WIIITBYPRMEPRESS9 WEDNESDAY, ',TMDR lt 1991, PAGE 19 Poneore Free 57 point inspection for ail Volkswagens. September 24-26. Ãheres no place like -home. Particu- arrange an appointment at your con- Iarly when the home. in question is a venience September -24th, 25th or Volkswagen 'Auto Haus' No matter what 26th. And remember - no matter how you own, frori Beetle toPassa t, bring your far you travel from your home, you'l Volkswagen home'and it wviII be given always be welcome at our Haus. a, thorough 57 point inspection by a factory-trained Volkswagen technician. For free. Just dive us a,,cal and we'll Calfor an appointment today. 3 MIRN OASCO VOLKSWAGEN £ 'ciAW 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 0 - V'¶F.DOshawa/Whitby 668-9383Ajax Pickering Toronto 683-3235 motýLý u~ O VER 50 LATE MODELS ON SERVICE, RENTALS iIfl.1" J COMPETITIVELY PRICED FOR YOUR CONVENIEN4CE' Experience the OWASCO feeling. Proven ta serve y ou BESTsinoe 1972 AN'l CARE" AND.O.M.L SERVICE AWARD WINNER Extended Service Hours: Tues. & Thurs. *tii '7,30p "FREE" Service Clinic Iast Thursday of every mionth <by appt.) Offering Customer Satisfaction in - Sales - Service.- Leasing (ail makes) Body Shop(all makes) - Parts.- Rentals(Canada, USA and -Europe) Prices effeéctive(iLl\thruSatudayThe Classic Muskoka inn September 14, 1991 Corne and be our us i h anion rndîr n 1Fo us21 st until Deceer 2s,191peeà rcshlp icheck ln; and receie an additional 15. OFF the roomr portion of vour rate. We reserve the right ta limit quantities ta normal Fairv Lake H1untsville, Ontario Cail Joli FreW 1.800-461.4454 fa lyrquiremnents. Coupon items imited ta two. iaeu and Serîice Charge% Stisl AppisSomerestri(ion5 maN appis Look!... SPeig dL ..N ATIONAL BRANDS SAL1E. -CHUNK LIGHT IN WATER OR QIL REGULAR OR DIET MACARONI &-CHEESE Clover Coca-Cola or Canada Dr Kaf CASE 0F 24 - 355 mL TINS ti f 50 mL BOTTLE D I. a .(Unit cost 7.00 per 100 m L) (Unit cost 9.2c per 100 ml) CAE F 6229 ACES 1ua 5Z99 n.69 4.99 u184 gTI WITH COUPON BELOW PLUS 40e PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT WITH COUPON BELOW REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GRIND IT HI SAVE Shopsy's M axwell IMcARPONICES Kraft.49 Deli Fresh or H ou se r inner225. :cag,- L-IMliT.3 TINS PER FML U C A E(Fotur. pncewftthoul coupon 711) .C, # ,1 ~IS71~PU CHASEBeef wieners aîoipoi UîI Coca-cola ôr'Kat0 ,Canad asea ry 35ML Utins--9i2 Ipckg, LImfT. 1 case prcoupon. LIM mer2 coupons purccustome Offer vlld SPt. . Sept.14. 1991c /pon#6er _______P;________________________________________ Fetine prc. wthout Coupon 7.9> ______ ..C . W T O P NB LW(olr Of1ride wt.9cupon 7M) SAV WTHTHIS S FHI SAVE ITHWTHSHSAEHIS COPN$-001 COUPO. $ W OUPNA$.E0COUPON 5001 MER OR HlM STYLES, SELECTED SIZES *MWPE OR LIGIH N* LIV ELV EUR IE OR EXRA ILITID'PO RED OX DR PACKAGE 0F 26 -54 CASE 0F 12 -125 g-175 g TUBS 30g VAC PAC FIE4IN __L UNRY Huggoies 89 1 Seal test House 3/499 unlight 2 9 I D ap rs 'uIT 2copos pr Y go rt3 5CPi e rcouýpoli. LIMIT. 2 coupons par custonier L MItI 2 coupons parc customer1 LINi ae a oupon. UMIT 2 coupons per customer. LCLIMIT:e.ouuon erc UM ck orr coupon. UI12cuosprcs o fr ldSp. ep 4 91s e sd Sp.S et ~ 91 fErmvidSLgrp.1,91 Ofe v M e et . 4.191 _ _-Sp.14 M ....j1e <etrepjc lha opo 09) G .. (Feature onice wthôut coupon 6.M)> S.C. #52j ptewithoutcouponI343)' V4C. .# re price wthoutcouPon 3») GP .0 (Fotu Lie Wthutcouonlm ý ýGIS.C # 56 -SC. # M [ M'G/ S'i'I.'. r ' oer