P AGE 6 WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1991 ]mý * * l e o * 0p Peter Tomblin photos T1E 'IClAL OPENING of the Whltby Civic rec aibn compiex was held on Sunday. Rosie Newan (til' t)q as the lucky draw wlnner, was the f irsi to Zse the SOfi. watersice. Despite a smail surfacesln Whltby, the pool was qulckly filied Wlth anxlous young swImmers. At rlght, Jennlfer Smith and MoIUss Hart, gradie 6 students ai Ormfiton public schooi, spoke on behaif of the young users of thqffl 2 ý7- _., ---l - - j '7- 77,- - -Ar wï