WhibyOpt'iit splt wo ,games, Witby- Optimista had a win and a los mi a recent tourna- ment in Bowmanville. Durham girls soccer UNDI= 10 - MTOUS Jane il KinammaClub O ltbyRoprTV a Jordan E mana 8 Jane 18 Whitby Rotuy Club O WhtbY Engm TV 7 IAM Vnolp 3 Whltby Kin&. Club O Jane25 Whtby Rotaxy Club 4 Dbum BrunM EaibuFooe maianle Vole KrsyImaGmom WiUby Cdn. Legion 1 stephanelemor Wbty ReffTV 3 Llm Vandorllp 2 Chria ShakupS.r Prin& Crk. Drffl O Whtby imn.Club 2 IyndaoY Smith Llm Lang Pick. ElWfioprta1 Ajar Annac TODI 2 Prin. CAL .Drup O WhtbyLeglan0 PickL Pipmaan 5 Ajax Saints Ajax Inamen G Coughla Homes O PickKinottas 3 Quaaty Tuno.ap. 2 UNDER 123-MOSQUrTo Jane 20 'Whtby Papm' Fac. 2 [Aura Hunt WWib Cdu. Tire 3 June 27 Whtby PapeFer- 4 Nii. Stewat 2 mIceflueato " UNDER 14.- FEMME JohnamaContais Joau onorisO Mcc. Raldeis 2 Jane 17 Brookln legon 3 Pik Mclnnla ley Cook Brin Cainaro 14siChamkâea UNIMR 1 -à 4TAýM Jane 20 = lbyon. 1~ I Dan Van Der Werf'tlËrew a two-hitter in a 3-0 wrn over East York. Jeremy Schott had two hits and Dave Partlow and Blair Hardy one eaeh for Whitby. Ken Calway pitched a three- hitter for Wlutýby against Stoney Creek, but lack of offence resul- ted a 3-2 loss for the Whitby club. Stoney Creek got ail three hits i the first. inning. Whitby's only two runs werei the fifth inning- when Dan $te-; phenson singled, Chris Mare, doubled and Partlow singled. Whitby mnor 'lac russe MumoRfEEWE June 23 Provincw iaugn ChrisKwrt 2 Rob Coton TlM'HSUa.Y JoolJohnscn Brocà kil Kinunen 101 ArthaWalay Bu*MArl Luke McKay 2 Mati 01cM John Cayotal lim lAttie Mlke York MAJOR TMK Jane 21 Joës. PazoRla Jomh Turcotto 3 Jaile Burd 3 Nick Verkuyl 2 Bon Varasecholts Wht. ROMe Mati Cauquotto2 Mlke &ibuynak Mikeo ccarato Zach Thorqual galve aaaqpioeudlp Stoohawks Bon Stantan 4 Jool Wltnaarth 0Cold bmnpimddkp Joo'a Pluorla Raiiert Gawno Dan Vaneacholtz GregJohnaton Jo.h Tarcotta Nlck V.rkayl Jamie Bard 5 Kn.ofColumabus K»ArtKhnoe Bren I&XM John lang Pamily Kartwqy ChuiElack2 mark Cauquonete 10 Martgod Lincoin 8 lwDeniaColaerman EVManabto MaR& ou Bon Stanton 2 Kylo Hobo Paul ManneUa 7 Marlgod LimIoin Brandon Guy 3 Evan Ashton 2 Mark Om 7 WhteRoao JoS Garrant 2 Miko Naccasatc; .WIITYPRME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991, PAGE 25 Peewees elimintd Whty, .peewvees reached the. quarter-finals before being. eli- minated at a baseball tourna- ment i Niagara Falls over the weekend. After wins of 6-5 anid 11-4, Bloordale. romped over the, Whitby tea in i the- quarter- fîinalý. Darryl Jennings singled home with wing run in the 6-5 victory overCoburg, Wlutby had a'4-0 lead on runsa by March Sheridan T~Arges, Gre4 Pomroy and îWesVickery. JanuieTurner drove i two rune. In the fourth inzngi Cobourg tied the meaginst pitcher Lars Clay. W-itbyagain took the lead but Coburg tied it at 5-5 before Jennings won it in the sixth u*nn. Jamie Tfurner threw a, comn- plete game. and had a two-run h ore run in' an 11-4 win over Brampton. Bloordale pounced on pitchers Clay :and Jenningo before Richard Domagala took over. Sheridan. was zmost valuable, plaer forWhibyas lie, hit a Piinle reekpulls. ùpset Whitby Pringle Creek IGA upset Le reviousjly unbeaten ScarboroughiMaple Las in an under-il rep soccer gaine on June, 19. ThIe Whitby teain carne up with a, determmined effort despite stEirting te game with onily il players. Three Whitby players were sidelined .by illnée or in- juy including Chris Rutherford who wasin hôspital.- George Epaminondas, who was outstanding tbroughout the con- test, soered the o nlj goal. Marcus payegotthe shutout. Wandby now has'three wins ada loss for the season in the Central East Regio n Soccer League. 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Summer Fun Camp PRESENTE 6VY Whitby Optimist Club Soccer, Basebail, Football, Tennis, Swimming, Badminton,, VolleybaI, Arts & Crafts, Vie ovies. ONE DAY EXCURSION JuIy 8-12, JuIy 15.19' Juty 22-26, August 19-23, August 26-30 Weekly Fee $80.W0 per person WORKING PARENTS CAN RELAX! EXTENDED DAY CARE 7:3Oam-6pm $20.00 Application forms available at: SOCCER CITY 100 SUNRAY ST., WHITBY 430-3434 668-6461 AND WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY Lot's f Fun For Everyone ý 1qillibloilm iiîm