Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1991, p. 15

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- - -'T,------- - -. WH]TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTBER 9,1991, PAGE 15 Four 1go o *cattôns inIWhitb Tineilo, rclin"pora Winl b. «Iofficiallyulaunchedlin Wbtbyon Th s, Oct.17., There aàre-' four igloos in Whitby: aàt thei. Kentué-kyFried Chicken -store on, Thickson ,Rd.' N., just, north of Dundas,'St . E.; the Whitby Yacht Club; Myrtle,' fire sitgtion i(West side. of Garar Rd., north of-Reg«on ]Rd., 5); Whiftby WGO Train 'station (news- papr unly). fod an Eews papersfo n beverae cana, lasa containers plastic containers, and household batteries can b. pla- ced in the ig1oos for recydéling. ý .Igloos in Whitby dre sponsored by Bal Packaging Products Canada Imc.the Townof Whitby andWhitby Yacht 'Club.'1 >Durham Region is encouraging SjHAIUNGTHE.CHALLENGE Thia week,, at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto, delegates from ,ý acroasNor" America are attending the Recycling Council of Ontario's 12tIi annual conference entitled, 'Sharing the Challenge: "Turning Visions into Realty.' Spaesrepresenting the province,. industry, municipalities and.environmental organizations are. providing, updatea on thei oraniatio's Rs~actvities, defining--their visions for achieving long-terni waste minimization ,targets, and considering how ,best te work co-peratively te resolve differences and establish common objectives. Composting, pac-kaging recovery systemns Of construction/demolition wepte, Iiousehold hazardous waste prograina, junk mail, waste* audits and long-terni material storage are but a few ofthe.topica under discussion. Campo* 'Several, composting sessions are providing an understanding of the biological processes and environmiental impacts, associated with both backyard and centralized composting. As with all produets, centralized compost' must meet the needs of the buyer if it is ta find a market.-Durham'a co-ordinator of waste diversion prograin, Glen Pleasance, s a guest speaker on the topic of effective distribution, public education and potential problema.« Informati on is providing government, industry and non-p t sector perspectives on thé. issue of how te reduce the amount of pakaging n the. waste stream. Included is an update on the N ational Packagfing Protocol, a response from the packaging trade association te, proposed legialation te, reduce packaigewaste.' Coeuru~ie~ demd mut« Reviewing ,current and ~anticipated recovery p ur$Àrm ,for these waste materials is underwayv. Th. Green Hmasapecil-ro*ctinvolving the use of recycled content adl other environmentally cnsidrt building maternalIs and processes is b.ig highligted. askS nt developmenta in HHW collection and depotems design, operation, cost and alternatives are .in'dmssd as weIl as emphasiz.in the need te réduce th oc component of HHW. Junk maih Qestons are b.ing answered on Iiow those who do not wish te receive Junk mail can effectiveîy stop the flow. Also, what are the. implications of Canada Postes'iail must go through' mandate? Woiite auilla This workshop is teaching waste managerasi the. Municipal, industrialcommercial'and institutional sectora how te, perform waste audits and te use the resulta te, develop effective waste minimization action plans. >Stamugm -Lloyd Thomas, president of Whitevîle & District Residents Association, is peaking about the many potentially recyclable wastes ta are currently being placed in landfi sites. S Together,, we are aIl pioneers embarking on a new, conserving society. busineàses tà<'adoopt -an Igloo"'to promote itèbcling.Businesses Sponsor the irecyclinkù stations <each *ith three iglooé) at a cost of $425. In roturn, t$e logo of the spon- soring 1smI ap eas n ach tato silc orameiu three 5 sites in Durham Re * have sponsors. Thigloos allow rouidents 'in rural areas, ajartmnent buildings, townhouses and condominiumns to rêcycle their blue box materials. 401 eitat, Brock m ay* soon be widened The 401 west exit to Toronto at Brook St. inay soon b. widened. .The west lanes leading into the 401- will be widened ta pro- vide improved raxnp access, said Wayne Hancock, director of the public works department. There wiii be a widening of between 10 to 15 feet on the west side. of Brook St. S. leading to the exLt ýhe said. TIhis will push the sidewalks onto the front yards of sonie properties on that side of Brook St. S., he. said. That will mean expropriation of some parts of theaffected properties. The last house next ta the ram p may have ta b. purchased by the Minisryof Tanspor- tation te carr out the changes, he said. According to the Expropriation Act, the ministry will pay for the land at market value at the tume of purchase, said Hancook. lb. ministry will pay for 90 per cent of the widening project on -Brook St. S. and the Town will, furnish the other 10 per cent, he said. ,The exit ram p pro>ect will b. pai'd i fuial by the ministry, said Hiancook. ,The expropriation has not; been set by the zninistry at this time, ,he said. Hancook said the project will Iikely occur "when the intersec- tion breaks down- due to the increase in traffl»c.» The ministry is keepig a close e e on traffic at Brook St. S. and Consumera Rd., hé said. Minister: eNo tax on sale. of principal residence The Ministry of Housing is not considering a tar on the sale of Irncipal resideènces4,,Ontario mung Minister Evelyn Gigantes said last week. <ibere wus a reference te tthe capital gainstai exemption in Our 1HOUBÎMg Framework' conulttin prwhich was released lestue "Ià the. context of a lre discussion-< on sa"sidies toal types c ocmsinwe Mgse that this exemption helped hoe ownersbip but nowhere did we suggest tatcncfln t exemption sbculd b. consderod. "'Beside tii. capital gains tai js a federal tai and bas nothing te do with- the Governmnent of Ontario,'GiganteS said. "I don't know where the. Greater Toronto Home Builders. Association,-got the. idea-that we were -planning ' .onthng,..like; e i~It ian $àllyÎ:B4êteW. Durham Reglon Cm.impMlym en tn Ontal' ro~ Mlnlstry of Skills Development DIAMOND, TRIANGLE INCe *Finance for Non-Financial Managers SLari Tues. Oct. 15,36 Hrs, 3pm to 9:3Opm *Prodiict Management (Marketing from the inside Starts Mon.'Oct. 21, 36 His. 3pm to 9:3Opm *Customer Service Exc ellence ________ Starts Thurs. Oct. 17,30 Hrs. 3pm t"0 9:3Opm *The Multi-Skilled Worker and________Swan Wed. Oct. 30,66 'Hrs. Self-Directed Teams. ~-Runs Wed. 3pm to 6pm & Sat. 9ani 10 lpm *Instructional Techniques __________ Starts Thurs. Nov. 21,30 Hrs, 3pm 10o 9:3Opm *Design of Instruction ___________ *Quality Concepts *SPC Basic'_____________ *Cost of Quality Start Thurs.Jan. 9,30 Frs, 3pm bo 9:3Opm Starts Mon. Oct. 20,40 Hrs, - Runs Mon. 3pm tb 7pm & Sat. 9am'to lpm Starts Mon. Nov. 25, 40 Hrs, -Runs Mon. 3pm to .7pm &?SaL 9am b I pin Staits Mon. Jan. 20/92, 40 Hs, - Runs Mon. 3pm b o7pin ita. 9amtolpm *Total Quaity Management Starts Mon. Feb. 17/92,40 Hrs, -Runs Mon. 3pm to 7pm & SaL. 9am to Ipm Ail programs are funded by Durham Regip ACT and run at suites 201'& 202ý - 375 Finley Avee, Ajax (The Work Place). A small administrative.tee is applicable: Members - $53.50 GST included / course ($38. Reiunded upon successtul completion) Non-Members - $69.55 GST included-I course (non-refundable> 4. .. cai. q, X-A 1 1, Ful evie& epis tourWib ocation *- Purciiase your luxurlous BEA CHCOMBER Spa now and * you wîll also receive FREE, the invigorating Quadra-Jet Therapy ...ys...t..er., a Mood and Saety Lîght Package, DeluxeStaînless Trîrn Package, and a powerful 1.5 h.p. pumpl ...an immediate saving to you of $667! Now is the tîme -to get into a Beachcomber, .Canada's Favourite Spa. Corne down and see what we.have waîtîng for you.... 6 HWY 2 g HOME UPGRAD ES PCKERING HOME & DESIGN >W 1755 Pickering Parkway Pickering ENTRE Pickering Home & Design Centre HY401 -4 rock Rd. & 401 428-9767 Mon. to Wed.. & Sat. 10- 6, Thurs. & Fri. 10 -9. 7"" Recycler% Report by Larraine ROLJIStOll Larruine Rouiston is a inember of the Recycling Couricil of Ontario. Durham Recycling Centre. DLIrhaili Environ- mental Network (DEN) and Pickering vjýjstc redLJCtiOll coliiiiiittee. 1 1 a

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