bSDESDYSEyEMER2,,ýPAGE27 IAVING W1TH TEENS Imnproving .relatioî'nslis e tween pa rents sud teen4gers wîll be the f ocus 0 f a 10-sesson parent study group starting on Weduesday, Oct. 2 at .Anderson Collegiate, Whitby. The cost cf this stuc1 group is $55. pa1r person. Vor, informnation about this ýor.,suy other -study grops offered by',the..Faiily Educto Rosourjtce Centre cf Durham- Hûùse lu their,fil rori ci 579-2021 or686-435. .25TH ANNiVERSARYGALA AND DANCE Club Carib *111 -hold a 25th anniversary gala and dance on Saturday, Oct. 5 at- the YWCA,' 199 «Centre ýst. ,S., -Oshwa. Cocktails wiil be serve at 6 p.m., folowed. by, dinner at 8 P.m. Keynote speaker -wiil be Dennis Francioi vice consul, Cousulate of Trnidad, & Tobago, with Mnstr of' Citizènship Elaine' Ziemba, Durbain Centre, MPP Drummond White and Oshawa councillor Jim Potticary as special guests. Coot of admision is $30 par persSn. Music wil be, provided 'by' "fraction' sud,, D.J. .Lee. For tickets', caà Hl728-7130, 7284293 or'432-8828. LEARN1NGDSBLfE ASSOCIAT[ON;, IÀ Larning,-, Dsbltes Asoitioný, sbawachapteWill hold a. mouthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26,1 7:30' p.m., at the Whitby Public.Librarr. There, wll beapresentationpçn What is a Learning Disability.e This is a p arent suùpport,group sud al are welcome. Admission is -frée. For more information, oeil 655-4175. LW N WJI'CANCER A special meeting "for the Living with Cancer Support Group will b. held on Monday, Sept. -30 at the Aj ax Cricket Club (corner' cfMonarch' suad Clemente) froen 7 to, 9 p.m. Guest speakers wiil- b. Carole -Fowles, sud' Fran King discussing families living with cancer, with a focus on children and their needs. Part of the meeting will b. devoted teo blîdren, in a separate sessioh- led by F'ran King. Ail ages are welcome ý-to attend. ià ght refreshinents >wililbe available. For more information, oeial the Canadian , Cancer Society at 686-1516. NýON-PROFIT HOUSING 'Tenant -Involvement lu Managing Non-Profit Housing' wiil b. the topic of discussion at a meeting cf a housing adviocacy group in Whitby. Gijeet panelists will present their views, followed by smail group discuussions. The meeting open to the public, will b. held at the 'Whitby Curling Club, 815 Brock St, Whitby on Thursday, Oct. 3 at noon. A light lunch will b. served. Admission is free. Pre-reistratiôn is requred. Do you use ail your potential? Do - you - wsu .t te change or Imp rave something lu your 1f.? Whiere te start? Reéeau des femmes du. Sud de lOntario, S.O.S. Femmes-Durham invites women te attend a , eriea of ' Wellness workslrops (lu French) once a week starting Sept. 24 and 25, froin 7:30 to 10:30 p.rn. j, for six weeks, at 707 Simcoe St. S. Cost is $25 per participant. Cail 436-7353 to register.. LYEACY COUNCIL nhe 'Litoiracy Council c f Durhamù Region wll be at the Midtowýn Mail, 200- John:.St. iu Oshawa sud at the Whitby Mail on Thickson sud Hwy 2 on Wednesday, Sept. 25 and- ThurdaySept. 26 to recruit voluteer. Volunteers are mostly required, for tutoring but people are aloo needed for office work, flnndraising, taping of booksansd special projects. For more information call 1-800-263-0993. Non .'ofit communi rou~s I Whlby or have a 1 place their umgmeetingms 8 5atvIlsonti page'at no cost. FUNDEAIINGDANCE. W» 'v Pyhatrie Hcspita1 wilhlithe -imnual United y fundraii dance -at -col.RS St. N., Oshawa onFriay, Oct. 18, p.. t iaém., There wlll b. door prizes raffles,*and a ligt lunch will Ue sered. Msi y The Entertainers. Tickets, $10 par person, may'b. purchased at the. door or from Lafontaine Tlrading Post, 122 Brock St. N., Withb<*.Proceeds will go te the SEPTEIMBER 18 Big Brother Month ley risd the Big Brothers flag across Ontario. Bert Djeet of local the Town hall recently. Big Brothers and Mayor Bob Atters- Chue Bovi. Phu FRENCH PRESCROOL Whitbhy Publeic ibrary will offer Frenchr preechool once again. Regiâtration begins Oct. 1 at the children's desk. The format la somewhat different this year $15 for age 4 'from 10 toe 10:45. a.m. Sathurdays. $18. for five sud six year olda frcm il a.m. to, noon. Classe will run Nov. 2 te Dec. 7. For more information oeil Joanne Alexander 668-6531. "EZART TO RAfP The Hart sud Stroke Foundation of Ontario will hold su eight-week information poamte help those who have sufrda heart attack, s=rex or stroke. Specia]stafo different fields, cardiology, nutrition, psCholoiCal aspects, te naine a few, =ilb on hand to provide information sud answers RECEPGTION On Tuesday, Oct. 19 7 p.m. lu the U.K. dining room, Fairview Lodge Fazily Support Group is hoeting a wine sud cheese reception for a family members cf Fairvew Lodge residents sud those who attend thre day program. For more information, contact Heather Thu at 668-5851 (ext. 49). NIGHIT 0F CARDS 'Night of Carde' (bridge euchre, favorite board game) wilI b. held on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7:45 p.m., at Trafalgar Castle School as a fundraiser organized by thre school's alumni associa- tion. Tickets, $5 each, include coffee, tea anid refreshments. Cail Tracey.Addison at 668-3358 for tickets. Ali are welcome. .ineLLu JJaLm u MJAo i. IAion al aspects of neart aiw5M55 SINGLE AGAIN AND Kfidney Foundation of Canada The next session will begin on REBUILDING recently cracked openl its 1991 Sept. 25, and will acnmodate if you have recently become Peanut Campaign - a fundraiser 10- couples. For further sprtd yu ae poal aimd a imrovng he 0alty foratio)fl or to register, cail experiencing the feelings that life for local idney patients. he the foundation at (416) 571-1682. corne when a love-relationship campalgn runs until Oct. 31, andens hri apon15tp hopes to raise $22,500 by selling poeso dutett hslo 300 case~s of ent.Bi f PEACE PARADE that forms the basis of Bruce peanuts seU, for $3 and contain 17 Baha'is-invite everyone to 4oin heîbokp s.nack-.packets ideal'for Halloween in a- peace parade on Satur c isers oo, ebuilding. The and lunchboxr treats. There are 25 Sept. 28, 9 a.m. Baha'is believe Family Education Resource bags in each, case-.,Fore more' world peace is the "next staffein Centre of Durhamn House is information,-caIl Margaret Crees. the evolution of this planet. or ofengadsuingopfr at'985-4584. mr nomtocl 6-65 people who are single again- that will explain the pattern 0f building blocks suggested. in this !MRPAD DINNR MEIN " AGOW 0F CANADA b'ook, -sad lead -participants The Hunan Rsourcs Wonns Aglow Fellowship throughthrfelnsclsa pi-ofessional A ssociati o f wii l -lda meeting on ThÛrdELY1 while pointing directions for the l»urhx will ho1d-1a- dihnèr Oct() 10 at Cuilen .<Grd<s future. The 10-session support mà eeting on Thursday, Oct. 24 at Taunton Rd. W. -Refreshinents ruwilmeonTsdy,7t eGrAla, -Whitby. Shirley Carr served at 7 p.m fo1lowed 9ropmwtii m ept.3T0,sate ýes1dent of the Canadian Labour by worship at 7:30 p.m. Cost is n sto evnuept.ild30, 33th iongreos, will speà k - ý- o $7 and guest speake King St. W., Oshawa. The cuit is 'Labuur-Management Relations Diane Edwards-.Woes Aglow $55, with some subsidies lthe, 1990s.' Registration-is $50 is a rnsdenominationl available for those in ueed.,For per person. For further network of caring women hr more information and to register, iînformation, cail Rebecc Lauzon nwoesaewelcom. For cail:the centre at 579-2021 aorf 451 -'2ý11. momtoicl 3-45 M >to IAWN SALE Volunteers will hold a fun- draisinig lawn sale at 22 Baldwin St., Brooklin on Saturday, Sept. 28 9 a.m. to5.p.m. Raffle prie wiil be drawn. For more informa- tion, or donations, caîl 655-8896. FRENCH PIRESCROOL French erescirool will, b. held at the Wlutby Public Library on Saturday morningo, Nov. 2 to, Dec. 7. The program for ae4, to b. held fromn 10 te 10:4 a.m., costs $15; for age 5 sud 6, il a.m.* tenoon, $18. Registration begins Oct. 1. For more informa- tion call 668-6531. FALL FESTIVAL More than 30 exhibitors, in- cluding some from WVhitby will talc. part in the Greenwooâà FalI Arts sud Crafts-Festival te b. held at the Greenwood Conserva- tion Aiea (Hwy 7 sud Westnïey' Rd. ) on SBunday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m. te 3:30 p.m. The Metro Toronto Conservation Authority is organizing the -,event that will- luclude wagon rides, free parking sud clowns. FUNDRAISINGBAZAAR A fundraisinq bazaar for the Oshawa & District Humane Society will b. held on Saturday, Sept. 28, 1il-a.m. to4 -p. at VaîyView cliros Punshon Rd., off Bond St. sud Park -Rd.,. Os3hawa)., There 'wifll b. doorý przes, tearom, whiteelephant, -fia.Iflitbake-'table, crafts, Plant table. Fr.. admsio.For FUNDISER Comedian David Bromstein will perform, at' Eastdale. CVI, Os3hawa.on Saturday* Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., asp art of '"Share the Magic Feeling' organize'd by the Rainbow Cast- of Pl!ayer's as a fujidraiser-for the United Way. -Tickets arýe $5 for adults,'$3 for kids. Caîl 434-2564 for more ift- ,formation. HBMPAD SEMINAR The. .Human ','Resources Professional Assocation of Duhmwiilpresent Sria Skis for Supervisor. & Managers,' aone-da.,seminar desidgned especially for managers and front-lime supervisors te enhaonce ,kniowledge',c'f key employee relations, issues* and recent legislative developmen 'ts. Facilitator wiil be Donald' A. MacMaster of MacMaster Là ougheed and' Assocates, management, consultants. The seniinar 15 on. Friday, Oct. 25 at Cullen Gardens, Whitby. For registration snd further infor- mation, cail Rebecca Lauzon at 579-2911. DUFLCATE BRU)GE CLUB, Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club will meet in the gaines room at 215 Reedairèe Court, Whitby every Wedniesday at 7:30 p.m., starting Oct. 2.. New members aie welcome. EPILEPSYDURBAM 1 REGION Ep'-uilepy uhmRégion will holdthe monthly meeting'on Tuesday,'Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., at, the Kinsmen communifty centre, 109 Coîborne, St. W. Oshawa. A sup- port group will b. held. Ah wel- come. The bazaar will be held Oct. 20 at the Rundle munity centre, Park sud Gibb, Oshawa. For more information cail 436-3152. ANNUALMNEFING Professor Harold Minden, reci- pment cf the 1990 Clare M., Hlincks Award- for contribution te mental health ïu Canada, will b. guest speaker at the- annual meeting of the Dur'ham Hous. 'Child sud Family Centre annual meeting on Monday, Sept. 30 7 :pmat the Michael Staff Build- mg in Oshawa. Minden will'dis- cuss 'Profiles of Successful Parents.? For more information caîl 579-2021. PANCAKE BREAKFAST~ AND BAESmL Composte M30asd David T. Campbeil#706 Lodge wiil hold a pancake breakfast sud bake ale on Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 a.m. te 1 P.. at 203 Cochrane St. juat n o f Dundas St. Refreshments wiil b. available. Admission is $5 for adulte, $2 for children. Ail are Welcome. BAKE. AND CRAFT SALE Windsor Place.* Seniors Association, 315 Coîborne St. W., Whitby, will hold, a bake and craft sale on Saturday, Sept. 28p il a.m. 1te, 2:30 p.m. Refresh- mente will b. on sale, sud raffle draws -will b. made at 2 p.m. CRAFT-IEMONSTRATION- A', craft ýdemonstration and cake decorating seminar walî 1b. held on Friday, Sept. 27 7:30 p.mi. at Westminster UYnited Cliurch, 25 Msuning, Rd. -Tickets, for $5, are available- by calling Shirley at 430-1596, Jean at 576- 0300'or Greta at 668-4919. CRAFISAND CAKES Westminster United Churcir Womeu ,wifl :hold-a'c'raft deionstration sud cake'decorat- un at the churci 25 Manio on, ziday ,Ip-.27,n 7:39 ~M, Costa$.~rzssdlnh ~,kra~ dO 7"LORà ' e ,'-, I Bazaars and craft shows]