PAGE Wihitby residents, literaily "reache 1d outf on Saturday during ge'Good Neighbour celebrations. Seven monthe ini the. maldng, the Good Neighbours festival, designed to enhance the "caring' in a communityr, was descried as a success as. it brought together the citizens of Whitby. The long list of events provided, ta variety of activities and entertainment for ail ages'. Faye McCorkell, m anager of seniors' programs for the Town, >was pleased with the day's results. IWI The committee met after to discuss the prora. We were S reaily happy wih hevariety of groups that got involved,, from corporate citizens ' to social services." It is hoped that the nihourly feeling will contnueailyear long. "There has to be follow-up as far:as awareness is conoernied" McCorkeil says. "The committee is staying together andýwe May" look at strategies i' helpmng new citizens to become î4î,intergrated ini the town." find isolation i larger areas, Whtyis worlung to keep a sm8 town philosop hy dsiea population approacmg609000. *Good.l I o 0 i ~>