PAGE 24, WHITY FREEPRESS,'WEDNESDAY, JUIY 3,1991 ------¶~,,~ ,. 4~L ~~ Whi~y 'lite socerWbitby 91 bl ý< camp. in Oshawa, Warrioes An élite soccer camp will be (uaofJwa2G)held in Oshawa from July 29,to PO K I silrAug2. Doe-*JMU la180 25 4t, Te camp, that -aida in, the 1îye 12 12 22 84 Cent. 21 - R.DMwn 21 M1E tzIt ýdveomet fre evlbosla M~o 8 S25 3M MlwyMte.2 eMax-il. ; nt feVp leG bys Todd Wilsola817 14, 81 r=uz1n0thaM 238 Rms-H. Devis il and-girls qged 10 té 14, will b. amâmnoe. 12 12'3 16, Sadril tii 17 eemg ta 7 held at ad iè ilda,1 9:010 o MatSrr 5 7 18 Kinsmea 24 Brook Opimlat 12 3 pm.'each day.. 2 7 12' i Tii. camp will develop and D=uLadwà oew U.23 7 9 refine advanced slis eand'tech- ýLee ayil 5 6'388 jfmù,«hý 12 1 7 8 ,«,2 t~~niques, develop -tactical aware- rtc'eiilck 12 1 .5.0' cetM 1 .Cmo .« >10 neas of the gamne and improve DmMWbirte la18 a a 10 understandingof team play, Alain g 12 O15 5 6 10 Top rovincial stafl coaches, l'D =t" 2 2 4 c' 1 13 4' ~~e i ~o nationa4l licensed .instructors, WrePeck 6 a0'8a 8 WhltbyOýplMlst-6 pofessional players ,and Cana-. nThns9' O a88 4 ian Soccer Lague clubs provide BiNSOfc 8 2 O 2 Brookila Optmlstil 2 instruction at the camps.,aUhe6 51. 1 *2 Tom I'anhuysen of the CSL D'Am Kcude 4 1 J . will b. guestmstructor in Osh- Bd m"oboe il1 1 lý -2 RM Ilyocke 21 Frmnk Rmlty 13 awa. .Todd Cyr. 7- 1 0 1 BIVDuu 9 Brooldn optimiste 7 Players inteested in attending sbUydoOs' ntos 2 1 O 1ýI. 17 WuziAutoBo4yi8M onter. the camp" shouId contact thée wstmmZ1.U 2 .Û 1 1 Uioca. ide 1 BgDout il Ontario Boccer Assocation at DavePowe a O O Dodd&SouWer21 Ba lCanada (1)49459orargstain Chri. Mctaughln 1I O O O (46)49-45, ora é »trtin ScuotMcDoef 1 0, O O stanil form. DigV Drugu 12 Showcao Video I BLgDonut 10 Dodd & Sauter 10 MercuryAutoflody 10 Bell Canada 6 mîBreolin Optimiet 4 Frunk Raty-C.Chantier 4 WhltbyLgin3 4 ReMax- The llalocks 2 S MacMillan Bathurst 2 Kinsinen Club 17 Broo&idn Legion 9 Netiom Irust 13 Lions Club 4 BENE SOERTENS watches the putt of Ajax Mayor N"l*e 8 inme Club 2 notables were at the Glen Cedars Golf Club bust BSi eo Thrdyfor the Urban .Development BrecldinI, OVICE Durham Catr2t ana ofturnament. Chuhers 17 uflflClub 1e Proceeda wentithe U ndWay. ftoKnlgtso(Colum. 12 MsrlgaldLincoln 8- Chri. Bovie photo Mdaufe 28PiMuDr 2 ___________________________________________________________________ Churchers I . Midasuiler10 Klhtso(Columbus 5 f~~THE TOWN- 0F WHITBYT 4om lu PARKS &RECREATION (qp DEPARTMENT bi COMMUNI1Y SCHOQLSlkehe wommen's, -SUMMER DAY CAMPS. fastbafl Oonings are stiil vadable in # ffl 91 nnwmr Camps at thefoliowlngBou .Commuity Schools:. Picette Pfmtes 2 Cisasce 2 BELLWOOD COMMUNITV SOHOOL PspmBataumat 8 Bay Sports 4 30 Bellwood Drive, 57j-4770ý Brooklin leglan 16 Skycraft 18 ...... G LEN DHU CO MMUNITYSCâHO00L 18 TeNa al5 TE DURHAM Lakesbore.Ladies' Fastball League *0 e#-b 1 - . 'h&lirl0.10im «Pi -Ti«TAND1 9q i Loi Iegs disease) Gecie-Y. - - m mFor onryformn, cali Jim Hardy at 9617. The Whitby Free Press would like to wish-a Happy Birthday to ail its carriers with JULY birthdays Stephen Berry Karmyn Giesbrecht PWaoLk port % TJG.O.GP William Chesebrough Maârk HugelPai u:a920.88-l tAir ontrol S 3 0O 667 2 9 Melissa, Clement Greg Ivail uRoalilotel 0.6152. East ey'u 6 8os 0 . 5 2 Erin Crawford Mathew Langer -K Mart 2 9 0O.18 9£ I Rebecca Oylbulska Joshua McVeity 1 Andrew Fountain Kelly Mount .ikr Ch ris Gaudette Aïitn rrtarakis ?.-jiq -1%'R T. ViI