-j - 4', 4G~8r~~49~l I THREE WINDJOW air conditioners, 5000. BTU. Like new. Cail 666-4308. AQUARIUM 48N x 12W1 x 18n with heater, stand, filter'and fluorescent canopy. $175. Mifter, lig hts and heaters also avaliable. GCalil Steve 436-0293. MOVING SALE- Dining table with 6 padded chairs. Dresser $12. TV $300. Reciner chair $15. 2 gutrviolin. Lobster trap $10. 12 .auinumn boat, 3ý HP Evinrude autboard. motor, 1fyear aid., And more. Phone 668-7443. FABRIC VERTICALS with valance,- 72*(w) x '84*(1), $79. 84"(w) x 8411(l), $89. Other sizes avalIabe at various prices. Sunshade Blinds -& Drapery,, 88 Oid Kingston Rd., Ajax. 428-0937. MOBILE HOME - 43-ft. by 12 ft., partly furnished. Wili arrange move trom Cobourg. $12,900. Calil Ted ater 5 p.m. (416) 723-9109 (Cheap Living). FACTORY BUILDING SPECIALS 60-14-120 - $4.30 pst. 30-15-60 = $7.22 pst.. 40-14-60 - $4.71 psf. 3Z-08-50 - $4.55 pst. 28-10-40 - $5.59 pst. 24-08-30- $5.90 pst. Cali 416-985-7930. MATTRESSES and box springs at, hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. East of .Orono, 4th ý -or Sth Concession 'line, 7 km. east of' Hwy. 35 /115. Seasonal camp- ground ,62 Beautiful. $840. APPIDACBSFONI APPUANCE REPAIRS to washers, dryers, stoves, dish- washers, microwaves and window air conditianers. (We aiso buy used appliances.) 683-8519, 430-7382. HAN KS APPUIANCES. New fnidges $575 and up. Used apt. frldge & stove sets $375 »and up. Rebuilt timers $55. Also apliac prs& BBQ bumers. 191Blor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa 728-4043. Sewing Machine Repairs Comple.Tuneup$39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines - from $5900 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Klng St W. Oshawa NEW STYLE WEDDING dress' for salle, size 7. Ruffles, 8 ft. long train. OeIl 434-2662. Best reasonable offer. Paid $2,000. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than hait e.Large selection.- McKoen ruiture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. NO'»GST et DEAL$ ON ýWHEEL$ Public Automert. Over 2 acres cf vehicies'for saie by owner. Open every Sunday only. 1730 Simca. St.N., Oshawa. 725-0002, leave message. ISHOP IN THE CLASSUFIEDS!I You'Il save lime and mnoney il you shop the ads in the classified section first! lt s the place to find the bg bargans you're 1lookng for. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the plieta go when your bank sars NWServing Whitby' since 3 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. in thîs worid, theres alweys room for one more. Cati your Weicome Wagon Hostess now. P hons 668-6653 GOOD CONDITION - dining room window, 5 ft. 8 mns. high x4 ft. 9 Ins. wide. $50. Cali 668-8032. BOAT lTRAILER. condition. WilI suit 12 $550.ý Oeil,668-4086. Excellent, FOUR-FAMILY LAWN SALE- -14 ft. boat. 22 Baldwin. St., Brooklin.,Saturday, J uiy6, 9 a..opm CROSS CANADA MARKETP:LA'CE" IT1S.FAST - iT'S EASY! ONE ÇALL,ONE BL OE TALL. THINK BIG .- ÉALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/RESORTS CABINS AVAILABLE for 5-Night Riverboat-cruises on scenic Trent-Severn waterway or Rideau' Canal. Only $835.p.p. Dbi. accommodation'*&.* meals. Cali Ontario Waterway Cruises Collect (705)748-3666. Vour Favourite Vacations ýare made with us. Famiîy Fun for Big Kidsand Smali. Caîl or write: HOSPITALITY INN, RR#1, Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0. (705)286-2361. SOUTH. CAROLINA - The Myrtie Beach Resoirt - Oceanfront Condos, Housekeeping included. Indoor/Outdoor Pools, Whirlpools, Saunas, Tennis Courts, Putting Green. Golf Packages Avaiîabie., Free Brochure: 1 -800-448-5653. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondence Dipoma courses:, Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss -it.ý lntroducing extended programns and Credit Courses. Caîl William at 1-800-265-7173. Markel Train ing Systems. .HELP WANTED Eastern Ontario Printer requires experienced LITHO FILM STRIPPER. Good compensation and benefits. Contact HolIy Dean, Performance Printing, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ont. K7A 4T1 (613)283-5650. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifts needs Demonstrators ta seli toys and gifts at, Home Parties. No investment or experience required. Established company. Caîl today (51'9258-7905.1 SALES HELP WANTED 6-FIGURE INCOME * International Music and" Video Company expanding into Canada. -Need highîy motivated commissioned sales people.andý distributors Part-time or fulI-time1 1-800,-263-1900 24 hr. lin.. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory Direct - Must liquidate excess lnventory. 25'x26' $2,112; 30'x36' $3,465. Other sizes available. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 Hrs.) BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - flot quonset - 32x48 $5665; 40x64 $8188; 50x96 $14,671 - non-expandable end(s), other sizes avaîlable - limnited steel - Paragon - 24 Hà urs 1 - 800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: Summner "Sellebration" on Quonsets, S. Series and Conventional. Payments, Lease or Purchase, -we have a plan for everyone., Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653. Fax (416>477-3661 or Toronto Lin. (416)477-1894. MORTGAGES "J. R." HAS LEFT DALLAS!1 He's here ta iend you; mortgage mfoney, anywhere in Ontario,.>Calil him. Itrans icon Financiai Graup, Toronta, Coilect 0- 416-650-9455, (toiîfree) 1-800-268-1429.,ý FOR SALE IF YOUR DOG W ONT STAYHOME! We have theý answer!l t's Amazing, It's Electronic, it works. FREE Details: CAN. U.K..RR#1', Bancroft, Ontario, KOL iCO, Fax (613)33-1375. H EARING AIDS/Accessories $2.99 Package Pre mium Zinc/Air Batteries. Minimum 10 Packages $34.90 including S & H. Visa, Mastercard. City Hearing-Aid Centre, 244 Charlotte St., Peterborough K9J 2V1. (705)743- 1861. THE BESI 90 SOUPR Saiad, Cassarole recipes $9 each or 3 for $25. Send cheque ta MEZO, 22 Cheiford Road, Don Milîs, Ontarlo M3B 2ES5 JOIN the RECYCLING MOVEMENT - attractive Canadian-made T-shirts in.blue, gray, burgundy,' recycling logo "Read, Then Recycle, Your Community Nwppr.~ie.,M ,Uny $6.95- plus $2.50 shipping. Order ifor wh oi lfamiiy. Send cheque/money order:T-hrs Box 451, Oakville, Ont. L6J 5A8. SERVICES Convenient, affordable computertraininig. By Fax' of Coursel Word Perfect, Lotus, dBase, DOS. $89 each. Train on your equipment, yo'ur convenience. Information:, (613)692-4677,9AX (613> 692-0682. Great permijnent,. historical record/resource. This newspaper and'most ,ot Ontarioïsw eekly newspapers reproduced reguîarly in microfiche form. Duplicate.copies available by calling OCNA, (416)844-0184. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES' BONAIR CAMPING. TRAILERS, Hardtop, Foldown, Fifth-wheei, Travel, Park-modeis, parts- accessories, New-Used. Fibreline, & Leer Fiberglass &Aluminum Truck -Caps. Conisignmentsweicome. Royal Trailer-& R.V. Centre in Teviotdale,. Ont . (519)343-2122. BUSINESS OP"PORT 'UNITIES, FACT #i - Over 450 people. averaged $225K'wth our f irm last year. Fact. #2 - More people earned $1 0K/mo. part*time. For more info. (416)777-1493., LIVESTOCK 4TH Canadian National Breeders School for ALL BEEF PRODUCERS. Juiy 31 - Aug. 4, 1991. Kemptvilie, Ontario. Reg'i stration $395 includes "iail meals and lodging.. Contact Vern Spence (613)692-3373. NOTICES DO YOU HAVE PSORIASIS? Calil 1807-937- ITCH, 1-800-561-ITCH Zsoria-Med cures your symptoms. 90 Day.Money-Back Guaranteel! Vour ad could appear ln communlty newspapers ln Ontario, or rlght, across Canada, or any Individual province. Space is Llmted, so Cal This Newspaper Today!' BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"U To reach a wider market, advertise throughout the re gional membership of the Ontario and Ganadian Gommnunity Newspaper Associations- cAil Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words :n For f urther information please cali the Whitby Free Press> Classif ieds._668-0594 ~WO~4fl mmuummmi mua -J