Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1991, p. 37

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.tKIQL.Pa.w1w 8 !IÇ~JNYRUIW .agaoAq -. .,. *. ~.-. ..,.-.. ...... .,.......... ... .. -WEflTBY MFE RES, EP.NESD)AY,JUNE 19,,191 P49E,37 ~ :.*. . .* . . * *. . *. . ... . . *. . *.*.. .. *.... .... ...... SEC OND ANNUAL SUMMER clearance PORCH SALE, Sat., June 22 & Sun., June 23, 10 ar. ta 5 p.m. 20% off of ail existing stock, wth, 50% off some items. What botter time ta treat yaurself, or gather some* earîy Christmas gifts., From reproduction laces, books, boohes, hooked rugs and haeaepotpourri and candles, to- adorable. cherubs &, dried accents.,,Please join us and bring a fnend. 76 Winchester Rd., .ars from arena in Brooklin. Sale prices flot applicable to special orders. -------------I-- -I OPEN HOUSE- The faniily ai Irene & Gardon Graham *invites friends, relatives -& neighbaurs ta an Open House in honour of their SO0th wedding anniversary ta be hsld an Saturday, June 22, 1991, 1 p.m. ta 4 p.m. at 615 Winchester Rd. E., Broolin. Best wishes only. GIANT YARD SALE - WHITBY. West Lynde house contents. Lots of bargains. Must soîl everything from appliancos to knick-knacks. Everything. Saturday, Junle 22& Sunday, June 23. 1 Jermnyn St. YARD SALE - A great variety af items al great pricesî Sunday, June 23 from 10 arn. ta 3 p.m. 8 Banneta Court (off Mcouay BIvd.), Whitby. WHITBY -SATURDAY & Sunday, 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m., at 2 and 4 Starg.1 Dr. (Gardon & Bassett area). Househoid iRems, furniture, clothing & much, much mare. 1979 PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 144,000 km. 301 V8. Good condition. Original owner. Asking $1,200 as is. 655-8732. 1982 PHOENIX, as is, $300. 79 Sprint, $300, as is. Caîl 666-2736. 87 BUICK LE SABRE, air tult, cruise, excellent condition. $5,900. 668-4104. 87 VOYAGER SE VAN, air, cruise agod condition. $5,900. W. have bas e i-overs(repassessions> - ase mIo Many maiceormodol . .T. . . .. . . V. .j MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE ~~83-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE I.M. ..W...... I ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insuranco because of âge, paar driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we cen help. Phone 666-2090. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0OF PUBUC MEETING Tuesdayq July 2, 1991 @ 7:3 0 p.m. Meeting;yHall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontanlo APublic Meeting will be held by meý Planning and Develpmnt Committee of cauncil of thm Corporation ai the Town of W;ýhitbt cansider mhe possible sale and closure of apublic walkway. The subjeot property is shown an the sketch below. 4rw<wM~alicensed4ency. For more information cail 686-3995 AVENUE BONACORD The purpose of this meeting is ta provide adequate information ta the public and ta permit interested persans the apportunity ta make representation in respectaif the future ai the public walkway. If yau are unable ta attend the meeting, yaur representaian can be fled in writing by mail or rersonal delivery ta reach the Planning Department not later than regular warking haurs on JuIy 8, 1991. lnterested persans may inspect additional information relating ta the above meeting in the Plannin De artmnent, Level 7, 575 Rossland Road East durinq regular woZkng boums, Mnday ta Frda, or may contact the Planning 1Department by telephaning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AIl persans having daims against the estate ai EMILDE MUDALOMP, also knawn as EMILDE MUDALUMP, late ai the Town ai Whitby, Ontaria, Fectory Worker, who died on May 5, 1989, are horoby notified ta send particulars ai the samo ta the undersigned on or befaro the 2nd day ai August, 1991, aftor which date the estate wilI be distributed, with ro9ard only ta claims ai whîch the undersigned shaîl thon have notice. MESSRS. WILLIAMS & PRICE Barristers and Solicitors 372 Bay Street, Suite 402 Taranto, Ontaria M5H 3W1 1 Ofî CORPORATION 0F THE ~J~/T0WN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW' TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town cf Whitby passed By-law No. 2998-91 on the 27th day of May, 1991, under Section 34 ai the Planning Act, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal ta the Ontaria Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by tlling with the Clerk of the Corporatilon of the Town of Whitby flot later than the Gth day cf, JuIy, 1991", a notice of appeal setting out the objection ta the Byaw and the reasons in support of the objectian. The purpose and effect of 'By-law No. 2998-91 is -te amrend Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784 ta establish minimum parkinM. requirements for multi-unit industrial develapments within any indlustfial zone categoey. A key map showing the location of the lands aifected by By-Iaw No. 2998-91 is not necessary since the By-law changes the text cf Zoning By-law No. 1784 ad wil affect al lands zaned *9ndustiale thraughout the Municipality. FURTHER INFORMATIO REGARDINO 1THIS MATIER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTAClINO 11HE TOWN!S PLANNING DEPARTUENT (668-583). De.ad utihu Town of Wtdtby tih 0hday otu&w, 1991. DONALD G. MCY CI.* of tUn Towni of Wl 575 Roubnd Rd. E. grN M CORPORATION OFTHE T0WN 0F WHITBYV PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBUC MEETING Monday, July 8, 1991 @ 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municinpal Building Whitby, Ontarlo A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee af Council af the Corporation afi megTawn af Whitby ta consider a proposed zoning by-law amendment ta parent Zoning By-laws 2585 and 1784. The purpose of mhis amendment is ta provide specific regulations within the zoning by-laws for satellite dishes and ta update the current zone provisions for accessory buildings within residentiai zones. The purpose ofi mis public meeting is ta provide adequate information ta mhe public and ta permit interested persans mhe opportunity ta make representatian in respect ai mhe rzoning application. If yau are. unable ta attend mhe meeting, your representatian can be- filed in wnting by. mail or personal delivery ta reach the Planning Department nat lter than regular working hours an July 15, 1991. Interested persans may inspect addltional information relating ta mhe above application in mhe Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rassland Road East durnnq regular worling hours, Manday ta Friday, or may contact mhe Planning Departinent by telephoning (416) 668-5803. 1ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING ARE You LOOKING FOR QUAIITY HOME DAY CARE? ............ .. ...... 1 1 1 /

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