12, WHM~Y FREE PRlESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19,1991 Plenty of. racket in no rth Ande'rso.n To the Editoe. An open lettor te Mayor Robert Attersley and Whitby Council airs: During the cpurse of a telephone cail te the mayor's office on the morning p June 3, I was told by the may oe write a letter te council wit regard te, My Complainte. As I told the- mayor, we have reached the imit of endurance as far as what is , ngpace in the north AndersnS.ares. I aiso voà ced the opinion, that thinga have reachecd a sad state of affaira when people are forced te, eitherlbave their homes or batten themselves inside them te, achieve a momemt of peace and quiet. At this point, I refer back Wo the meetings of 1988 which took plaue between the rosidonts ., f north Anderson St., a memiber of the Town planning department and the -developer. At that time, we reached several arem entswt the doveloper a~ the Town.' Contained in teeagreements were the twe pcii items of ne Sunday consýruction;- and ne construction vohicles on Anderson St., neithet of which bas been adhered te or enforced by the Town in spiteof0 numerous complainte. One realizos now that the whole exorcise was a farce since the site plan we discussed was subsequently changed without fur-ther input by t he residents. Conhequently, we now have two lighted -basebali -diamonds directly behind our homes. These diamonds are in use from approxlmately 6'to, 10:30 p.m.,on week nights and fiom8 am. te the same t ime 0< night on both Satuýrday aý nd, îSunday. ,Such gmsaccompanied: by shouting, wghistlng, hooting and'clapp*ig. For six days aweek from 7 s.m. te anywor. fom' 6 to,8. P.m.' plus* whatever can bo sneaked in on Sunday, w. must' conted with constructionnoise. <-On'Sunday, June 2, w. were trea ýt the neweà t entry inte the- endlesa noise competition in the form of a,drum and bugle corps. Sald band" was patis'ing on the grounds 0< the Father',Lee J., Austin Separà teSchool.l This practice. session ý went on for four*:,ý heure that we are mware ef.* W. were informed by the police that. they had already investiqated , ,due teote comnplainýt0 and could do ntii as -permission bad heon given the bond ý ,by th4 separate -scl I haveso. been in touch with separat. sohool 1,board chairman Citherine Tunney,j'and -Ilsaid that allowng týie dai Wprâctise outaide, the sçhoo was not. the behaviour rcflecitizens; Isuggosted the iit 0< cornronu . bond raca. uchoo. Mn sMd, there Vwere at least twýo rossons why týhat couldnhot b. done: .'the bond woùld pot have roomn W practise their manoeuvres, and thore is a $3500. hardwo6d floor in the ff that she ywas_ net »goinl t hMW o ,destroyed.I, n'rt understand that problem, one less St. area tnp te Europe by bood members would rcbalyrecover most of .that amoumt, if: indeeddamag .Mr8s -Tunneykept niý n ttte bandwià ldoybter ,for two.mo're Snaybt ol o:lerno"guraneèhatà te r banda folow thsne. Afte <alwe ar _ ithý .<boârd policy' and it'sooms this3 ýboard,,policy, takeè precedonce over .'any other' conderation mncluding the right of tà x-pa .n prpryowners W oMme, pezefuf eruoyentftheir.prperties begin to understanîd the evor-incrasng-- roentment toward institutions a liaswallow uportax dollars an d thon-try te d tate'teus, how we wll live, and SEE PAGE 31 At your Opoots Stduuade Park for ail seasons OnIy 20 minutes from Whitby/Ajax DAY PASS INCLUDES: e Hundreds of pcionl sites with picnic tables é Free parking at your site e 400 ft. heatéd waterslide, wet & wild é Swimming Pond with Small Fry Waterslide ~"ollerskating & Rollerbiade Skating Forest *100 t. Mountain Slide # Gia nt Rainbow Bouncer 0 Miniature Golf e Frisbee Gog e Children's Playground' Pefting Farm ..E...A...... ALSO AVAILABLE: -< Pony & Donkey Rides - Horseback Riding -Food & Beverage Available RIIOOCLAREMONT HILL TIt MARK94AM M. 7 - e PIOKERINO WHITBY VPAUHNRS: woeMays 1owOam -52OPm33 WoWe1 Olam -72 prm 6LAAU &HOIcYS including broken glas, during a clean-up 'ofTE a ae eieis,ýikd.*i ýltei briinch of Lynde Creek on Jume 9. To the WhxatbyFlaM kt EVERY SUNDAY 9 OOAM4,OPM 1910 Dundas St. E., Whitby (Corffer of Ga'ard .& bDundas) Wholesale Jeweillery a Carpts. 'ORug Sportswear a Antiqes and much, much more SACESILLF O ED For Furiher Information Contà atKen Peëteérs 655-919or 720-5844 Paul Loukas 416-745-8042