lyIffB FEE RES, EDN~pY. JJL 3499. AGe SI ENVJRONMENTALTand I Wity FeProse col- umnatLorane;. ,Rouston was' at' thýe Wbitby Publie Library recently to taik about recycing and cmposing.Fre During thersu nerpotsyumyws orty are mde a ailaitnchRools througha the Recyhng Concil ofOtai.Dthmarjo.gCnte urm nvrn 2. Stpleie creenin*asightly amn smoovty hl os thet Be maeaul ouh i nto as os trog as wcyire oauninum 2cen. pe-iecrenggy- 3. Rië,,up old newsprint, Christmnas cards or birthday cards, along with some .potat peels, carrot peels, or aumy vegetable fibre that is available. PlÉace in a bowl'with water gnd-let sit at least eight hours before- mashing'in ýa blender., Be sure ta, add lots of water in blender 'and j ust a small amount of paper at a turne. 4. Pour this mnixture, called pulp, inta a large bowl, pail, rub or sink filled about 10 cm. deep with water. Stir tagether. 5. Take your screen in both hands aud place it in the tub. Shake :it gently from side ta aide, keepingr it level. In a single motion lift the screen out of the tub. Te water will drain throZgÉ the screen but the fibre will have evenly coated the screen. Lay a piece of foil on top aud press eut excess water with a spo)nge. If you wish a decoration, such as flower petals or leaves, place them between the pulp and foil before pressing out the excess water. 6. The -hardest part is ta get.your paper off the screen. Lay* out- some- old newspaper and turn your screen over on the' newspaper;. Mop up auy excess water with a sponge. Very, c&iful lftyour.screen.ý Your paper will remain on, the. newuà print. Place another sheet ofneiwspaper over top and iron with au i-'ro-onow heat.S Yur paper will dry eut.when -the ironisappied BUCCANEERCBAFT 'Buccaneer' craft for those aged 6 ta 9 will be held at the Whitby Public Library 'on Wednesdaty, July 17, 10 te il a.m. Cost is $1. ]Registration is at the children's PUSS.IN-BOOTS 'Puss-in-Boots '-a puppet show, will be held in the Whîtby Pub lic ià brary auditorium on Wednes- day, July 31, 10:30 arn. and 2:30 p.m. Per-formances -are. for those aged 3 ta 8. CLOCA PUPPETS The CLOCA Pupper Players will perforni an 'Ozone friendly environmnentally aware' show for children on Thursday, Aug. 1, 10:30,a.m. in the Wrhitby Publik Library auditorium. The pro. grani teaches children respect for the environnient. Summer the Russland *branci Captain Book -and the Bookaneeers reading club is designed to, help children keep up their reading- skills over the holidays and te, develop a love'of reading for pleasure. To join ýthis' prograin, children must be also to, read on their own. Meetings will be held at, the Rossland branch on Thursday, July 11- July 25 and Aug. 15, from 2:15 ta 3:15 p.m. Children will be able ta .discuss the books they have enjoyed, and a pcil çtiyi Jplanned fo each meeting. Registration will start on Tuesday,,July 2. SUMMER PARKS PROGRAM Staff from the Rossland branch of Whitby Public ià brary will visit the following locations during the school holidays. The children wxu De aDie we usten to .stories,, be. kept up ta date on activities at ail three bro nches of the library, and they will also be able ta sign out books. Staff will be there on Fridays, July 5, 19, Aug. 2 and 16. 10 a.m.: Forest IllI park (near St. Matthews S.S. a nd Ormiston P.S.), 1:30 p.m. Willow park (near tennis courts), 3 p.m. Fallingbrook Park (near Glen Dhu P.S.). ROSSLAND READING TE FOR JULY Stories and activities, for, children aged 5 and 6 will be held on Wednesdays, July 3 to 24, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., at the Rosland branch of Whitbr Public Library. Registration wir1 begin Friday, June 28. ROSSLAND READING TE FOR AUGUST Stories and activities' for ch-ildrean aged7 tand lup will lbe RYHAND EHME 'Rhythm & Rhymne Time for those aged 3 ta 5 will be held in the Whitby, Public Library pro- gramn roomn on Tuesday, Aug.6, 10:30 ta 11:30 a.m., an hour of cping. tamping, sînglng and staries. M statlnwilbe held -on July 10. MAGIC IN THIE AIR *A l7th century swashbuckling minstrel wiIl amaze and delight with 'magic in the air? on Thurs- day, Aug. 8, 2:30 té 3:15 p.m. in the Whitby Public Library audi- torium. The prograin is for those aged 6 and over. Registration wiIl be held starting July 10. CRAFT PROGRAM A special craft session will be held o-r-those aged 10Ota 12 on Wednesday, Aug. 14 10 ta Il a.m.,- in the Wbitby "ublic Libr- *ry programn room. Cost is. $1 and registrationis underway. - CARTOONING A cartooning workshop with Gloria Bales *'Will be held on. ThursdayAug. 15, 2 ta 3 pem.', in the Whtby, Public Liblrary programin oom. The prormis othsaged 6 ta 10. .ere is no fée aud, ail supplies are indlu-, ded. Youngser e arn how ta' draw popular' cartoon characters and seS how animated cartoons are made. BES NATUJRALS Bee's Naturals, *.crgfts made from dried weeds -rocks, shelîs and driftwood, will be on display at the Whitby -Public Library duringJuly. t By Cot.Grant Arenold Durham Reial police CrimeSoprs and Durham Regional Police are asking for the publcshl in solving a bank robbery which occurred ini Oshawa during the afternoon of Nov. 29 last year.. At about 2:05 pm., two men entered the Canada Trust Bank located at 22 Stevensoôn Road South. One male, arned with a handgun ordered the bank staff-ta look, at the counter, - remain calm anâ no one would get hurt., The second man hopped over a closed gate and approachçd a bank employee who had just rernoved some cas fom the' safe. The robber grabbed the cash andl plaoed it into a white plastic bag and thenjumped back over the gâte. Both suspects rau froin the bank ta a getaway vehicle and then drove. eastbound inta the'Oshawa 'Shopping Cenitre lot near Beekers where they abandoned the vehicle -and rau into the mail. The vehicle, a 1986 black Ford truck with licençe,WE' 8002, had been stalen earlier in Cob~ourg. Suspect #1: Male, white, 'ar1 20s 5 ft. 10 in., very thin build,light blonde wiga=oaee bard' wan 1lid shirt, gray track pants, bakhl hat, ariusd with a handgun which was tucked in bis waistbà nd. Suspect #2: Maie, white moustache 5 ft. 8. in.,. blonde-reddish wig, wearing sunglasses, -.rktoque, blue tracksuit and jacket, and black gloves. Crimestoppers will payr up ta $1, 00 0' for Information leadingta, the arrest ofthese two, robbrs. Have you anîyidea Who the* are? If so give Crimestoppers, a call. As a caller you. will not b required ta identily yourself or have toa-go ta court. The Crime Stoppers n umber is 436-8477 (thates 436-TIPS). If this unib re ogdistance, ea, us collect, or through your local DurhamRginai Polio number and ask, for- Crime Stoppera. A re-enactment of this crime will be shown on CITY-TVon Thursday, July4'duifgthe news at 6 p.m. ad l10 ;PM. It will ROSSLAND BRANCH FREE DELIVERY Z9 Un "IIUý~LVV VAIL SUNMER HOUIW -I, Ai DrugPlnsAcceptd Qe~dy The Rossland branch of Whitby 7 ........ Public Library will be -open, 1%DSONTO 000ar 90O Saturdays. in July and Augiiet . . EIRS IN ppîiet ees except for Aug. 3 '~d 31.. Extended oia loans _are, -43029996879 ,avoulable for .vacationing patrons. - 'I