Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 9

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-By Mro Boucher Only 16 people attended an opnhouse inWitby last week fo4he ýproposed waste landfil site in, Durham Region, according te ýJennifer Fisher environment' p1aphner with M.m.Ùbioni Ltd,. The Interim Waste Authority Ltd. heldthe open hous at the Centennial Building te give the public an - opportuity te ciscusa the site search process., She said there was similar turnouts la 'most of Durham ,Regîon. Fort exarmple, only -21 :pole attended '-the'open hous m<( shawa, said Fisher.:ý. Port Berry attracted 'the most people with 68 people, she said. She, said about 40 people are exetedo attend a public work- shop on'Saturday between. 8:45, a.m. and 3:45 p.m., àt the Cen- ýennîaI Building. luneidea ofan open house ié go et commenta from the .2ublic andtô fmd, the' beet site, said ]Rick Todd,-dcosulittwthMM Dillon Ltd. M.M. Dilon Ltd. la the leading consultant for- the'IWA. - «We hope byth6> ftd'OfÃ"fit w. 'have sufticient sit es -to find an acceptable- site amonghe, sidi Conrad Gelot,1IWA co- ordinaterfr searhofthne îsite. "We're going through the entire - Envïironrnental Assesa- Oment ý Act (EAA)proces,» sid Todd.' H. said M.M. Dilloni Ltd. and re?,laknng » the"Waat6r- -egon waste ing the possiblity of nto using the new site- ,aste, Todd eaid "thatea eie planning for." Shope theD public will ié-ntaan%'d moifiMcation d ciiteiia of the site "We're putting . alon-the, -tableand rqueting the publié' input te see how wellweare dong, at each docwental deve- Once w. come do"wn te"a liat of pros ted ie -é wlgont- téfiteld and do scientific aurveys including drilling,"he -said.-ý Gelot added .thpat experts from theMinistry of Trnsprtatio n 'will eîxamine the .possib 6 accesa routes te the new site. Among the. plannag process, there is consideration' for ail aspects of the environmentanüd 'a thorough 'selection process to decide the beat landfill site in Durham Region. It has flot yetý been determined who will operate the la ndfill site.. The onal liat of sites, is'expec- ted té be announced at thé end of November. 1Another -series of open houses and seminars will b. held in Whitby and area following this announcemeiit.-, A Régional Conasultation Net-' work la being planned according te Karla iveyv of the kWA 5h., said the purpose of the SEE PAGE 13 BARRY GRAINGER discuses hie views with staff from Intérim Waste Authority hIc. An open house, to find a new Iandfi'l-site in Durham, was held Sept. il at the Centennial Bùfilding i Wtby Whitby eets-a new Ton ouncinNo.1 mostKeep- reading the Whitby ree Press* for the cmete coverage ofalthe local issues and candidatesý hO-elp 'yo Umake yourchoice, alcandatshvbenette foli wn set of questions Thefr answers will be published mli two specialisuso WehoethyOctober -23& 30 We hpe heyare the questions you would have asked yourself. Write us and tell us whatyo think their anIswers should be. «:k < MunicipailBlection 1'91 -Candidate'Question-aire, What a plitcia woth? hatpayinceass would you ad'vocate for councillors overtIi. next three years? Should such - creases b. voted in clsed door sessions? Wouldyou personaly reniove yourself fromsuchasession? Would yourefuse an increase- which hadbeen voted at such a session?, 2. Wat respons ibilities do you feel a councillor' has towards individual constituents and towards tIi. population as a whole? Do youý feel there, la suffiientopportunity for public input? Do you feel thatactiveratepayers'groups .would be a help or a hindrance tte' municipal govrnment process? 3. If yeu knew that your own position on a specific issue before council was at odds with the majority of your constituents which way would you vote? 4. Do yeu think Whitby's government bas been toa secretive in the. past? If so what changes would you make? Do you feel that mat- ters coning before council should be given more publicity te the community as a whole? Would yeu advocate that agendas, reports andlbackground information b. made available to interested citizens a minimum of a few days befor, the. meetings at which they were being discussed? 5. Are you, satisfied, with the pace and type of development in Whitby? Are you satisfied that it is w.l controlled? What problems have you seen or *do you foresee? 6. NIMBIyism (not la my back yard) la a comrnon problemi in municipal politics. What would you do to prevent it or avoid it? 7. Where do you feel the balance should wdxst between the private preperty rights of individuals* and the. collective rights ef a cn- munity or neighbourhood? Do you feel the municipal gevernm.nt shuld develop mechanisms te enforce tighter property standards? 8. Do you feel that design centrols should b. implemented la seme cases te ensure that new construction within eistingdeveleped' areas conforma te existing buildings or do you feel that the official plan and current zening by-laws offer sufficient centrol. 9. Do you feel that the anibience of the old cor. area of Whitby is important te tthe cornrunity and if se what speciflc stepa wold you advocate teý pres.rve it? 10. Do you agre. with a tre. control by-law which would protect trees on private as well as public land? 11. What la your vision of the Whitby waterfront? How important la public accesa? 12. Are you la faveur of the plans for the. Centennial Building?. How should it b. paid for? 13. Do you feel we are overtaxed or that goverment la too expensive? If either what changes would yeu advecate? What about A tax freeze? Ia what areas do yeu feel that significant cuts la expenditures could b. made? DQ yeu see any areas where revenues nmight b. increased? What àa your position on market value assasment? 14. Iii abroad perspective how do vou view the garbage criis and what speciflc steps would you advocate te manage it? Are there aýny specic leadership initiatives that Whitby could take? 15. SIiould council b. bigger? Are the wards tee large? 16. Why do yeu feel that the general publice ases anti-politician? What would you de as an electod councfllor which rngt alleviate that attitude? 17. Are there-any additionalissues wlilc o feaimp:ortant? -18. What in particular differentiates yeu froni your epponents? :1 i 1 --------- - - « ý 'l ...................

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