Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WHIFBY FREEPùEssý. WEjDNE$ODAY, OCTOBER 2,1991 ST. JOHN AMULANCE COURmS FOR OCTOBER St. John. Ambulance, Whitby branch, 1517 Dundas St. E.(note nw address) will hold the following courses in i October: Comrbination firet aid and 0FR -- Wednesay and Thursday, Oct. 9 and 10, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.mi; Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19- and 20,'8:30 arn. te) 4:30 p.m.; Tuesdy and Thursday, Oct. 15, 17, 22, 24, 6 te 10 pan.; Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 21 and 22, 8:30 a..te -4:30 -pan.,Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (0FR) -- Tuesdy and Wednsa, .Oct. 8 and 9, 6'to 10. p.m.; Saturday, oct. 19, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30, pa. Babystter course -r Saturday, oct. 5, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. First 'aid for the childcare provider -- Saturday, -Oct. 26, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.rn. First aid and CPR instructer's courses -- registrations are being taken for spring courses. CANADIAN4 CILDRENPS BOOK WEEK Help the Whitby Public Iàbrary .celebrate Canadian Ohldren's Book Week by designing. a poster te illustrate your favourite Canadian stoiy. Primes for the most original posters. Posters wiil be dfislayed in the library. Drop of-f your entries between now and Nov. 9. RZTJREMENT PLANNING The Town of Whitby, parks and recroation department, and the Whitby Public Library are co-ordinating a retirement w.11 be offered at the library on Tuesdays , from 7 te 9 p.m. beginning Oct. 8. Resource people will present- information on pensions, investmnents, legs] issues, use of leisure time, health, housing and general retirement options. The fee for the program is $25 single, or $40 per couple. Register in person at Information Whitby at the library from 9:30 a.m. ta 9 p.m. weekdays, or Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Deadline for registration is Oct. 3. For information, cae 668-1424. MPP FORUMS Drummond White, MPP for Durham Centre, will hold two public forums in October. The forums, to be called ' Question Period' will follow a question-and-answer format. Forums will be held on Thursday, Oct 10> 7 ta 9p.m. at the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex meeting room , 545 Rossland Rd. E. and on Thursday, Oct 17, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Northview Library Nonquon Rocom, 250 Beatrice St., Oshawa. AGLOW 0F CANADA Womnen's Aglow Fellowship Oct13 1 tCllnrdens, TeWbtby Seëf; ' ctWj t Ce4r. will hocld, a iùsed c=thn sale et the centre, 8Ã"1 Brock St. S.. op Saturday, -Oct.' 12 from il a.m.'ta 2 p.m. Ail are welcome ta take aàdvatage of the bargains. For more information, Cali IONTENATIONAL TINING IN CORMMUNICATION METING Fnst Oshawa ITO Club will hold a, meeting'on Tuesdayi. Oct. 9, Gp.m.4 at, .Hong Kong Restàurant,, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawra. Coet of dinner'is -$14. Murray. Kash, a* vocal image, consultant, will be the guest workshop leader. The workshop is designed te, help participants achieve confidence in' speaking. Guesta are welcome ,ta attend club meetings. For information,' calIý 571-1386 or 725-9179 (Oshawa) or 668-5504,(Whitby). COFE SESSIONS Durham Region Community Care Association -- COPE mental health program is working together with many mental healthprofessionals ta provide a six-week session called 'Awareness-Group for Education and ' Coping with Mental Disorders' ta provide an awareness of resources available in Durham Region ta those concerned with mental disorders. The free sessions will begin Oct. 10, 7 ta 9 p.m., 400 Centre St. S., Whitby. For further information contact Sharon Cochrane' at 434-1693. MAK1NG CHANGES The purpose of the group is ta help adult children of alcoholics make changes i their lives by providxng the needed information and support. The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham House will offer this 12-session group at Durham House an Wednesday, Oct. 9, fr-om 7 ta 9 p.m. The format will be short talks, videos and group discussions. For more information and ta register, caIl the centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. HALLOWEN HOWLS Registration at' the Whitby Public Library for Halloween Howls is limited and starts Monday, Oct. 7 at the children's and adult fiction desk. The program will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and will include spooky stories, films and a mystery craft for youngsters aged 5to . THANKSG1VING CRAFT AND STORES Registrations are now being taken for ' Thanksgiving craft and staries' for youngsters aged 5 ta 10 at the children's and adult fic- tion desk, Whitby Public Library. ROA$W BREF DINPIE Brokýn United Church will hold its annual roast beef dinner (including home-mnade pies) on Wednesday, Oct. 9q. Seatinga will be at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tiïckets are- available at t he church, telephone 655-4141, or from any male member of the congregation. The cost is $10 for adulte, $3 for children aged 12 and under and preschoolers are free. GOOD MORNING WHITB The Whitby' Chamber of Commerce wil present a 'Good' Morning Whtbl breakfast series onh Wednesday, Nov. 6 and We Iesday, Nov. 13, 7:45 a.m., at thel Whitby Chamber of Colmerce, 128 Brock St. S. The c~ is $10 which includes GST. Thi~ series is a before-business breqqkfast during which each speaker will talk briefly about bis/ber business ta 20 other business people. A list of attendees with telephone numbers and addresses will be handed out during, breakfast. Advanced -booking is recommended. TOGETHERTIMIE 1BURSDAY EVENINGS Time for friends ta gather with their cuddly tay and snuggle up with some' good books, sangs and storytelling. This program will be held at the Wihitby Public Library, program ro-om, Oct. 3 ta Oct. 31 from 6:30 ta 7 p.m. Came in costume on Halloween night. No registration is required. Al ages welcome. FUNDRAISING DANCE Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will hold the annual United Way fundraising dance at Col. R.S. McLaughlin Armoury, 53 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa on Fniday, Oct. 18, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. There will be door prizes, raffles and a light buffet will be served. Tickets are $10 per persan and may be purchased at the door or from Lafontaine Trading, Post, 122 Brock St. N., Whitby. Proceeds will go ta the United Way. FALL FESTIVAL More than 30 exhibitars, in- cluding some from Whitby' will take part in the Greenwooâ Fal Arts and Crafts Festival ta be held at the Greenwood Conserva- tion Area (Hwy 7 and Westney Rd..) on Sunday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m. ta, 3:30 p.m. The Metro Toronto Conservation Authority is organizing the event that will include wagon rides. free parking and clowns. CANDY-GUESSING CONTEST Starting Oct. 7, children aged 5 and up may sign up and guess how many 'treats' are in the container at the itby Public 1QUILT GUILD The second meeting of. the newly-formed Quilt Gduild- for Durham Region and area will be held on Tuesday, Oct., 7:30 p.m., Arts' Resource Cintre," green room, 45 Queen St., Oshawa (behind city hall). Ail interested are welcome ta, attend.. UN1TED EMPIRE LOYALISTS' METING The United Empire Loyalistse Association of Canada, Upper Canada branch, will hold a meeting at the Robert Stuart Aviation Museum, #10 building, Oshawa municipal airport, 100 Stevenson Rd. N. on Thursday, Oct. 10 at 7 pam. Ail are welcome. For further information, cal Donald Fox at 576-3175. PARINSON SUPPORT GROUP Parkinson. Support .Group, Durham Region chapter, wiil hold a general meeting on. Monday, Oct. 7, from 7:30 ta, 9:30 p.m., at St., Marks United Church, Whitby (corner of Coîborne and Centre Sts., south door entrance ta assembly hall). Ail are welcome.-* Refreshments wiil be available. For more information, call 666-8576. or 668-6580. HUMOVR BEATS STRESS On Tuesday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. ta noon, Fairview Lodge will present Carol Bertuzzi Luciani, 'Humour Sure Beats Stress'. For anyone interested in attending, registration cost is $25 which includes lunch in the auditorium. Pre-registration is preferred, there are a liniited number of seats. Contact Heather Im at 668-5851 (ext. 49) or Dianne Russell for registration or further information. EPILEPSYDURHAM REGION Epfilepsy Durham Region wil11 holthe monthly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the Kmsmen community centre, 109 Coîborne.St. W., Oshawa. A sup- port group will be held. Ail wel- come. The bazaar will be held Oct. 20 at the Rundle Park com- munity centre, Park and Gibb, Oshawa. For more information caîl 436-3152. PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND BAKESALE Composi'te #30 and David T. Camnpbel#706 Lodge will hold a pancake breakfast and bake sale on Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 a.m. ta 1 p.m., at 203 Cochrane St. just north of Dundas St. Refreshments will be available. Admission is $5 for adults, $2 for children. Ail are welcome. YMCA YOUTH PROGRAMS The YMCA will hold two youth prograins -- faonr hockey for youths aged 6 >ta 14 and basketball for youths -aged 12 -ta VOCAL COACH GUEST LEADER Murray Kash, a vocal image3 consultant will be the guest workshop leader at the First Oshawa ITC meeting on- Tuesdayp, Oct. 8at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at t he Hong KoigHouse' Restaurant 89 Sincos St. S., Oshawa.ý Cost,,of 'dinnier is '$14. The workshop i.s designedi help the participants achieve 4l best results from their , vocal instrument. They will learn correct breathing techniquds and relaxation. exercises. The workshop will' touch on, resonance,, inflection, pit 4 and delivery. The- session, will ènable every participant l'te speal( with complets confidence and a feeling of .elf-empowerment ; For in1formion calI'571-1386 .,or 725-9179 (Oshawa) o 6. 50 (Whitby). FRENCH PRE SCROOL' WITH BILANA Registrations are being taken at the Whitby Public Library, children's and adult fiction- desk, beginning Oct. 1 for' rench lessons for pre-schoolers. (sasses will be held Saturday morniings, Nov., 2.ta Dec. '7* For chlldren aged 4 , classe ($15) 'are from 10 ta 10:45 a.m. For children aged 5 and 6, classes ($18) are f nil a.m. to noon. Ifo ONTARIO LIBRARY WElÇK - SOCT. .12 -19 Each time you jgo ta W>iitbZ Public iàbrary during the fweek Oct. 12 to 19, drop down tP the children's and adult fiction desk and fill out a slip te enter the book draw. Winners wil be announced on Saturday, Octý 19. FILM SPECIAL In celebration of Ontario Library Week, Whitby Pýiblic Library will show Arme of Oreen Gables, for children aged 6 tp 10, on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2:30 It 4 p.m. Registration is limited at the children's and adult fiction d sk. PEANUT CAMJPAIGN The Durham unit of the Kidney Foundation of Canada recently cracked open its 1991 Peanut Campaign -- a fundraiser aimed at improving the quality of life for local kidney patients., The campaign runs until Oct. 31,'and hopes ta raise $22,560 by selling 300 cases of peanuts. Bags of peanuts seIl for $3 and contain 17 snack packets ides] for HallovWeen and lunchbox treats. There are 25 bags in each case. For m~ore information, caîl Margaret Crees at 985-4584. 25TH ANN1VERSARY GALA AND DANCE Club Carib will hold a 25th anniversary gala and dance'on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the YWCA, 199 Centre St. S-, Oshawa. ii.1.1 rim epyUUshLfhAI IIJZJaI1, chronic bronchitis or asthxna, the Lung Association of Durham AIDS AWAILZNESS WEEK Region may be able ta help. 'AIDS: Our Challenge for Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 22, the iàfe' is the theme of AIDS local Christmas Ses] organization Awareness Week, Oct. 6 ta, 13. 'will hold a 'Better Breathing' Events are planned throughout course for adults, free of charge. Durham Region by the The course will mun for seven Department of Health Services ini consecutive sessions during a an effort ta increase awareness of three-week period on Tuesdays AIDS. Selected bars throughout and Fridays from. 11:30 a.m. ta 1 the region will be participating in p.m. at the Oshawa Senior a campaign ta, educate patrons on Citizens Centre, roomn 2, 45 John the prevention of H1V infection. St. Medical professionals wiil be Durham College will sponsor on hand throughout the course ta events throughout the week. answer questions on medications, Displays and information will be diet and the overall management available at many community- of lung disease. For information based agencies in the'area. For or ta -apply. for registration, more information, cal im, AIDS contact the Lung Association at Education Services at 723-85211#r RTEMENT PLANNING The Town of Whitby, parks and recreation department, and Ua a r ný& the Whitby Public Library wil- co-ordinate a retirement planning program for residents of Whitby. This seven-week prograzn will be offered at the library on BAZAAR AND AUCTION Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.xn., beginning St. Mark's United Church, 201 Oct. 8. Resource people will Centre St. S., Wihitby will hold a* present information on pensions, bazaar and progressive auction investments, legal issues, use of on Friday, Oct. 25 from I11 a.m. to leisure time, health, housing and 7 p.m.' There will be crafts, baked general retirement options. The goods,, seasonal specialties, fee is $25 single or $40 per Auntie's Attic and more. A soup couple. Register in'person by Oct. and sandwich lunch will be 3 at Information Whitby at the served from .11:30 a.m. to, 1 p.m. library, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., at at cost of $4, and fromn 5 to 6:30 Monday to Friday, or 9 a.m. to 5 pm. There will,. be a chili supper SSatJùrdùy$e F'Ã"i4btna(' ôt a rli*?df aso,$4. Al ~~ ~ >~~ U ~4arewecme '* craftshowsAA St. Leols Church will hold 4L Christmas bazaar on Saturday¶, Oct. 19, 10 a.m. to, 3 p.m. at St. Leo's School, North St., Brooklin, T'here wilI be crafts, Ohristmnas tree ornaments/decorations, home baking, plant booth, tea roofand much more. A trip for two to Las Vegas (valued at $1,000) will be drawn; ticket information may be ob4tainedfromMriavn ot * a ~-~9.All~'qwelcnt

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