wH[ITBY FREE PREEg, WEDNESDAY, AUGU~f 21,1991, PAGE 31ý Group applud uscancellation Ontarlo lacrosse, major senies PtSbooog 8 ai Bruokin 12 Au& 8 Bamklu 4. atfBrampton 8 Au& 10 a Brampton 9 atPeteffbocough 12 ewttegozh aatllr.mpion 9 Aug. 14 Brampton 9 at Brockln 14 Au.1 Bro7 n 138 at Peterbocough 14 or~muin. um 4eadvaaotofla") A4g 19 Brampton at Brooklin 8:30 p.m. (et Iroquoâ ParkýArena) Aug. 20 Brocklnai Brampton 8:30 p.m. Aug. 22 Brampton a Brookln 8:30 p.m. (ut Iroquola Pârk Aren) Aug. 24 Brooklin ai Brampton 8:30 p.m. Aug. 26 Brampton at Brookln 8:80 p.m. (at Iroquola Park Arena) Aug. 27 Brooklln ai Brampton 8:30 p.m. Aug. 29' Brampton at Brookn 8:30 p.m., >(ai Iroquola Park AYons) Whitby a mrLnor baseb-al Imr Lockshop TOP Quaty CollisOO EDO W.rdm fDeti Beckford Sruce Foran'u fing Mde ip sogiheti Nome Cher-Old SU& oe Polar Satellte lm lneqp TOP Qmà lty wbtby Optimiste Beckford Sogulce Whtby Dodge Whltby Optimlut Movle iap 5uMBadmn Foran% Poofng Minequlp Whitby Optimiuat Whltby Dodge EMoD ateDte O Brooklln Cycle 5 Nurse Chev-OIde 6. Strike Zone' *4 Dom%' Auto Parta 1 Polar Satllte 10 Dynes & toyds a Srchetti 4 mm Satellte 6 Brooblin Cycle 8 Dairyneon 7 Dynes&Uo1y15 6 DomAULOPars8 -okbp i TopQuality 8 Wmhty opuest. 10 Beckford 3 Innoafieope 6 Mo"le Uop 6 srichetti 4 IKPCquy - 6 Nure Chev-Old 2 Sirike Zone 9 Polar Satellte 2 Mlnequlp 7 SpoatPix - 10 Top Qualty il Beckfotd DaeM 8 Sport Pix 10 Lockshop 8 BDO WardMafleite0 Whitby Dodge B BDO WardMaflette4 InnovaEnvlope12 Mole Uiop 8 quutofeh <d Whltby Optimisi 9 Forme's Rooing <8 Whitby Dodge 13 Minequlp 4 8MBMarine 8 Formes Bsfoint whltby Dodpe 21 Whitby Opfimlst 7 PFb"l lot gme Whtby Dodge SmB Madmn 17 EUS Marine il Whhtby Dodge 8MBMarine (double knockod foMaO Badt div1si moeRn West divi" Bon aralcede Whtby Do04 Whitbyr slo.pitch grANrnNcs (aAn 1) W L T.FPM Molh~h 14 4 2 -30 V.la18 42 28 DrethnsPn 0 laO1 Hw~,Ie 8il O la » *300. le 4 la 0 a the GO train service as too costly FROM PAGE i1and'limitedAm scope, the'assoca- The association wUi send a tion arguesotherwise. letter to,,the new minister to roy Lesteré ay the train wouùld request, a meeting, but Lester <spark" housing land economic says ho doesn't expect such a gothi especiafllu in, Scugog meeting, will, occur until , the Township. traspotatonatudy is comple- 0f the 200-member associa- ted. .,tion, -since the train was axed, t- is expected'that -the atudy slneie have quit their jobé im -wilbe completed by'the end'of 'Toront,some live with relatives,. 1991.' in Toronto. on weekdays, sm «We stiui .got nothikig as far drive te GO train stations and- transportation," says -Lester, sometditnve ta Toonto. adding he doesn't expect any- ".We-need long-term solutions. thingfor at lIeast anther two' that wi1' gve ut-he bout? ý0le yoars. transportation ,system, say The association has been fight- 'Mils. ing flor. GO train service through "At the same time,'we must be nortornDuram t Peer-fisally responsible. Wé are in a 'bora' h on tracks formerly used reession and taxpayers epc by IA.1ai.govorýnment ta ,,ipend etheir The- area hasbeen without money wisoly." rogular cëommuter servicà E sn'ce Milà s says r Êesi*dents in Dur- oarly last year when the fedoral ham East riding,- that includes governmont scapped tho, VIA <north .Wb itbeeâ"a coat-effi-- psegr lime between Peter- dient, pubic tasoaion sys- CBOough and Tôronto. tem t ailw hM.t cmmte te Âlthiough the ,"Provlce rejected'tho cityr. IZecEEw Immc l Crime Stoppers and Durhamn Regional Police are asldng for the ubls elp h 1soling a sexual assault on two Young girls in Oshawa on Monday, uy1 At about 2:45 p.m. two Young girls were having a pci lunch at Lake ontario behind their relative's house on a Court. At this timo a male person approached'the girls and asked if hé coudgo fior* a sw1m.-Noither'girl,'replied and the both started ta, back away when the suspect asked if he col have some popcorn that they wero eating. The suspect then lunged at the girls, rabbing one of the Victines arme pushng her te the ground. Ie other girl turned and ran for Iielp.The male, at thia point, tnied te, get on top of the victim but the victima was able te got away after kIcking tho man i the stomach. The suspect is deacribed as male, white, tanned complexion 515- , 1thirties v rY haiyon armean legs, weaning pants or underwear. Crime* Stoppera will pay up ta $1 000 for information leading ta the arrest of thia man. If you Ãeel you know who he is anl Crime Stoppers. As a caller you'II neyer have te, give your namoe or appear in court. The Crime Stoppers phone number is, 436-8477 (that's 436-TLOPS). If this number is long distance you can call collect or through your local Durham Regional Police number and ask for Crime Stoppera. Cafla will neyer be traced or recorded. Constable Grant Arnold writes thia article ta, help combat crime.