BladIe- skating at Pleasure Valley - ,,Bado tokatfrng 15 the. newest actityat leaureValley, the outd4oorî recreation and water park north ofPickering. Arollrblade demontration team'* will b. 'at the. Park on Sunday-,: June 23, noon to 6 p.m. Demonistration pairseofskates will hoe available for those who havp flot yet <tried the. sport. "ii. sport (blade skatinig) hia. obvxiouély arrived and -is here to stay nsamys Pleasure Valley pro- sidenhtEeIn Murphy. "Vie have been monitoring the grwhof thi. sport for several "easadnow behieve that "li e=kaig,» which is.the prpper generic terni for the. sport, han est ablished itself as a new sum- mer, outdoor- recreational acti- tPleasure Valley ha. Canad's- only 'rollerskating forest,» with almnoot a mile of pad foreet trails winding throughe 600 acres. ii. park also han a waterslide, miniature golf course, picnic' sites and water wars. For skating, protective and safety gear is available for rent includifg wrist protectors anâ knee and elbow pads.> PIea.ure Valley is on Brock Rd. livemusi li e m e.clie het* MPLACE. RICK DICKARDSON J4une 20-23. Thur-Sat. 9 - 1 Sund.7-H: -576-9121 BAR> & GRILL Easy Listeninq Roc*& BILLY BANO n the bar Fri. St.j'une21l'&229 JR. 4&THE DISKETUES, 15 Pm on the patio,- <Paio Grand Opening) EWART WILLIAMS ~on the patio, 5 - 10 .Pm 1100 Dundas St. E. Whitby 666-3300 0 cet HIDEAWAY BINGO DAILY MATINEES DAILY EVENINGS' Weekend Late Bingos Special Room for Non-smokers 65* Sunray St., (n. off Consumners Rd. 1 block w. of Thickson) 668-9029 1'HE PROSPECT 0F WHITBY LASER,.KARAOkE S with Tony& Roz ý .;;hru Sà turdayý,.June22 - STARTS AT9:OUGPM (At Mailýretet) Whitby 666:We .5092 HEPURPLE ONIQN Friday, June 21 LARRY GOOD of the Good Brothers, premier. debut show .$5.00 Saturday. June'22 <RIFF RAFFTnbute to ACIDC RAG DOLL Tribute to Aerosmith q6.00 Sunday, June 23 ROGER WALKER SLIPERJAM NO COVER Musicià ans register at the door. UPCOMING SHOWS Ata CountryPh k AiaPerras, Joh nny Payceck Bobby Bare, Johnny Cash Rock Shows Downchild, rorever Young (Rod -Stewart), "Trooper" 22 Athol St. Oshawa 576-9898 HANGARS MERV ROBERTS June 2Oth - 23rd Thurs. to Sat. 9 - 1 pm Sunday 8 - 12 midnight 1251, Simncoe St. N Oshawa* 723-5470 THE LION & UNICORN June 21 &22- 9pm -lam JEFF WISEMAN Enjoy Dixieland Jazz every Sunday afternoon o n our patio, 2-6pm 112 Coiborne St. E. Wbitby 666-3034 CULLEN GAREDENS presents 91SUMMER CELEBRATIONS 9 2:00, 4:00 daily PUPPET SHOW - 3:00 "KALEUDOSCOPE" 8:30 nightly Gardons open 9am - 10OPm daià Y 300 Taunmton Rd4W. Whitby 068-6606 der / dncin D'EL EGANT EL STAVROS BRIAN HAWTHORN enîtertains Tues. to Sat. from 9 pm to 1 arn Contemporary Music Join us every Saturday evening for our patio party (weather permiting> 557 ling St. E. Oshawa 576-6999 EXPLORER RESTAURANT DES HIL TON entertai ns Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights 7:30 pm 'tii close 900 Hopkins St., Whitby *668-0316 MOVIOLA CAFE Enjoy Dininig and Dancing To Our D"s Music Thursday to Saturday from 9 pm to close on the patio 1650 Dundas St. E., (At Thickson Rd.) Wh.tby * e436-9346 WBY~B~ PUEDPEDkZA -- - -- - - -- - - - - 1 I. - (7 A Summier Contest of Architectural-Identification, I5p with my littie e ye,, sometliing that is, historical. Each week the WhitbyTrF Press will' beepblishigapictureofa rchitectural détail An Whtby,Brooklin, Ashburn or, Myrtie. A correct identification wiJl be entered into a weekly draw to wixi either a historicalbook or. two tickets for a tour of historical homes In Wtb.This house tour ill be held on Heritag Day, September 14, :1991. In addition, there Win be a- grand prize drawn from al entries subniitted. The winner's name and Correct identification will be ublished in the following week's issue of teWitbyFree Press, along with another architectural detail. This contest is.sponsored by Whitby's Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (L.A.C.A.C.> to encourage an awareness of our local architectural heritage. .~ ILST WANDlA LOMER WHITBY The Lynde ouse' Lynde House-was bult b y jabez Lynde c. 1812-14 and is the oldest house, inWhitby. In its early years, it is believed to have acted as an inn on the original road between York, and >Kin!gs.on. 'Until reoen y it was located'at the corne r of MêcQuay Blvd. and Dundas St. (Hwy 2). In 1986, It-was moved to Cullen Gardens to make room- for new',development. The barrel'vaulted, porch and the lare 2nd floor Venetian window above it are typical CGçorgian femmues. Tusa at 0:0 .m Ifnkofyou can dendfythis pîctu re submft CIC The eti w'Cner w ndl be sfoeLe next Tuesdaat 10:00 pa.m. teeloaios u MIIO Name Entres myas edopdofa h Dhonto.nbace fteBn fNv cta Bankof ontealand he roo @&nbracfe :