1~RFSSW~DNSPA, J~LY7L, 991, PAGE 3 en rsi spcioi Town awaits word on Garde t. rsigisetio By Mike Kowalski Whitby residents must endure trainisftles.a while longer. .Transport Canada has not yet responded, to a request for an, inspecion of the railway cro ssing on Garden St.« The inspection is needed. to determine. if trains passing. through the crossing will no longrer be required to sopund their wlslles. Ifà hecrossing mees.rquired safety standards train whistles could.soon be a tbing of the past in Whitby. Earlier this month Town coun-' Cil approvred a bylaw prohibiting locomotivewhistling at the cross- ing located north of Dundas St. But' in order for Canadia.n Pacifie Rail to issue an anti- whistling order, the crossingr must first be approved by federal government inspectors. AcigTown administrator Al' Claringbld said local officiais had not received an answer to their request. However, Claringbold was hopeful the inspection could take place this week. As he explain ed, Transport Canada was origially scheduled Io inspect the crossing in connec- tion. with the Town's plans for the widening of Garden 'St. «Staff are trying to arrange to have the sanie people do the inspection for whistling," said Claringbold. As part of the bylaw, Whitby willshare- equally with CP, the $1,000 annual cost of liability insurance against third-party dlaims in the event of an acci- dent at the crossig. The insurance coverage will be $5 million for each ,occurrence and be subject* to « a $10,000 self-insured retention for each loss. The bylaw reprsets a sigqnifi- cant change in attde for both the Town and CP. In January,- council's ope- rations comnttee was informied' that CP was reviewing its train' whistle policy in Igt of new federal regmlations. With the passing of the Rail- waýy Safety Act in 1989, rail companies and municipalities were free to arrange anti-whis- tling agreements. But until CP changed its policy,. train engineers would continue sounding the whistles when approaching a level cross'- ing, the committee was told. However, since the January meeting, CP had altered its long- held practice, according to a staff report prepared for counicil. East ward councillor Dennis Fox hopes the anti-whistling order can be in place for the fail. "I guess the ball's in their park now, but I can't imagine there would be a lengthy delay,» said Fox. Although he raised the matter many times during the past three years, Fox sai he as not personally bothered by the noise. "The whistles neyer crossed my mind but rve been innunda- ted with calls,» said Fox. To explain councils position, Fox m'ailed more than 1,000 let- ters to Whitby residents. "Itfs the only issue rve had to do that on. It -wasn't ýa personal thing but in response to the resi dent s. Following council's decision, the majority of caîls were favour- able, Fox reports. .«I had sonie residents express concern about what happens if there's an, accident or that people shouldn't have bought hornes there. «Those arguments are fine, but they must realize there's many people it (noise) infringes upon.» As'part of council's resolution approving the bylaw, Durham ReWgion will beý asked'to pass a, sirnilar bylaw for the Hopkins St. crossing..> Hopkins St. is a regional road. ug e... a i 701 Dundas St. West, Whitby Fr1 &Sat 1:3Am-lam Y 2 ~flO electedY lA iIPWR S e Hundreds of picnic sites with pionloc tables e Free parking, at your site é 400 ft. heated waterslide, wet &.wild e Swimming.Pond with Small. Fry Waterslide e Rollerskating & Rollerbade Skating Forest * 100 ft. Mountain Slide e Giant Rainbow Bouncer e Miniature Golf -s Frisbee Golf * Children's Playground e Petting Farm Tel.: (416) 686-1545 or 686:16,80 ~~LiIBayy St E -5 PR OPE: MndaCMcoydyPARK IHOURS: Weekdays 10.0 amn-.0 Prn .m pn IIBRO WEU Weekenes 10.0Oam -lOprn6 ________l JOHN &HOlaYs I....... .--.- --- -.-. -- - - -.....---------- .WI'IITY FREE PRESIS WLL ,BE CLOSED, on Monda'yfflust S5, O«dkmsfor' eladvwtlshng, md ComhIg Events wuI b. Fvlday at f4 pm' èfvu, uYhW'y sofe wdy wed .1