Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1991, p. 6

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4 -, -' PAGE 6, wHJTYFREEPRES, WEDNESDAÀY, OCTOBER 9, 19p1 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook- St. N, Whitby, Ontario LI N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line-427-1834 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra, Martin .- Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 LOiuI àU.U s iPark Report A necessary partnership in economîc renewal BY Drummond Whts Durham Centre MYPP * Recently in Durham Re;gion and thon at the beginning of the provincial session, the Premier spoke of the frmework for oconomic renewal that wilI dominato this session of provincial parliament. In this process of renewal, we are ail necessarily partners. Just as a family has choices as ta how it will work togethor, so as a provincial oconomy, we have thoso choices. As a province, we are facing ane of the Qreatest challenesin this century. Traditionally, wo have beon the industnial hearladof this nation and it has been'Ontario that has been the mainstay for the rest of the country. f has beon Ontario that has beon comfortably off. Whon we have had economic troubles in the past, we could comfortably blame other parts of our community and wo would stili emerge reasonably well off after the dust had settled. Labour could mistrust govorniment and business. Equally, business could comfortably distrust governiment and labour. One obvious example of this involvos the Ontario Labour Relations Act amendments. Three reprosentativos of business and threo representatives of labour were unahle ta agree upon a joint subrnission and that group disbanded. This was most unfrunte. If wo rocognize that we are nocessary partners, thon wo should lot that necessity propol us to a botter process -- one of working together. As a govemrment, w. need input from the key areas in aur economny. In reforming this législation, We nsed t0 bath protect the rights of workers while facilitating oui economuc engins -- the businesses of this province. W. have a tremendous challenge lin front of us if ws are ta emerge fram the pissent rocession with oui former economlc vitality infact. Vour governimsnt is coninced thai oui sconomy requires a new direction if weare ta mWe the challenges that free trade and global competiîtion force us ta face. On the ather hand, povemment initiatives in skills training! and somne limifod financial uncentives are not enough -- ws canÎcit afford ta go Rf alan.. W. nesd ta work together as a commuýiity in order ta attain aur common goals. W. know that there is a risk in co-operation--it takes mors time and mors trust. W. also know that hero les no more effective alternative. Faniies as weII iork best when thsy work together., The solutions that the communities of K1apuskasing and. Sauft Ste. Maris came ta did not rely upon the gàverniment bailingd them out. They did not îely upon the big brother of govemmrrent taklng over control. Thers, t he communities, the workers, the* companies, and your povemmont wers able ta corne toi solutions that rsquired bath sacrifices and commitments upon ail sides. The Treasurer is currently proposing a program that would assist workers who want ta invest in their own companies. Theso are concrets oxamples of differing parts of oui community working together. "Ready o tackle teissues?! i Do the right thing By David J. Ronsy. Conservation Area, also happons Copy of letter fo Mayor. and- to b. a 'true' sanctuary in keeping Town counicil members (and thoso 'with the dicfionary definit.ion -- "a of the future): place of refuge or protection." There cornes a time whon the This fragile ecosystem is now in averaçe citizen needs ta do More danger 0f boing threatened by than just talk about or complain concrote, steel, processod wood, about things that happon in their aluminurn siding, styrofoarn community with which f hey insulation, styrofoan coffee cups, disagre.. This particular citizen plastic bags, asphait shingles, has corne to a point where ho no asphalt driveways and roads longer feols that his best inferests wolcoming hundreds Of are boi ng reprosented by the automobiles, and a rnyriad of other people h. helped to elect. dangerous elements (when rnixod Thorofore, 1 take Pen in hand, and with nature). eot you know how 1 fool. Containly the Mayor and al «Thero are many things that counicil membors cau realize the have chançod since 1 first rnovod significance of proserving such a ta Whitby in 1969 at the ripe ago natural boauty and would for once of 5. Most of those changes 1 can lot nature rue instoad of' the liv. with (or havs ta>. 1 rornornr Town's coffers and balance sheets. that aur town's ppulation was if is my understanding that the somowhors around210,000 people. <Central- Lake Ont aria Rf seemsd quit. enormous Conservation Authority <CLOCA) comparod ta the smaller com- has 'ad that devsiopmont in tho. munity f rom- whsre 1 corne. surrou ing aiea is not In the bost Howsvsr, growing up as a chlld irtsres of the conservation aiea. 1 and youth in Whitby was a expect that this would b. enough wonderful expeilence, with places for, anyone who cai'es about nature ta go hiking, fishing, exploring in (oven! remotsly>, ta stop and the naturally beautiful aroas around roconsidor plans ta interfero with R' town. etheri in a direct manner or Now that 1 amn 28 and havs been indirectly. But ap>parently this Is a reaitor for ths past eight and a not the case. hait yoars, I have witnessed f irst- 1 recognizo as mayor and hand the' unbridlod g rowth in council membors that you have alrnost ail off thsaies that 1 once Most ifficult jobs f0 perform. 1, thought wsîo sacred graund as a aIs e radily, accept that child. occask nally you can make Another ans 0f these mistakes. Howeve r. what I feel Is a sanctuaries is now et iisk and I arn redoon, ingquality of someone who no longer willing ta juaf sit back has mred fhat'thy have made and watch f happen f his tirno. a mistake, is taadit i and woik Thaugh if is not ons of the areas f hou haidost fowaids making that I had the pleasure of exploring amonds. Othorwise they are not as a child, if is ane f hat I have much Ibotter than liais (in my rnost certainly enjoyod as an adult. opinionf). 1 hope f hat the elocted That sanctuaiy, Lynde Shores mayor'and counicil mombors and those of the future will see the orrar that has been made and will "Do the Right Thing." 1 have chosen to livo in Whitby and oeliR my home for ovor 23 years and have boon proud ta ftell peaple that 1 reside, work and arn învolved in tho overy day lifo of ouir f own. It has beon ith great'pride that I have f aken visitais f0 Whitby fa watch the broathtaking wildiffe of Cranborry marsh. They, have off on commentod on . how fortunate we are f0 have such a wonderfuî troasure within oui baidors. Howovor, f saddens and infuriates me fa think that on. day imightbo showing,.thgm where if was as'oppo -d fatôa, . iid bé staring etd a dried uço bog or a littered landscape. The, gese. fish, and small wild animals who f hrivo thers do nof have a say In this maff or, but I do. Stop these plans lmmediately and listen fa youî ocological instincts insfead of youî sconornic Instincts. Pese think about fthe children of Whitby and thase of future generations who rnay not bu able fa experienco something as special as Cranborry Marsh without having ta fravel wel outslds of the town limits. Please set an examplo for thsmn as responsible people who f ruly cars about fthe snviîonment. 1 ses no benefit comm? tram this. propossd rap. o te environment and wauld bu quit. content f0 continus seîîing homes elsewhere in Whftby. Opinions ex"eosd mr those of the author. rerrýuneretion. Other companlée part-tirne >Who says in Whitby thug money emol>oyees do not receive any doesn'f grow an f rees? heaif h package covorage, if is my undersfanding thiat exFpociaily if thoy are coverèd by Whitby council mombers roceive a thoir ful-time smplo yor. benofit aliowance package for their These boneits peid in 1989g pait-tirne responsibilities. were $1,977.57 and in 1990, Howsver, if they have adoquats $1,455.03. coverags wit h their ful-time Yau wauld think that a 29 p...r ... emiployer, thon they receivs cent raise in 1988, 6.5 par cent in tinanciai rernuneref ion in lieu off ths 199 and 62 per cent in 1990 unrequired bonefit.aliowance. 2oud havo boon sufficient for their 1Only two councillors indicated pait-time ornployment without t h. that fthe have received partial abôve mentionod ripoff. LUR~M NY ik oe h beneftt llowance In tîna'ncla Wk Theéevent e ù Toa the Edltor il .- V4,41W lai oiëw 1

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