.~M U : ~1~1R:{7'?~X-Ci'CLY'~?~ -. - = ~ VVA~~JJJ.IZEA U FAIE W>LUUL, Fi~X r7 WI.TITPRV wuI~~Duuî~, ~1 tnwmrn 1Tr~Lm.~ia oo ORMEN1 . .PE..R$..ON ..AL..S WHITBY - FURNISHED. roomn for rent, $75 weekiy. Bathroom, kitchen.' Student or worker preferred. Waik tà alal amenities. 666-3776 ater 6 p.m. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM in dlean, quiet home. Close to al amenities. Suit mature working pe mn. hftswelcome. Firstg SINGLE PARENT with one chiid wanted for shared accommo- dations in Pickering (Whites Rd. & Sheppard). Close to GO train and bus. $400 per month. Cati Gary after 6 pm., Monday to Friday, 839-2514. WHITBY- CLEAN three bedroomn main floor of houspe. Fridge, stove, blinds, carnet, parking. Juiy 1. 430-7298 evenings, days.379-7082 (pager). WHITBY -FALLINGBROOK. Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 store, 2 years new. Flexible terms. nt negotiable. Available June 28, 1991.274-3968. WHITBY - CLEAN three bedroom main floor of house. Fridqe, stove, blinds, carnet, p arking. $895. 430-7298 evenings,1 days 379-7082 (pager). UNIQUE COMMERCIAL space available. 300 - 500 sq. ft. No G ST. OeIl 668-5092. COTTAGE FOR RENT. Beautiful Stoney, Lake in the Kawarthas. 2 bedroom, inside conveniences. Available July & August, weekly or monthiy. Excellent fishing - bass, piokerel, muskie. Use of a 14 ft. aiuminum boat & 10 HP motor. $500 weekly. Please cati 434-2343 after 6 p.m. WHITBY- CLEAN three bedroom main floor of house. Fric.:, stove, biinds, carpet, parking. $895. 430-7298 evenings, days 379-7082 (pager). WHITBY - LARGE 1 bedroom apartments available July 1, $548 monthly. lncludes fridge, *stove, baicony, 1 parking space & utilities. Appfly at 11 ncora St. West. 666-027V728-2969. TWO BEDROOM apartment, downtown Whitby, includinig al utilities. Fridge installed, exceptionai hydro. $650/month. 668-5553. HUGE, IMMACULATE 1 bed- room apartment, ground floor. Fireplace, kitchen & laundry faciliies. $575/month, ail inclusive. 666-5056. 2- BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment., Appliances, parking, carpeting, ceramic kitchen. Clean, quiet area. $700 inclusive. Couples preferred. 655-3004.' ONE BEDROOM apartmnent for rent, Brook N., Whitby. Fridge, stove, 4-pc. bath. Suitable for Sing le person. Very. quiet place. $480/month p lus hydro. First& last. 623-4782 or 630-2108. MUST BE SOLD $99,000. Plain, two bedroom, detac"hed. Dining room, sun porch, private backyard. Make an off er. 728-4455. MUST SELL - Three extra large bedrooms, family room with fireplace, upgraded carpet, Roman tub & separate shower stail, private pool-size backyard with customn deck, eat-in kitchen, garage with double paved driveway. Quiet neighbourhood in Whitby, near schoois and shopping. Countryside *ust around the corner. $1163,400. Cali 668-0877 for appointment. .....R..A.. TAKE THE WORRY OUT o! buying or selling neal estate. Cali Wayne McPhee, W. Frank Reai EsteLtdM. 668-6171 or 686-182t CORPOAION OI-I F TME ~ TOWN OF-WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBUC MEETING Monda y, JuIy 8, 19910@ 7:45 p.rm Meeting H all, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, -Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to considen applications to amend the Town of Whitby Off iciai Plans to impement aproposed plan of subdlvisonlrezoning appplication as submitted by Erin Milîs Development Corporation. The subject propert is iocated in Parts of Lot 29 and 30, Concession 3, Town of Whitby as shown on the sketch below. __________,....... The purpose o! the revised applications is ta amend the Town of Whitby Offciai Plan. An amendmnent is required to provide a seconday sohool site, removai of Hazard Land designations and Major Open Space designations assocuated with the Hydro Corridor. The nevised plan of subdivisioft/rezoning application to implement these changes consists of 1,474 units compnised of 941 single family detached, 166 semi-detached units, 247 multiple family units and 120 apartment units. The proposed population of ±5000 pensons generated appears to be within the population capacities of Whitby's Officiai Plan for Environmental Area 1. The. prevîous proposed amendments for higher densities and population increases are no longer nequired and are being withdrawn. The purpose of this meeting is to provide adequate information to the public and to permit interested pensons the oppontunity ta make representation in respect of the rezoning application. If you are unabie to attend the meeting, your representation can be fiied in wniting by mail or personai delivery ta reach the. Planning Department flot"later than regular wonking hours on July 15, 1È991. Interesteci pensons may inspeot addltional information relating ta the above meeting in the Plannîn De rtme>nt, Lea 7, 575 R:ossland Road East durinq neguiar wonho urs, Mondà y ta Fniday, or may contact the Planning-eartentby telephoning <416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING ST. JUDE'S NOVENA - O Holy St. Jude, apost le and mrtyr rat in virtue and rich in miraces, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ athful Intercessor of ail who invoke your special.patronage inStie of need ta you i have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbiy beg to- whom God has g iven such great po0wer to corne, to my assistance. Heip me in My meent urgent petition. ln return,WxI promise to make your namne knowri and cause yotobe invoked. Say three Our Fahes three HailMayan Giorias. Publication must be pnomised. St. Jude pray for us and ail who invoke your aid. -Amen. This Novena must be said for nine consecutive days. RF. THANK YOU St. Jude for prayer answered with publication notice. DG. MAY THE SACRED HEART o! Jesus be praised,.ý adored, honoured and g iorified'throughout the whole woridi, forever and ever. Amen. Say -this prayer six times a dal for fn a nd your prayens wbe aseeno matter how Impossible it may seem. BC. BAHA'IS BEUEVE: Recognize your enemies as friands, and consider those who wish you evil as the' wishers of good. For information and discussion, caîl 668-8665. THANKS TO ST.. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throug hout . the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart o! Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us,- St. Jude helper of the hopeles pray for us. Say this* prayer nine times a day. By the eiglîth da yor ayer will be answere, yradss ofhow hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. J M. BIRTH CONTROL and famiiy planning couniseliing. Free and confidential, avaiiable Monda y ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3 ta 6 p.m. For further information, caîl 420-8781 or 433-8901. NOVENA TO ST. JUDE - May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forecver. O Sacred Heart o! Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker o! Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeess, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day your prayers will be answered. Rt has neyer been known ta f ail, neyer. Publication must' be promised. Thanks to St. Jude for prayer answered. BMS. I YCRIC ADVISOR JOAN 1 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ________ 430-1328 du ý 1