ý ë'> 1 - 1 e, j' 4 - r Il >1 ý; PAGE 4; WJrYBFREEPS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1991 Hiddencot o 07 FROM PAGE 6 gasoline. One cf thoeejRaea le carbon dioide ( .The amount cf pure carbon dioxide that your trip produced would roughly I an empty refrigerator. The concentration of carbon dioxide inside would be one million parts per million -- pure carbon dioxide-- deadly concentration. There is carbon dioxide in our atmnosphere ight now at a concentration cf 350 parts per million. That is up fraom 300 parts par million in tho 1900s. This increasing carbon dioxide concentration is the main cause of global warining. Now, if the fridge-sized blob cf carbon dioxide froin your short trip was diluted ta 700 parts par million, it would I a double-sized high school gym. If you went into that gym, you couldn't stay for long. Neither would much else living on earth. We pay a big price, directly, Oodge CHRYSLERE SALES 209 Dundas St. W. & 200 Dundas St. W. 666-3000 indirectly and for aur own future, because cars are aur main mode cf transportation. Envfrornmentalists. have said that if the number of cars in use could be cut in haif, that would be the single biggest action we could ever do for the earth. The answer is not increased fuel consumption. That will help reduce the, amount of carbon dioxide going into the air but al the other coets mentioned above stI apply, parhaps more so. The thinkIng cf our government officiais that says the 407 is essential, is out of date. We cannot afford another superhighway for ail sorts of reasons. There are just toc many other costs involved in automobile transportation ta believe we will need, or can afford, another lO-lane highway ta accommodate the car and truck traffic. At the upcoming municipal electionsý, ask those candidates who support the 407 if they know what ail the costs are. Dependable SERVICE 200 Dundas St. W. 430- 8100 186.142 (AJAX une)- Stephenson batters Ajax Wbitby Optimniet bantarn base- bail teamn last week won their ninth EOBA league game in a row, beating Ajax 15-5. Brad Newport pitched, with help fromn Dan van der Werf for the win. At the plate, Dan Stephenson crushed the opponents, going four for five at the plate with a single, two triples, a home run and four iruns batted in. Dave Partlow, Ne rtand Adamn Thompson aso had multiple bit gaines to run Whitby's record te 14-2. Over the past weekend, Optimists went ta Burlington for a toumnament, but didn't fare toc well. In the first cf three gamnes, Ken Calway pitched a solid gaine against St. Catharines, going the distance in the tensicn-packed 6-5 vicry In=th third inning cf a screless gamne, Calway bit a three-run home run to put Whitby ahead 3-0. But in the seventh, St. Catharines pitcher returned the faveur by hitting a grand slain. In their final at bat, Whitby rallied with three more runs te win 6-5. Blair, Hardy and van der Werf reached base on errors, and Joeh Miller bit a sacrifice to drive in. a run. Thompson drove in Miller with a dobl and Newport drove in the winning run with a single*the second gaine, Wbitby was crushed 15-4 -by Hlamilton's Three straight wins have hel- ped Whitby Peacock Sports rise fom the depths cf the mosquito division cf the Eastern Ontario Basebali Association. Whitb~ defeated Belleville 12- 4, wt ichael Feret and Anndy Mueller each getting two hits. Gord Pomroy hit a mammoth home run with two eut in the final inning ta give Wbitby a ccme-frcm-behind 16-15 victory over Cobourg. John Farrugia had twa bits. In a rematch at Cobourg, Michael Heffering and Shane Beetham made great defensive Inch Park teain. lIn the third game, Chris Mace went the distance on the. mound, shutting eut Sarnia 8-0,, ailowing only six bits. Newport, Mace, Stephenson and Jerzyr Aronowicz had multiple bit gamneq. plays, and Jason Dickson laid dcwn a suicide bunt that resul- ted in two runs in an 8-4 Whitby victory. At a tournament in Ajax, Wbitby had a win and loss. Scott Thompson threw a one-hitter over six innings and Paul Hein- rich provided relief pitching in a 9 -4 win over Martindale. Whitby completed a triple play to end the contest. Ryan MacArthur caught a lino drive, threw ta John Partlow for an out at second base and Partlow threw ta Ryan Vopni for an out at first base. .. *..*.*.*. * .* *. * *. . .* *. . .. . . . ... . . . . .*. . .. .. . ... ... . . ... . . ......... ...... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. *** ~ *. . .* .. .*.. ... * .. ... **. . * . .. . .* . . .....K..W We won't kili our animais, says Humane Soc iety To the Editor- The pcunds and humane societies in Durhamn Region are ffiled te, capacity with cats and dogs needing homes. Many facilities are refusing te, take in any more animaIs, others are being, forced ta, euthanize the animais already in their care to make rom for hundreds more lost and homeless cats and dogs that are on the streets. Spring is the time of birth fer these animais and summer is the âime cf death for many. For every litter cf six ittens there is only a hame for one. The society does nct routinely outhanize animais. Once the shelter is filled, ne more animals are taken. in. We have no more reain, we refuse te il caur shelter animnais, and adoptions are very slow at this timeoaf year. We have tried te get other humane societies in Ontario ta, take in our overflow of animais but'they are filled, toc. We have contacted shelters al the way up te Barrie. Even the Toronto Humane Society has mailed eut thcusands cf post cards pleading with the public ta adopt their animais immediately se they do not bave te destroy them. The preblein is indiscriniinate breeding. We have resjponded ta several calîs recently about mother cats with litters cfkidttens abandcned in empty houses, found under decks and in sheds, even in barrels. We have desperately tried ta place them in foster homes but we have mun eut cf homes. The public must be told about this tragedy, it must become an immediate personal and community responsibility. How te help? Please adopt an animai frein a pound or shelter, pleas have your pet ue-million bomeless companion animais are destroyed in Canada each year. If you already have ýa pet, wcn't you pleasel consider adopting another. fyou don't have a dog or cat, now is the time.toa aopt one. You'll be saving a life. Please, come te the shelter at 199 Waterloo St., unit 2, or your local animal control, and adopt a campanion-.for life. Oshawa & District ELumane Society Chihuahua scares off garbage truck driver To the Editoz- Thursday morning is garbage pick-up on Rice Dr., Whitby. Our 4-lb.,cbihuahua, Sammie, and I were eut in the front yard. Just as the garbage truck pulled away froim next door, Sammie decided to go down and check out the garbage bags at the end cf our jrprt.As I watcbed te ensure 97edid not get in the way as the truck approached,, the truck passed by, ieaving car two bags cf garbage at the curb. I cculd not believe it was possible that this little dog hnad ýntixmdated the driver se much %hat he could not even stop and ask me ta pick Up the dog wbile ho picked Up, the /garbage. So, I .camèinside and ielephonecth publc works depà rtmient, Tovn i 'was informedl that there is a bylaw which sttes that if a dog, is near the garbage bags, the!, Liie oo e ave ta get out cf bis ~~ >rck was aiseinformedý that it was net legal ta have MY dog unleashed an rny property., The size cf the dog, cf course, had ne bearing on the bylaw. At a time when everyone is burdened with high taxes, we had te question the 'service' that car taxes were paying for. My frustration was somewhat assuaged when our regular driver dropped by te have a chat with Sammie, and to kindly take car garbage. I would like ta register my sincere thanks te car regular driver, and thanks ta the driver who gave Sammie an ego as big as aIl outdoors. Evelyne Stogryn Whitby Sammw getsaiat ego-booater CLEANING OUTSIDE WINDOWS For many of us, cleaning outside windows means two things - wet sleeves from the cold water running dlown aur arm and getting the ladder to fit windows which are always at inconvenient hoights. Fortunately, with t he addition of a few convenient tools, you can now wash windows as high as 25 foot in the air qukckly and easily while stand ing on the ground. Alil that is requirod is a lightwoight telescopic aluminum pole, a window brush and a window squeegee - tho samo tools the prof essionals use. ..1.Simply mix a -solution of Swish Sparlo glass and window cloanor In wator, apply the solution ta the window with the brush*, remove the brush from the friction fit polo, attach the squeegee and squeogoo the window dry. You will have an entire panel of streak free sparkling windows in loss than 2 m nutes. And thoro's no tramplung through flower gardons, no wet sleoves and no falling off Iadders. ftUs eas y, inexpensive and tho kit Iasts a it etirne. Corne on down to Swish lean-lt Centre. Wo'rei the cpêrts; -in cleaning and mainteryance. MAINTENANCE' LIMf1ED 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224-