a good, selid, basic education te enable the. student te get a job or go on te college or university. It ie net the. system's job. te provide sp.cific in certain jobs but' to provide the. education -te enable tii. student witii a minimum of, spci]ied training te de a varietycofjobs Z.A" tiae m a wMhi=onbuliove r"»uietS muchftoo littie .md g (for MaMPlu 1rnsotao, prourm.)? Other thon tiie funding spent on tiie types of courses'mentiened in question 6, -1 feel that tiie limited funds avoulable are well spent. 7. Do you fel that education taxes areto. o h? If mo. cm you sugest waym te control thum? As a taxpayer, 1 would like te pay lesa taxes, but I can't see iiew w. can de the necessary job without them. In this time cf recession, however, we muet look at eacii exp.nditv.re and se. if any excese fat can*be trimmed off of them. .Doynfuel that achoo bourds hould clluci flir oaa inu cici taxces ratiar than doi mnunlclpelitie? Ne. This je only going te duplicate staff and ceet more. 9. Ane you In faveur of haring cf âmno fcMties and .urvlces btwuen the. public am pmdarte eshool mydm. n ordurt t. muid dupumciend individuel inte tlisten te Inn Ieà ouldcne iurn eeremarks, or problema, get the. I wold cnsidr shringamemd. and inform bath services but not giLving th.m te ' swht <.-g the. otiier system.Iblivthr on the motter. I feel tiiere in siiould be. on. public. finded 'sfiiet 1pblc'op .tuntyfw. ochool system in the. province. siint uhlte batuofie, M0 Wlamt do you think of tii.yusr.ioemIuolW the trusteos themeelves by phane coacep, fo bein cm a ea ail Um. as P"ilot s by theflurlm ouM r fducatlnn19WU or mail. I think that this concept has il If lm knewth"t your cîia Postloen .9 pents in its faveur and points M"el»w t0 t mmdrwoyu againet it as does the. semester I arnw"an e ld reresntaiv system.T1e only way te fuIIY and servant of, my consttuent. evaluate it je te tiy it as long as se I would defimitely vote the. way the students?' education is net tii.y wished.' harmed. It should help te reduce 14. What W nemmwold.o propos. for crowding and will use echools for trmemo usooetrepont trfymrpeod the full year. I feel thepay shouldmcrease 11. Wh" tchut problmn do yo' eu nlahe by the. rate of living for the oduca tomtm? Ar. hmr chaqges whlch you previeus y.ar and this policy fel Snl be made ittiiamlOcd ba M hO I meff l? should b. fixed as pormanently as; While we muet work withinf the guidelines laid down by possble.,I arn net doig this for Queen's Park, we can strss he tii. meney adIde hn baksc and tell Queen's Park Of anYone je and it should net b. an our displeasure and ask parents isue. edifentrmt.ohe te aise de se througii their local caniiates MLA. I have trained and workedl as 12. what ruomdblltlu do you îue a trunte.has a univerity trained werker and tciardi Indiidmiccnmttuontem MtOWu& t asashee raemn n popation mi a whole? Do »you fue thne asaAle rdsa n Mufficent ogportumity for public laoput? know what knowledge in required in both systerne -for succeusfl My rouponibility te an completion., TANYA M. KOCH: Public Sehool Board FROM PAGE 26 should net b. meaured in monetary worth. Nonethéles% as taxipayrs we do not have bottomlese poekets and cannot forever bs increasing tii. amount cf taxes we are paying. I believe w, should lobby for increas.d provincial and corport. suport te, iielp stabilize local sciioo taxes. As weil, w. shuld try to decreas capital exponditures wiierever posable and traneer the. money uaved to firet, cever prqgram cas and second, te decrease taxes. Allowing the. municipalities te, colect taxes fur the. shool bourd reduce. chances of confusion du. te two sets of tax pyetn ther. is leu.dplctO f services wh.n only moe system i. resoi ble for ail tai collectho. 9. Ame ym n §mmoret wbmlng nuofucilifas am mvle b"iastfenplie amsqm Wb"d =Umitu la deteo up=c=om redUceMi The. sharing of serices and facilities betw..n the. two sohool systome je aone largestop tewards reducing taxes and jgeneral coit. W. con shar.cuir bout attribute. sud work togetiier te reduce our negative points.' M0 Wbat do ye tlnk ethe .yemS-rosmd mbol concept, f. bsgl a e &îifl cale mm pliet prcdet by tiaDudnmflB" cfEdam l eml 92 Tii. year-round echool system i. on. metiiod of decreaming ov.rcrowdleng- nncuir ahoolsand con b. ô7 great feducational benefit te -the students. I fool, however, that tiiere in a uiniicntamount of confusio rgrlgthi.exact natureand impemetatanof the. modified necol yér. In 1992,the. brd would Mo ate set up a piot Pr im n about t»w ciools Parnte in al chools under canadderatian would b. given the. opportumity te make a decision on acc.pting or rejetng the. program. W. are m a crisis situation in terme cf space sud =reull have anly a few options avialtous. lLWlmfchmer blum do yenm nthefi O*Cuce C =' I t ec a = WMe whlchjM On. of the. largeet problemun the. achool system -ins.the. dependence on the. rvincial gom.rment. As a i afbarI feel w. siiould lobby the. gevenment for greater autonomy. W. require government funding se, we cannot b. complotely isolated sud separated, but we siiould b. able te establisii cur own regional prioiities within nnnistry guidelines. tomei dm utusmmdte a mtgsthia pupltie. -maabwoisDoyenbdfUelmtiar l Every individual lmasthir own opinion sud while for nome their opinions ma diffier fram tiie mgimoityt isstiila valid opinion sud siiould b.iioard. As fruste. I would take a.1 r momments, criticism a nsd complainte seriously sud ensure that wiiere possible the. matter con be resolv.d te tii. persen'. satisfiaction. I would like te, ensure that I arn aware cf public feelings on ail mAjor issues sud that the public is aware of al sides of thieissues. Inmost caseslI would fellow public opinion evon ROBERT McCLEERY: Public Sehool Board FROM PAGE 26 stress entrepreneursiip. Techni- cal, science sud mtemtcal education will b. important for the future. 4. uld tiareb. e .mpbsl on S'baica? aonm thffrbe Mmtndiet~slg Yee. Standardized. testing siiould allow us te, measure our performance at educating stdnts. As a management principle, "yeu cannet manage what you çannot measure." Standardized testîng woufld demonstrat. te parents the. actual quality of education that ie currently being provided. Educational changes should b. based on objective rather thon subjective information. Standardized testlng could provide ti. objective information. &. Are f.frjlef ia ythe i? If mOý abat ar theWbt aoldyenamaeilaaed Education -begins in tiie classoom. I would carefuly examine ail expenditures whicii are net directly related te the classroom. &. Ame timar xema hicliySn belle,. eve fao mucb/tco ltte fundfing <fr cuMapis famnattion PrcgrMMO? Clearly, tiiere is tee litle funding devoted- te new echools. We have far tee many portables in our system. I recogniize, iiowever, that the province je net supporting new echool construc- tion at an acceptable level. 7. Do yenfu fiai uductlontexua are te. ghW Ifsgo. can Yeu mufest amys to coaf roi tiaro? Taxpayera at -ail levels are resisting unreolistic increases ini the, tai urn. I b.liev. that tii. province muet'foilow through on its promise te increase the. level of provincial support for education. S. Do yenbd ti achoi boarda aouil colet tWsr ow mebool taxesratiar than tha rnmncpallfsd No. This would lead te furtiier duplication cf effort sud imcreased Costa. and mevkcesbMmen fia public ad separate scii yminila o«dur te mandduplation ama I support tii. idea in principie altiiougii practical implemen- tation may b. difficult. Areas sucii as technical siiope, computer laoeasd othier expensive facIlties migiit b. shared. 10. Wbat do yen tuai c f tia yer-round ichoo concept, te beduca eaanalmcl mia p[ie prjeuct ly ffia DurbiaiBour t liacation In 1992 The idea appearste have menit. It mnae sens. te use the. sciiool facilities te the greateet extent possible. IL. WIat otia robliis do ye nlfi educa«tia wMmlstu? Are thare chages abcli eu fel Smn b. mod et "fiad a ciaabositiluvuf? The province must b. made te increase the provincial contribution,. te education. Eacii level cf geverument appears to b. 'downloadfing' coatis' tei local level. towmii l rdmadulconmtfluat alearstihe popultion MaaboweDo yfnfui*atiare ta mM&i"ent ucfny forpubleIn lput? A truste. muet balance COMPting interes te tprovide qunyeducaton at a price the. community ie prepared te accept. The. echool board should welceme informed public input. la If yen mua that jOuf eauPosition on a qmullc Imma.wam at eddi wth fiam oority o(your cenittuanta ahlcb amy ould yeS vota I would be. guided by th. informned position cf My constituents. El.cted officials should represent ratiier than rule their constituent.. 14. Wht puy Incrmm woud you propos.for truatus crtheianont fbree.yuarpuried Trustees muet set an example cf restreint in these difficult economic times. Trustees must show leadership in salary restreint. 1l& Eloanmieju diffmureta traelater cmnddatui As a parent, I have experienced firet hand tii. local sciiool syetem as mny, children have poresdfiomelementary te dr seo achools. As a skilled tradesperson, I amn aware of tii. importance of technical sud science education. As a successful small businessman in tiie cornmunity, I have practical mianagemenit"',s"-- - thiit can b. effectively 'utilized- at the. echool board. if it was netxny opinion. I feel that between the three Whitby trustees we could accurat.ly represent tii. public sentiments. As a truste. my responsibility i. te bath individuals and the. public as a wiiole. Although tiiere is the. opportunity for the. public to, attend and speak at board meetings I would like te, improvo public acces. te the. board. 'IL Wbat pIncruMauwouldMe y uSss- fut ~tnUu2 iM nt huusrpr Ioz .I do net feel that tiiere is a need te increase the. renumeration paid te, truste"s. W. cannot set an oxample of cait reduction, or coot effectivenéeas, b~y increasing our pay at tii. expense of tiie taxpayers. M5 n11e8 mre udifferet tram fia OtUM Candiats Weil, as on. of onI two womùen running, I guesa oeuld say Fm really quite different fm seven of the other candidatesi Seriously tiiough, I feel I have a great deal of experience that i. directly applicable to the. poition of trutee. I se. boti youti and adulta who have fallen trig the. ,cracks cf thi.edatc sytmas a welfiure casewrk.r, wchprcvd.s me with the. motiviation te inake sur Durham sohools are doing the, bout they con for students. A man you -know GERRY 41 p9yars on Town Çouncll » 15 pars on Regionial Council * 9yearson Whitby General .work.ing towards àfspitulBoard '- 1 oivchne * 7ypars on Durham RecycfMg psiiecag On'Novembor l2th VOTE EM Mfor MAYOR Àuthorizebby the CFO for Geriy Erm o SHIRLEY SCOTT, FRCENTREWR COUNCILLOR NOVEMBER 12TH 1991 combining Sound FULL and lM Involvemnent-, by .-Councilor- Authdzedby he CO fr ShdeyScott 1-Y7£J,1-7iCipàl 7y ; efection

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