Blue bho: By< i'.Mme Kowald Durham Region's blueë box recycling program will likely cost taxpayers more nloney in 1992. But how much of an increase will déend on whethor local municipalities have, te pay the full cost alone. Town council's oporationscom- mittee last week recommended that Whitby again participate in a co-oprativo tender with othor Durham'municipalities for rosi- dential blue box collection. IThe existing contract with Muscilo Transport Ltd. of Klein- bur exirs"Dc.31and timé is tract, states a staffreport. Local municipalities want a five-year contract and more' items te ho included for recy-' dling,the report states. But' before tenders. are invited, Durhanx* Région. must give its assurance that it will continue te fund the prograin. Under the current 13-month contract with Muscillo, Whitby's costs are1 approximately $256,000 per 1year, exclusive. of the Goodi and Services Tax'(GST). . With more items being desig- nated for collection-iT if approved) and a requirement ththe con- tractor supply its own euip- ment, costs are bound te in- crease, states the report. Accoring te councillor Joe Drumm, the blue box program is a victim of its own succoss. "As more people get involved the more expensive it becomos,» Drumm teld the committee. "I can't say we can't give it (recyclable material) away, but it's getting difflcult.» Drumm has long advocated that the emphasis should ho switched from one of rocydling garbage, te rousing waste. 'Tmn not against recycling b ut wo have. te conviuce people te reuse,»said Drunüim_ '"Rather than put it back in the ý,ystem whore it will cost us an arm and a leg and a log and an arm.' ~'CëùIâèlIô 'Tom Edwards., Who opsdthe original contract with Muscillo last year was con- 'cerned that public facifities such as Fairview Lodge will not beno- fit from the service. But Mayor Bob -Atters3loy poin- ted out that Fairview and similar, institutions will recoivo rocling "loos» (largeréeptacles-which hold recycled items) as soon as pivate sponsors can bo found.. -The Region wants "corporate sponsors te fund the program.' Companies which pay $4;000 will have their naines and logos appar on, each of the igloos, or three years. The igloos will serve areas currently without a blue box prgam such as apartinent builfdings, tewnhouses, parks and transit stations. Muscillo Transport took over "If you 'do, thon make certain wo don't end up with ton lanes of backed-up trafRe. According te Wiseman, the highway warrants further study bofore the first shovel is turned. "If our planning is 50, great, how corne the world has s50 many. ecologcal problemsr" Making it clear ho is just raising concerne», Wisoman said his armots may ho having some effot. "I think people are starting te. think about the issues,» ho said. xrecycling costi, blue box collection last December Materials now collected, such 4c from the former" Durhami Recy- as newspapers, metal cans, glass l dlin Cntre Inc. jars.and bottleg, wiIl continue to Tenon-profit organization, be picked-up. ceased operations, after failing to However, discussions are being c win a long-teni commitment of held with the Region for the work from the Region. inclusion of telephone books While the Region's works mixed plastics, mgzines anc1 departmnent took over processing mixed paper, states t h report. items, collected in the blue box Meanwiile, in a related mat- program, local municipalities ter committee also recommen- were responsible for the actual dec1 that a $38,687 recycling ten- collection. der from AI's Control. Waste of Durham, ini turn, reimbursed Rexdale ho approved.' the municipalities for their costs. The tender, which covers sup According te the staff report plying containers for bulk wast several matters must be resolveci and recyclables plus pick-up and before tenders are called. dis posaI service, is 52 per cent Foremost among them is the hihr than last year. Regfion's guarante htitwl arks, and recreation director sti11 fund the programn. Larry Morrow attributed the in- AlS PISA I 655* 4749 ~ my ncrease crease te a, 54 iper cent jump 'in Iandfill tipping fees. "ILandfihl . sites are becoming mote restrictive in what. thoy oonsder.garbage,» said Morrow. We now hav to separate gar- bage and recyclable material. It's going te cost us a lot more ýTe. two recommendations were expected te ho dealt with at Modas council meeting. 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