PAGE 16, WI1TY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY..SPEBR419 BACLK TO SHO DINERSPECIAL!, 2Can Dine For Thurs., Fr.&Sat. 5, Close Choosefrom 5 "pasta, 2 me'at, il chioken, end 1. seafood dish. L LUCH BUFFETI Mon.. 10 FrL1.1l:30. arn to,2:00,pm IBuy one lunch buffet for $6.95, and get the 2nd FREEI I__ - - - - - -Offer Expires Oct. 31/91 ..... Check out our-NEWLUNQHý.EON ,MENU, fuil of your fvurite sadwiches fro m $4.9P5&up 1l608 DUNDAS ST., En (At Thickson) 436- 9346. PIAVING STONES RTAJN[NG WALLS kl ' -à 1)l r i,1A4f NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST on UNILOCK paving stones and retaining walls 'TIL MARCH 1992 TED ARNTS _1 i LOAM SUPPLY LT-D.j. 683-0887' -._ _ Brook Road N., PiCkering (Il 1/2 miles N. of Hwy #2) il. Incresethe value of -vourhoe Join the millions of homeowners*,,who are enjoying,,the luxury and efficiency of a new kitchen orb throom and, increasing the value,,of, their, home. Brandom Kitchen Centre has the.-desgen', idea.and plannin'g experts who also understand the economics, of a new kitchen or bathroom. - Visit one ,of ougr showroo ms and ask about Our, Free Compu'ter"Desigýn & Estimate service. Don U.YOURSELF SEMAR Saturday Sept. 7th,1é91. Ram or'Shine PAV ING STON ESLsO RETAINING WALL1AK