Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1991, p. 38

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PAGE 38, WH1TY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19,1991 CORPORATION OF THE ./TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F THE PASSUNG 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council> of the Corporation of the Town of Whtby ased By-Iaw No. 2999-91 on the 27th day of May, 1991, une eton 34 of the Planning Act. 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any porson or a ne mayapeal ta the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the B -ab iing with the CI"r of the Corporation of the Town oi Whitby fnot later than the 9th day of Juy,1991,,a notic of appeal setting out the objection ta the By-Iaw and the eaons in support of the objection. The purpose and effect of By-law No. 2999-1 is ta amend Zoning By-law No. 2585 ta establish minimum parkinq requirements for multi-unit inclustrial developments within any industinal zone category. A key map showing the location of the lands affected by By-law No. 2999-91 s not necessary since the By-law changes the text ai Zoning By-Iaw No. 2585 and wilI affect-aIl lands zoned tlndustriale throughout the Municipaiity. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATIER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTAC11NG THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTUENT(668-5803). Daed et l9 Town of WNtby #Mis1M9 day of Jwwe, 1991. DONALD G.McICY C"sd of tu. Town of WIb 575 Rosund RdZ ' CROSS CANADA MARKETIPLACIE IT'S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VAÇATIONS/RESORTS CABINS AVAIL48LE for 5.Nihl RIverboat crulses on scento TrentSqVemn waterway or Rideau Canal. Onty $835.p.p. Db. accommodation & meats. Cati Ontaro Waterway COmises Cotiect 705)7483666. Vour Favourîte Vacations are made wth us. Famity Fun tor 819 Kîda and Smali. Cail or wrIte: HOSPITALITY INN, RRO1. Mînden. Ontaria. KOM 2K0. 705)286-2361. 1 FOR SALE VOUR DOG WILL STAY HOMEI No teastus. chaîna or. fences. its Electranlo, Invisible, amazing and stle. FREE Dtaits: CAN. U.K. RR#1. Bancroft. Ontario, KOL 100O. Fax (613)3321375. ATTENTION T.V. Spart fane. Get TSN anywhere. Aiea MUCH MUSIC. 4 U.S. networks and msny more. D.I.Y. Sysiem. $1495 plus subacrîpttan. Cali Statioan Eeiih. Fergus. (519)8433474 1-800461-0122. NORTH HURON CHARTERS Widernese Cruing HR aîong Lake Hurons Norh Shore. 26 - 30' sait S SARWARE fai IBM-PC & Compaibles. Fr.e $850 ta $1600, 1266 Gueen Stieet East. Sault Ste.s Floppy DI8k Catalogue. GD Software, 1330 Home Mae <G E.705)253-9346. Ave.. Thunder Bay, Oni. P7E 307. Phone (807)475- Marie PEA2E8.9466. FAX (807)476-8274. ( 24 Hrs/7Days) SOUTH CAROLINE - The Myrie Beach Resort . Oceanfront Condos, HausekeepIng tncîuded. Indoor/Outdoar Pools, WhlrlpooIs, Saunas, Tennis Courts. Putlng Green. Gol Packages Avaltabie. Fiee Brochure: 1-800-448-5653. HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA $SU$ C&M Cilla neede Demonstrators I0 seit laya and gi115 ai Home Parties. No Invesiment or experlence requtred. Estabtîshed company. Cali tadlay (519)258-7905. MULLER OPERATOR requlred Immedlately for large Eastern Ontario printlng company. Excellent benetits. profit sharlng. Appîy: Mike PhIIllps, Performance Printtng, P.0. Box 158, Smlths Falls, Ontario t<7A 4T1.- SALES HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE Ina Board Fees) Register part-tlme. ProvInce-Wide. John F. Campbell Real Estate Ltd. Phone: Volce/Fax : (416)588-2678, 24 hrs. (Save this ad). '6-FIGURE INCOME * International Music and Video Company expandlng Inia Canada. Need hîghiy malIvated commissioned sales peaple and distributors Part-lime or fll-ime 1-800-263-1900 24 hi. fine. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide la home-study carrespondence DIpioma courses: Accountîng. AIrcandlitinIng. Boakkeeping, Business. Casmetoiagy. Eleclronics. LegallMdial Secretary, Psychoiogy, Travel. Granton (5,A) 263 Adelaicia West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. TRAIN TO MANAGE an apartment/condomilum building. Many jobs avalfable. Wrte tor free brochure: RMVTI, 1801 - 1 onge Street, Tronto, Ontario. MSE 1 W7. MORTGAGES IF YOU OWN PROPERTY, we have niailgage money tor youl Exampie: Borraw $10.000 and Re-Pay $175 Monthly. Cati iniransicon Financlai Tati Fies 1-800-268- 1429. We make house caltis COTTAGE FOR RENT 25* tram take. Four bedîooms, two bathrooms, lîvingraom. dlningraam, tamilyroom. Gaod dock. sundeck, furnace, irepiace. Gten Royal City Reaity. Flesherlon, (519)924-2950. (519)924.3180 (Res. BUSINESS FOR SALE WELL ESTABLîSHED HOTEL: Lcenced under LC.B.O. ln Narthemn Onlaflo. For more Information cati (705)679-8526 or write ta: Box 4064 c/o Temiskamlng Speakar. New Uskeard. Ont. POI 1 PO. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwail Type - not quanset - 32x48 $5665; 40X64 $81188; 50x96 $14.671 -nan-expandlabi 'e end(s). other sizes avallable - Iimited steel - Paragon - 24 Haurs 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: Summer 'Sellebratlon' an Buildings ram Future Steel. No gImmicks, just soiid value for your money. Caîl 1-800-668-8653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS 1140. New types, steelwood, quonset, ciadding. For true value, action & answers - Waiiy (416)626-1794 aller 6 pm, weekends. Fee brochure. Cltp-save. BUILDINGS - Stralghtwall - SavInga 24x36x10 $3,692; 32x36xl2 $4.667; 40x48xl2 $5.814. Includes Sheetlng, TrIm, & Steel Main Framea. Guonset buildings also available. Ail sizes avaltable. Cati 1-800- 668-4338. (416)842-2100. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE la correspond with unattached ChrIstian people, ages 18-80, the oblect belng companlonshlp or marriage. Write ASI-GROVE. R0. Box 205, Chase. B.C.. VOE I MO. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EXPERIENCE iarm Ilie In Europe. Contact the International Agriculturai Exchange Association ai 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W. Calggry, AB, T2T 0E2 lo ilnd oui how. RECREATIONAL VEH-ICLES BONAIR CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop. Foldown, Ftth-wheei, Travet. Park-modela, parts-accessorles, New-Used. Fibreline & Leer Flberglass & Aîumlnum Truckt Caps. Conslgnments weicome. Royal Traiter à R.V. Centre ln Tovlotdaie. Ont. (519)343-2122. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FACT #1 - Over 450 people averaged $225K wltti aur irm last year. Fact #2 - More peope earned SlOKImo. part lime. For more Inf. (416)777-1493. FIV DEALERSHIP. 3 Bedroom home, fli basement. 1500 Sq. FI. shap. Approsimsîety $40.000 In equlpment. 3 commercial acres. Beautitut huntIng and flshlng area. Cati (807)274-640, NOTICES DO YOU HAVE PSORIASIS? Cai (807)937-ITCH. Zsaria-Med cures your symptams. go Day Money- or any Indîvîdual provInce. Space Is Llmted, so Cal! This Newspaper Today! Pacifie Acura "'nýDurham Region's Exclu sive' Dealer" e, NSX e LEGEND * VIGOR e INIFEGRAI 1Se 1992 VIGOR SEDAN LEASING * PARTS,@ SERVICE- 365 Bayly St., Ajax ~Y E A RX 41 6-428-8768 By Ia. rntA Iod Dura einlPolice Crimtoppers and Durham Regional Police are asldng for the puic' elp to, solve a theft which occurred in Oshawa during the might of April 16-17. Sometime between 9:30 p.m. and 7 a.., a quantity of householdgo<hwa toiln om three tractor-trailers parked atthe K-Mar55Simcoe St. S. Security locks were cut so entry could be gained. Stolen from the three trailers were coffee tables, end tables, dinette sets and numerous bicycles. Have you any diea who stole this property, or where it now is? Have you heard who, might have been responsible for this crime? Crime Stoppera will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest. You will neyer be asked for your name or have to, appear in court. You will be given a code number to identify yourself. No one will ever know who you are. TheCrme Sto ppers nuxnber i. 436-8477 (thats 436-TIPS). If this number is long distance, oeil us collect or through your local Durham Regional Police number and ask for Crime Stoppers. Cnstabe Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers and writes this article to help combat crime. s 1_111 M Obituaries GLENkMATYNý'i Glen Victor M ý of Whitbay died on June 3, 1991at, Whitby General Hospita. He was 79.> He was born on November 3, 1911 in Beach Towniship,ý son of Howard and May ( Smith) Mar- tyn. He married Marjorie E. Ste- phenson on September 26, 1940 at the Whitby' United Church Parsonage.. .A Whitby resident for more. than 40 years, Mr. Martyn wor- ked for the Town of Whitby for 23 years before retiring 16 years aHe was a member of St. Mark'.United Church. He i. survivedl by b is wife, sister Lila Barnard of Toronto, sister Birdie ( Mrs. William Bon- neIl) of Prince Alberti sister Mar- jorie Rament of Peterborough, brother Ellroy and hie wife Ema' of Montreal. He was predeceased by Lorne, and bïy hi. parents. The funerai was held from the W.C. Town Funerai Chapel ini Whitby on June 5, 1991, Bey. Brian Gee conductn Palîbearers weiUre e Felor, Ralpb Cochrane, Len iàscombe, Murray Barnard, Gord Iàscombe and Daîvid Bayment. Interment'at Groveside cerne- tery. IB.LIE CASSIDY Lillie Cassidy, former librarian' at the, Whitby Hospital Nuraine School, died recently at.ýFairview- Lobdge. A native of North Wales.. Lillie~ Clark married Leo. Cassidy ,on:ý Auznmt 29, 1944 inIi Lndon, Eng-. Shewa a resident of Wbitby-' for 25 years, a memberof the> Ajax Bridge Club, and former,:' secretary cf theANax NDP 8850-1 ciation. She is survived, by ber bus-.' band, sono David, Richard and' Peter. The funeral was held from the Town Fanerai> Chapel, WMhy. Interment at Resurrection cerne-. tery. LULU BARRI Lulu B. Harris cf Whitby died on Friday, Junie 7, 1991 at Whitby General Hospital. She was 87 She was born on epmbr-. 14, 1903 in Whitby, daughter Of Samnuel and Mertie ( ames) Harris.. A lifielongr resident cf Whitby, she workedin J.M. Hicks Jewel- lery Store. for more than 50' year. Miss Harris was a member of St. Mark'. United Church'. She i. survived by Ca rne <Mrs., Levi Arksey), Fred Bassano- of, Alberta, Elmo 'of Mississauga and Ross of Whitby. She was predeceased by Harold and Vernon. The funeral service.Wslil from ýýthe W.C. Town !ýFuneral Chapel, nMonday, June -10,

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