Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1991, p. 29

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WH]TB FRE PRESS, WEI)NESDAY, OCTOBER 9,1991, PAGE 29 Due to the i HOLIDAY C the offices,of thle Fa8-0594~ 'WHITBY _______FREE PRESS wilI be closed on ~RONLSMON DAY, C OCTOBER 14TH 1AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every Wednesday- at 620 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickerin ,3 miles nort h of Hwy. 401 (exit 3b9). Fèaturing, evey Wed. 'an excellent selection of-antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and'tho unusuals. So joinus every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. *Consign- ment and estate selling oui specialty.!' Calus today. Previews from 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683.0041 IRECYCLING ONEj i TON 0F NE WSPA PERS * SA VES K:ý, è--~ I19 ThEES - PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque recelved WôWrèdeadline $8.00 for 20 WoXXIS; ($5.61+ 390 GSi') 150 each additional word; (140 +10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS $800 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 890 per agate Une (14 agate linos perinch) minimum charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 biIIed DISPLAY ADS UN CLASSIFIEDS (Acs with bordoîs, pictures or graphics) Rogutar display rates apply - 940 per agate lire Minimum size 1 coîumn inch $13.16 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAV ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCâH. GSi' is extra on ail ads unless othorwise indicated DEADUNE Monday mnr prior to Wednesday publicati*on. 068-,0594 Please check your av. ismn for mrors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Fiee Press wil noét b. Uebl. for fallure .te pubh ýan -ad, or for typagraphie errr "in publication beyond -lb. cSt of de space occuâpied by the o ~ a amaxmum coto flhie PRAY ONE AVE MARIA every day for nine days anid make your wish. On thoeieghth day y aur wish will b. fufi 1ud and you wilt have ta, publish' a thanks notice. Thank vou to Ave Maria for a wish tuti fed. JML NOVENA TO ST. JUDE: May the Sacred Heait of Jesus bW adored, glorifiod, laved & presorved throughout the workd now and forever. Oh Sacred Heari of Jesus pray for us. -St. Jude warker of miracles pray for us. St'. Judo helpor of the hopeless pray for us. B yth eighth day your prayers will b. answored. IR has nover been known to fait, nover. Thanks to St. Jude for prayers answered. BMS. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships. For help, caîl the Dents. House for Women and Children. ToIt f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BAHA'S BEUEVE: The source of ail glory is accoptance of whatsoever the Lord hath bestoWed and contentment wth that which God hath ordainod. For information and discussion, catI 668-8665. CINDYS ALTrERATIONS - Updato your fait wardrobe, back ta, school clothes' al kinds of alterations and custom...tailorlng- 101-12 Mary St. -W . Pearson Lanos, 430-6550. Tues-Sat. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacrod Heait of Jesus for favours recelved. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be acored, g Iorifiedi, lved and proserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh Sacred Hoart of Jesus, have mercy on us. St. Judo, workor of-m*iracles, pray for us. St. -Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer fine times a day. By the igth day your -p rayer wilI be answerod, regardiess of how hopeless your situation seems. Pubication must be promised. E.H. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the s Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of sJesus be adored, gîorified, loved and preserved throughout the- world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopoless pray for us. Say this prayor fine rtimos a'day. By the eighth da yourp rayer will be answer:r regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. AM. MANY-THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours roceived. M. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counsoîling. Free and confidontial, available Monda to Friday, 820 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinic overy Thursday 3 to,,6 p.m. For further Information, cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. F.......... .. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Corporation of the-Town of Whltby in the matter of the Ontario Herfage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.337 and ln the matter of lands and premIses at the folîowIng municipal adldressq In the Province of Ontario NOTICE 0F INTIENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOICE Ihat die Counicil ffldm Corporation ofthie Town of WMitby intends ta designate the property, includng lands and buidings, at the foilîowig municipal awrssasp of historie and architecsural value or inlrest under Part IV aoft" Ontailo Heritage Act, R.9.0. 1980, c.337. THE JOHN STICKNEY HOUSE 170OMrdRoad Eas REASONS FOR DESIGNATION OF 170 MYRTLE ROAD EAUT. WIBY HLiiroRi The John Stickney House was bujlt in the mid-1800s and bas beenthe sub*ect of a long hstoa of vaious ransactions betWoenIndividuels of the TZn. AROHÉLECIURAI. The John Stickney House is a fine example af an oarly sinalî fiamed faim house. This storey-and-a-baf.t three bay house, combines, simple detailing- wifth attractive rénovations and provides a good exarnple of a dearly modemn but compatible addition. ny person may, before November 8, 1991, sýend bï.rogistemed mail or delvr to the Cirt of;the Town of Whitby, notice of bis or her objection ta the propased designation together wifth a staternent afimaisons for the objection and ai relevant tacts, If such notice of objection is received, the Council ofthie Corporation of the. Town of Whiby shai refer the matter ta thé Conservation Review Board for a heaning. Dated the Town of Whitby thileth day of October, 1991. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK M1E CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WIITBY M7 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WI¶,~N131Q L1142»S THANKS TO ST' JUDE and the Sacred Heait of Josus for favours received. May the Sacred Heart of J esus be *acfored, g lorlfied, loved and preservod throughout the world .nowand forever. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus,, pray for us. St. Judo, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Judo, helper of the hopoloss,, pray for us. Say this., prayor nine times a -day. By the eighth day your p rayer will b. answered, regardtess of how hopoloss your situation seems. Publication must b. promised. A.H.R. DEADLINES' for ail display and classified, advertising will be FRIDAY OCTOBER 11TH AT 4PM Have a sale, happy holiday weekend. University info sessions University information ses- sions will be held tonight (Wed- nesday) and ThursdaLy night for local high school atudenta. University Information Pro- gram UIP)sessions will b. at Eastdlé CnOshawa tonight, 7:30 ta 9:40 p.m., and tomorrow at Pickering HghSehool, 7:30 ta 9:40 p.m. Representatives from each of the 16 universities in O>ntario and from the Royal Military Col- loge- will provide information on programs of study, admission requirements, costs and financial aid hosin/reidecestudent Mie and campus Visita. For mare information, caî Durham Board of Eduaton gi dance consultant JhnScieik at .666-3821 Or 686-1282., Hydro costs out of control FROMPAGE-14 foreign treavel etc. To be efficient and in line with organizations in the real world, Ontario Hydro should have leua than haif the number of managers and something over haif of the number cf employees in its head office and geographic JThe wage scale excluding benefits for snior executivea par annum are as foilowE: Chairman $353,000 - $528,000 President $257,000 - $386o,000 13 Vice Presidents each at $124,000 - $29%,000 Poor financial forecasta have forced management ta, use and partiaily deplete reserves. In business since 1906, Ontario Hydro lias, a debt of 84 par cent meaning of ail its assets, only 16 par cent are debt free. How is this going ta be paid by an aging population? Ontario Hydro gave pension settlements ta, its enxployees giin them indexed pansions at a* cos25of$228 million. Ontario Hydro (June 17, 1991) renegotiated its uranium supply contracta with Rio Algom Ltd. at a cost of $160 million (approximately $30 par pound which is $20 par pound over uranium available from Saskatche wan.) Ontario Hydro agreed ta, povid $65 million ta, the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund ta fund economic diversification ta Elliot Lake and Blind River in retiring their municipal debt. Ontario Hydro is ta spend $25 million on hydraulic contracta in Ellot Lake area wlich were low priority items in their original plans. Ontario Hydro lias spent approimately $25 million on intervenor funding for its environmental assesament of ita 25-year pjn The iarlngton project was estimated originaily at $2.07 billion. I>O cot is now estimated at, $13.5 billion and rising. Would this happen in the' private sector? Darlington is' "prdbably the biggest maagement screw-up in the his-r of Canadian indus-try," said, utilif4es analyst TomMan of --'l-Tormwo1:Enei'w Probe 4~8~fl~ rounaation. 'nie ---r4m 08*9* current - .tmt a increase of 4.7 Per cent from the $12.9 billion, 1990 fairecast. Darington has turned into a massive sinkhole for Hydro spending. Its current prie tag is more than 380 per cent greater, in rea dollars, thon the o'ai estimate -- and is stil c lirn9g "The coot overrun on Darlington lias been staggerig, 'and is gettinig worse ail the time," Adams says. It would 611 this newspaper if I were ta liet the waste and poor management decisions made by this utility. When.challenged by the mriter, the sarcaatic answer received from a Hydro vice president was "The bonds are still serl~ I pointed out the disastrous résults that this' out-of-control utility was contributing ta the recessian and the people's ability ta pay, Allan Hoît, president cf Hydro, responded that there is no intention te privatize any part of thsoraCiation. Pro awriting this letter, I faced the fa.ct that either I could ait back and do nothing or attempt tao protest 'but I knew I would be powerless Ita initiate mgar changes without the power of the media and the public. I have no affiliation with any provincial party, nor am I affiliated with any other group such as Energy Probe, Green Peace, etc. I arn acting unilaterally and personally paingall the costs related tathis le tralal the media. By way of this letter I solicit through the rne.a, you the energy consumer - individuals, businesses, muni ipal councils and municipal hyd oa commissions ta write, telephoi-À or fax' your elected representL tves in the Provincial Legisk -:ure with a copy to the Premer of Ontaio' and the Chairmna? n of Ontario Hydro, requesting, thern ta bring this essentielutiy back ta realistic contraI. -Without your 'help your municipal.hydro commissions are powerlesta absorb'any of the incresse or the predicted 44 -per cent increase over the nit3 years- ( Fran1k Koho. Iy~~4VWW'F~ I * ~ 7,77, t ; -:ý ', ". - , ý IBLI 4kýimlký 1 ý 1

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