ByMroBoucher It s tme or anada ta get out sud.-invest with the. rest cf the world,-Dr Carl Beï - told local, businpe einMi Yýlast, Founding' oxecutivo director and -later president of the .C.D. HooInstitute,:Beigie c ial guest speaker'at a bréakf's _...kick-off for a series cf seminars -ta be held i Durham Region this >Ho s aid peopleo. shouldn't believe Finance Minister Don Mazankows3ki's referenoe ta the «booming.» «IAside from housing and car sales, the economy hasn't quite recovered yet,» said the recently retired- chief economist at mciLean McCarthy. On the other hand, ho said «we will net have a ýdepression in this country.» The unemployrnent level would have ta reach 15 per'cent for a ,,,depressionî, ho said. For a full recovery, unempîcyment should drop toa minimum cf 7 per cent, ho added., rigtathe ig Cnairidolla and ~ ti.pOIpos free-;tradeý metbetwoen Canada1 the Uted States -and Meico. Tho ecoyin eped by but .using ýthe varity of social servics in Canada, ho-said. ]ýeigi*e.said Carada' vast' natual resources, such as water. and- fareits,: have become ~ mixed blessin'g.n" H. soaid the policy: of John A. M acdonald in 1879 has been wasted., It's become incredibly inefficient by* allowing too many bigfirm i *'*M'Canada. Bieigie said w. cannot -rely on aur natural resaurces anymre «"A womb with a vieisB- gie's reference ta Canada's freliance on its natural'resaurces. *He said it is timefor Canada ta goeut-there» and invest'with' the rest of the world. eigie said that U.S.-awned 'businesses 1are. 1fundamentally different than the -mare tradi- tianal -Canadian-ownod businesses. "We have- ta expart autaide of the U.S.,» h., said. 1Beigfie said Canada shauld «focus in areas- where w.l muet do botter,"-mentioning, tolocom-, muictintransportation and hoalth car.. 'Acrigta Boigia, four major, eleiùents -in economnics -- produc- 'tivity, fator payments, eichangoe rates anid pol4yand the.'environ- ment are C" iial'toa'astrong economy. '«Th iness.attitude towarde labour has got ,ta change, peÈiod," hoe said. «To lower wages is not the awr» =ho said. "Theo-anrswer is tari.thoprýoductivity.» ."To lawor wae is ta lower the standard of living, l' o aid.,«In-, centive for workers is one of the. solutions in . termascf 'manage- ment. 1Beigie said that the. survival of Canadds eéconomy shouldn't be subjectedtaatical gaines. «Loiglta20 years down* the road-isfn damentally ipor- tant» said Beigie who hzialo taugt at McGiý,l tJniersity and at tho-University cof Ontario. Besides having ,written many articles1 on economic, matters, Beigie has worked on Wall Street andUBayStroet. SMEPAGE 23 DR. CARLBEGE founding executive dfrector of 'C.D. HOwe I]statumu was the guést speaker at a kick-off breakfaststweek for a'series'of .local sminrson .Productivity iprovement. CbwI .EvfephiO Beigiel,: former director c f- the execudtive -MU, prograin at the,. University cfd'lNronta, said- the productivity iM~provement sexm- nars will help teach business owners ta survive and succeed during thei current economic ties. «Intereà t rates willistoý people from inveating," ho sai ,roter-, Lanhes prtest Taxes are *rýevolting,- says local mrhant By Marlo Boucher. A Whitby business anris. orgaizing atax levoît. Idont pynothizng,» says Leslie Ma 4,Iwner cf' European Music Studio h the Whitby MaIl. .Madia *i ll neit; pay, aùy taï - goods and sevicestaos proôv'incial sales tai IPernalmnême t,è r prHertays ax customers refuse to pgytaxes t hie store.. «Ilt omeieut ' -My pocket- because, ot;herwise, people will shjp ehr. else. EI'gnie tea far» he saYs.ý« «Ltthe sue me, won't payl. taxes. Madia says' action is" required by the people. «The goverument can't put 10,000 people in jail.» Madia believes the* federal government will raise thé GST tai ta 12 per cent in the near future. He also thinks the federal, governient will crate a 10 per cent national tax after the noît election. 1 Thats about 30 per cent tai eývery timo you buy somethinn ho saysw. "Jista year ago, ZpeoL didnt believe a 15 per. cent tai, se a 30 per cent'tai isn7t impos- sible, is it? "Tiiey had ta, stack up the Sonate ta put-: it (08Tp taï), through,". ho says. «That's how' tey cared about the attitudeof Canadiane.w ,According ta, Madia the foderal -government has coleted more than- $3.4 billion with te revenues fron the GST.. "Tlhey-will use, that monejt St re-lhtéd' sayé. sa. adia,' a .mèmber of , the- Reform Party, ie distributing' pamphlets te stimulate an inter- est in bis tai revoit. «W. h4v -,bf ýct1n 2hr quWtyof it,- he ays. -'Cnly our sjtar4daraIIf living .is g4eingdown, certainl net taxes," he says Madia jaloth*w the pro- osed'fr etra e *t Mfeic land the lntdStates wlll b. "the last straw.» 'Madia 41lives the c urrent ~onà icpoblfri oulb~ olved by ra ii ng the iîmznwe for SEE PAGE 9 FREE. DEUVERY &.,PICK-UP (on minimum ordeýr) Phono 668-0800 Fox jý68-171 I Hours.M' - - WHIBY MIUHN Lieadia, whooils himSlf the 'Mad Higran;' is undetaking a persona proteot against taxes. Fiee Pmr photo For the, most 'comprehensive 'oiffice 'reccIilg program in uhm ein 11,i199busnes