Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1991, p. 1

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S hlo ut it out! WHJTBY TOWN CRIER Ered Martin will be the hoat for the Ontario town crier championsh;*. « to be held during Hieritage Day in' Sages il to 16 fori aturday's events. Whitby. See more about abrisflovf. photo PSAC. piekiets iii Whi"tby By Matrio Boucher Federal public servants have begun their biggest stiko i26 years. «It's the firt* time that the whole public service i26 years has gone an strike ta express our frustrations " says public servant worker Liz (hang. About 15 workors picketed Tuosday i front of the Whitby Employment and Immigraton Centre on Dundas St.R, just east of Brock St. "We don't know anybody olso w ho gesO r cent (pay ini- creasé,says Bob Leora public servant who usually works i Don Mills.1 Mrnygetsil percent, 'we gtOper cent," he says. Isabel Albanese says she is striling because "Our rente go up six per, cent yet we have no incroase hm Our pay.» «We pay taxes too," she adds. Albanese -says, «We want poople ta know were i this for theýubictoa." Sh sy the public doesn't get as good a service as they should bocauso oach, civil servant .is expected to perform twa or threo jobs at tho samo time., "They'ro not creatig jobs, just replacing fuli-time staff with part-time employees,» she says. ."We are short-staffed and they mal<e one persan do two or three job%»' says Chanig. tqt41 "if th-e could change hats, they'd roalize we aren't lazy," she Cagadds that "they (governmont) gave thomselvos an il per cent. raise but when it came ta aur turn, they gave us 0 por cnt.» «We want at Ileast 3 Fer cent increase in salary,' says Aibanese. WVhitby residentMarina Chry- sostomou takes the bus ta work i Scarborough every day. "Thy should croate mare jobs here .Whtby),» shesay s. Chang says she and the other strikers feel they are «getting Whitby trustee Ian Brown., current chairman of the Durham Board Of Education, will not seek re-election in the fali. He had been a member of the board sinco 1980. S"After il years,' rve dono all I can do," ho says. "tI still love tho job but I've reachoed a pom*nt where its timo tomove on,' says Browni. Hosys ta twas a good time o a ave when ifeol satisfied with what rvo accomplished."ý A rosident of Whitby for 13 years, Brown is married with two childrôn. Ho is a pjco oducational coTsultant .Wth te- Oldm4:i .an .will, run again foôr sàeparate b'oar'd is»eat' By Mario Boucher A sehool trustee feels he has a real stake in his, children's edu- cation. So Tom Oldinan will be seek- ing his third terni as Whitby trustee for the Durham separate sehool board in the Nov. 12 election. «r'm stili young and I. feel. I have' a lot to offer to the board," he says.< Oldman says he has helped lead the way in controlling and cutting, construction costs for According to Oldinan, the spending for students has quad- rupIed in the Iast 30 years. "And this has put a lot of pressure on taxpayers, ho says. *Cutting the cost of school con- struction is a "direction I feel we must -go," says Oldman. «There are now. over 20,000 students in our, (Durham separate) system, from 13,000 in 1985," ho says. Ho wonders why the milI rate is «being only controlled during an election year.» Odman is critical of other members of the board using-an election campaiýn for false pro- mises of controlhing miIl rates. "Thon they turn around against it,» ho says Qidman says his interest as a sehool trustee stems from his five children, aged 6 ta 14, being part of the system. «As far as the children are concerned, I cannot afford..not-ta run-,» he says. Qidman, says he, has aspi- rations'ta some dy become a Town councillor. This is not a stepping stoneý for a political career," no accs, however.1 Another Whitby trustee, Cath- orine Tunney, board chairman, says she wiIl make anà annouùnce-- ment in, a few weoks about whethor or not sho will seek ro-election. «I havo'yet ta make a deci- BERPAGEM4 à'# w SEE PAGE -24' ,', '. ', . . ', Ifý

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