PAGE 16, WR1TYFRMU PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUSF 21, 1991 TEE OFF FOR CANCER The Canadian Cancer Society' South'Durham unit wiil hold a golf tournament- on Saturday, A ~31 at the Four Sessons Golf "TContry Club. Included in the primes is a car for a hole-in-one. The cost is $65, plus GST. Tickets can be purchased at the Four -Seaasn telephone 649-2436. For more, information, oeil Bll Hutchison et 428-6578. >BARBECUE A barbecue te raise funda for Developmental Parenting Ser- vices w-ill be held on Satunday, Aug. 31,8 a.m. to4 p.m., at the A&P store in the jito*nmanl Oshawa. A hamburjrt ad pop wili cost $1.50. For more infomaà tion caîl Steve at 721-0048. GLAD DAYS Epilepsy (Ontario). Oshawa & Area Chapter will hold their fourth annual Glad Days cam- paign on Aug. 23 and 24. Mem- bers will distribute bouquets of ladioli-te the public in exchange 4or donations. wRiTBYBBAs8 BAND,'U The Wbitby Brass Band will penform thieir ýlaut summer con- cert i the bandshell at Rotary rk,,BrockS.S, htyon T h u sa y, A ug 2, 730 p m Bri g aIanchaïr.< SCOUT BGSRTO Registration for 8th, Whitby scouts will be. held on Se p't. 5,7 p.=.-, at *Westmiinster UnId Chunch,, at Scott St. . and Man- ning Bd, The program ins-for bèavers, cube and scouts. Lea- der are needed at al llevels. HOSPICE WBTY Hospice. Whitby,,wil hlold training sessions on ýSept. 7 and 14. Hospice Whitby is a support service -for people and fanmîlies facing termmal 'illness. 'lu ,the Whitby community, caring volun- teers, who may be lay people ýor professionals,, are neddFo more information, cal Julie, O'Link at 571-3501 or Karen Thompson'at 579-9507 (9 a.m. to'. 5 p:M.) vACTO JIZSOHOOL Vacatiou <Bible Sehool wiil be hold ,atWhitby Christa Aasmblyfrm g26 to 309 9:30 nooCildren fo ages 4' to 11l'are welcome to ýparticipate im a .week-,of bibleý? atones, caiugames , piwpets, snacks and Mme. Toreit;cl 666-2556. svPiOR GOP O AirEEIMR AMAILlES faCspport group for Aixhemer Wednesday ,1eaich month. ITheneit meeting wil e'hOd n Centre, 910 Livepool R,S Pickering Gjuet9oeuth- of Bayly St.), The program U,,Wil inlMe avdo presen at n d discusionand, turehenswil b. served.l are welcome. For more inforatio, oel the Alzhefimer, Society at 576-2567. St. Mares, Parent& T o gam will begin ag*"ainonSép.3 Tuesdas from 9:10 to 11:10 a.m.ý Eachý -fhlt.Week session offers, activities for infants an cbRldren .Up to age 6. A separate parentsd ..program includes speakers, crafsouings and ocal tfime. The $25. cost for family member registered provides all child canr materials, - refneshrnents ..and speakers/outings fe!,inithe non- pr-ofit, Ipublic, progéam. 1 Regist- ration is lirnited.!-Deadline- is Tuesday,.Aug. 27. For informaa-: tion call arb Haynes at 725-. 1690.. * oatPrime' Rib of Beef lhieDhuamlqgionchà pterof *Broiled Seafood Plate the Ontarlo Frsitis Assoca- Broiled Whole ýLobster, tion will meet on MondayAug 267:30_p.n. at OshawaGera Hosit4 létue'room 0. Guest speakr *wibe massage Bi tetherapit Paul Szymanowksi. For frhe abve Indudeseêsa d , c ><eM ad W umore information, cal Susan paw ýWhalen at 430-8255 or. Gaye Ayotte at 728-0981. Ail welcoome. Ev-o«yhn *Ail lnstock Wallpaper Book #Brushes 9*R WalIIpap er Orders (Fabrios Included) IIlers *Trays Absolutoly Evorythngl *Renovations which wiII help us serve you better wiiI be completed by the end of August. -~I s y-- I- -- h- --................ BACIl< TOSO OO .PR..C.g.AL ON ALL PRES.CRIPTION LENSES -('Notvalïd in CýQfljfctiofl with anbt rdiscourit. 1'prpgra m. EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED' ncluding No-Une Bifocals andmiUlrathin Lensesa (Does not quaiify for specWa brand nams.) HURRYINAND DON'T MISS.OUT! Saie- ends August 31/91. .~............ PIC KERING OPTICAL EVENING APPOINTMENTS, 1360 Kingston Rd. (Hub Plaza) 839-9244 * 'ýYELLOW' RLIBONS' Cho ice of krmne, Tle M and VgOOVO0+ ae Qfferpe oodhogAugvs8Ji91 taeos rr MINIIWthM4CEStsu T OMM$5O +ta CAUPBEML4 .&TEMAA, LUMIJERS, COTE FLUERRY, ROBSON&MUELLER