Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 5

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Three more will run for separat'eboard There are* three more. candi- dâtes for Wihitby trustee ,posi-' tions. on the'Diýrhazn.-separate sachool'bo)ard., .The. most- recent ,;te file as candidates are Vic DiCarlo, Jud' Morris and Jeatnnette WindfielK. Martin Turpin and inàcumibent Tom. Qîdman. -had priopàly announced thoy woldb.candi- Three.,trustees, from Whitby will b. electod te the' separate board. Windfîeld say: she knows ahl separate achool boaiïd. g Windfield, 58 socretary te Bishop. Robéet éne, says she now has the time ta become more involved. "Mykidare out of school now There aro nowsovon, candi- dlàto for the four posi'tions on the Whitby Hydro-Eloctric Com- .Recontly flling . as ,candidate9 woero incumbent,,Gorry Coi, in- cumbent "John'.HugesRobert Browertan and Don Mcaster. "BalphBSlank, G.W. Mifflin and incuntbnt BilI Lawler had pro- viousily filod tas candidates. Coi, who has- 9boon on the commiîssion,'for 15 years, fols there are important issues that neod attertion. «Thore have been plana te con- vort more poople te pi,. .wbich I amn very ppesdte,» Cox aaid. SHughes, 48, arel ste agent, bas also been involved for tbre years with 'the -manage- mient devebepment committoe. >- 9 Hughes, seos future Ontario Hydre projects, ,affecting the hre laof Durham resdents. and it was the perfect time to run,» says the mother of ton. Preêviously, WindfIeld thought about- running for the board in Ajax. "I was told they wanted people from- their own aroas,» says Windfleld. A 16-yoar resident of Whitby, her children. have onethrough the Catholie education systom. . To show *my. approciation I would like togave, my time, my oeorenc and. support to the Catolic school systen.» Morris, wants to promote fiscal responsibility. A 14-year resident of Whitby, she is concerned about increas- mng taxes. "The achool board has the-hi¶host taxes," Morris says. WieMorris is quick ta point_ «Onario Hydro's 'purchase' cf hiM prico uranium from Elliott eàk, and spendinig $20 million on anew hydrepIant Will refloct rates, and they are net noces- sarily needod?' Whilo fiscal responsibiity is an issue in overy éectoral seat, Hughes wants ta publicizo some of the'enoergy-savingprogramel. «For electric wator heator. usera,'they can..get -fer free a cover te reduce heat' bas anci a poe-avg shower head.» "Brertanwants, ta mako a difference- as a 'member of the hydroeolectric commission. A senior cnutn at Honi- tago Financial, Brewertan bas waîtched the municipality grow. « 'Tv. boon interested inpolitics atthe municipal level,»Brewoer- ton aaid.' MacMaster,.preferred ,net ta comment on Mis candidacy at this ime., Rison- to run in east ward FROM PAGE 1 BRison says people were asking him te run again. He feels "people should have choices» in the election. Bison was an NDP federal candidate in Ontario for three federal elections (1979, 1980, 1984). "I amn more intorested in the issues at the Town council at this time,» hoiesays. B ison Ial Whitby and aIl of Durham Rog1ion need ta make a* stronger case before the provin- cial gevernment foi financial assistance in houaing roada, social services and achools. >A Whitby resident for 20 years, Bison. saya ho has good know- ledge of the issues in east ward. He says he bas experience in issues. related ta property and taxes, with his training in real estate. his current occupation. He las an associate broker with National Real Estato Service. Bison is a member of the Osh- awa and District Real Estate Bo&rd. He is aIse a member of the Toronto Real Estate Board. Bison is a certified- instructor with the Ontario Real Estate Board. Ho is also a Fellow of the Real Estate Institute of Canada. Bison, 59, taught at Andersoni Colegiate for 18 years. He is marnied with two chil- dren. out she is not bashing the board, Eshe feels she can mae a contri- bution. Another concern is the use of portables. "Thoy'ro not a healthy environment in which to Iearn," says the mother of two. Hfer ai is to guarantee that everyone, 1includiC' teachers$ arente students and trustees in the Catholic system, have input into the decision-makingprocess. St. John the Evan elist church and is involved with the Kidney Foundation and Cancer Society. DiCarlo was unavailable for commnent. Hamiltone Glass seek truste seats John Hamilton and Derek Glass are the newest candidates as trustees on the Durhamn Board of Education." Incumbent Geore Milosýh pre- viously announced-he would seek élection. Throe trustees fromn Whitby will b. elocted ta the board.. Hamilton saya he is botherod byr some aspects of, public, oduca- taon. 'Tefound sitting on the aide- linos unproductive. Sometimos you get a brief elanation and' annplogybut nothing ever got don.,» exp aed Hamilton. O.of bis concerns is the curriculum in the schools. "In high school I was surpriaod ta find, other than English« he (Hamiltan's son) could only take' one other languago, whch was Freh. When 1 .was in hi hý school we had a choice of French, Gorman, Spanish and Latin.» . Hamilton is aIse worred that too much emphasis is spent on specialty courses while some stu- dients. have not yet graspod tho basics. Graduating with a bacholor of science in chemistry, and- havring worked in the science education field, Hamilton is now employed as a millwright. > Many students who are not -planning te go on ta university are treated, as a second-rate stu- dent,» h. says. Gls eided te run te takea hands-on approach to irnproving the educational system." «I have been followinj the school board and council issues very closely,» Glass says. «I want to get involved and work ta make Whitby a botter place.», 1 Glass initially had other aspi- rations for the municipal elec- tion. "Actually my first inclination i*was te run for council, but I 1thought it was too big of a step 1the firat time out.» An architectural hardware iconsultant, Glass isn't planning to use election signe or large quantities of pamphlets. «rm very concerned about environanent. It may hurt. the hope people will remember my my 'Stand come election time.», Heard h,,jouse'partof revis*,d coçôndopla..n whltby council' has approved a revisied. copdominium .,plan that would include preservation of the 115-year-old Florenco M. Heard house. B.G. Schickedaiz, the develo- per, plans a* six-staroy condo apronnt dwelbng, containmng 124 units, on the vacant poot at 306 Mary St. E., on thenrthi side of Mary St. between Hickory and AshfSt. The Hoard houso, considerod,ý by the Local Architectural Con- sorvation Advisory Committeo (LàACAC) ta, have both histerical and architectural significance, would aIso, be 'on the proporty and would be used as. a rosa- done/offico ýfor the' suporinton- dont of the apartmont building. But a roprosontâtive of the developor was tald last week ta, doliver the message that- the dovelopmont soon get underway. >The. warning, by councillor Blue box p*ickup ROM PAGE 1 councillor Jo. Druxnm. He said the isting recydling ne.gra is costing taxpayers a 1Couxncillor Lynda, Buffett said ah. Dproferred the once-a-wveek-i service. She said there is, a conflict. of intereat with the proposed reduc-' tion of garbage baga per house- hold. It is proposed that each house- hold would be reatricted te a certain number of garbage baga or bina at curbside each week. Marcel .Brunolre at last, weoes .planningn comamtte meeting, was givon w1r the original plan w as 'Schickedanz- hàd originally submitted an. application -in .1987. Aftor. much argument that rosultod in, preservatien, of tho Hoard bouse- as part Of tho agree- ment, the Town approved tho pro *ect in Juno, 1990,. But due to the slowý condo market, Schickodanzý appliod for an amondod agreement an Janu- ary 1991, te o..rmit a non-profit apartmontbuildxng9.wa lto That application a lté withdrawn. S&hickodanz te submittod the. latest, revisied site plan aplication .te. amend1 the oULnalagreomont. LI can assuro you we aro going ta procoed earnest;ly,' Aloi TaI- wô architect ropresonting Schiclcodanz-told committoe las t week. Talwood said the units in the' condo would b. «very affordable.» TiWn . planning director ý Bob Short saaid' the revisod applica- tion allows evon, more room. for the Heard bo use on the property. SBruneioe had some concernas about what> he described as in- adequate arking space. Short, said there. was no need for, more parking, space, in- the plan as presentod. '~NOW AVAILABLE IPedlcure and relaxing foot and Ieg massage In your own 1home', provided by an 1 -experienced, professional- Cal Jili 655-5294 DISCUSS YOUR TIOUGIITS WIHYOUR M.P. RENE ?RSOETENS, ivites you to his VOX POP FORUM (Town Hall Meeting) September 27, 1991 Rouge HI Public Library 710>15 9:00I* 4 #t ~~ ~~ iGt .ti - - - - - - - -- - - - ------------------------------------------- ~~TSIK.ISIKM.1UJ L.] ~ ~ ~TsXsISU AA Seencanidtesfo hydromlectriecomiso

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