Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN E YOU don't have te b. a student te talc. advan.tage - and cash -- froni the haifdozen or so ideas below. Each is cunningly designesi to create money-making opportunities out of some <f lifes ev'eryday frutrations. Talc. an idea, builsi on it, make lots f money -- and send me 10 par cent of the grou. We'il grow rich together. 1. Friday plaza car P 1ark Youlve seen the mayhem in the local plaza Frida froni 4,te 8 p.m. Cars parked in no prig zones.. others left for hours lu the loading ramp; pnpoyou've even been on. <f those circling for forty mntes waiting, for a par gspo)t. TJurn that frustaton inte cash eithr for a friend, neighbour, even yourself. Rent parking spots for cash! Ites as easy as one, two, theenPrkYour car early %rdayi a chodce location. Reunduring the busy hours teoffier the parking spot for $5, $10,. whatever the market will bear. Why limit yourself to one car? Park two, three, four, even more. With organization andi a bit of luck, you can soon b. the bi os ulli ng in big bucks, while creating part-time jobs fobr,- e2à relatives, neigbbours. Try it! (Note: Parking rights for Wbitby GO station may b. sub-leased from Swanls Parking.) 2. Hlighway paînter. lt' the stuif that artistic careers are made <of. Yes% you, too, can have your work praisesi by thousansis, admired, by ail who see. The. Departnient of Transport. neess artists. Spend the. summer, painting terror limes on, major bighways across the. country,- If you can paint, or loveé the smneil of burning rubber, there May b. a career for you. Since terrer-lin. painters sometimes combine efforts with guarsirail sculptors,- good communication siils are uecessary. Loners neesi not apply. 3. Daudelion farming. This may b. bard te bèlieve for those <f you with a rural background, but growing dandelions requires akili, patience andi sometimes luclc. Only about on. lawn iu eight can bosst a decent daudehion crop. This is due te agricultural ignorance. Now you- can oeil your skills for cash. Place. an adin>u the WhitbyFree Press te read som.thing like this: Dadelion heaven: Give your lawn that bright yellow dàzzle of late spring! Dazzle your friends with daudelion clocka that are fun to cdean! Make ev.ryone tbink you are environumentally conscious! Cail now at m=-la=. >< Note: Root. transplants may b. required in iunusual cases.) 4. Dickey Dee on the four-oh-three: You've seen those younger ids pedalling those bikes while 'they peddle those ice cream treats. You've also seen thos wonderful, feaeful, calm traffie tie-ups on> expressways leading into and out of town. Now combine the two. Apply now for the Good Humour franchise for the expressway nearest oýu. When the traffic grovels, hop to it: wheel your bike between cars,ý selling yourý wonderful treats. Note: Part-timers ma&agl now for our special in-the-car it. Turn those siùzg hours on the Don Valley parking lot into lucrative extra dollars. Ail applicants must be over 17 and pase a seif-defence course. 5. Church car park.- YouIl want te avoid suburban churches with huge parking lots, but then again, who doesn't? Moit church-goers want te park as'cdoe.te, the front door as possible, either for quick get-aways, or se, the devil can't catch them. This is known as the Mac's milk phenomenon. For a .uik $5 tip you can save evexyone the walk. Driver and passengers disernbark at church front -- and -vù park their car.. If you -pick'a différent church each week, therels no need te return after the service. 6. Humour columnist: Resarh proves that few newspaper coluns are remotely funny -- espcal when the writer tries te be. You can cut in on this m ark, i writing things which are," at best, hardly even inildly amusing. Ail you need is a pan, pencil, four erasers, a computer terminal a modem that you don't know how te, operate, and a bit of gail. Then, every week sit down and scribble, pound or dictate seven bundred and fifty words. Soom people wil meet you on the street and say thinge 1k., "Didn't you seil me an insurance holcy?*'l " read part of your column the othier day," or "Mo you comb your biru differently now7' Money wiil flow like, you neyer thought psSfie. 'I LEAGQE BASE B6LL Mloneyi- m-aking pporu4nitles PAGý -S, WEEW FREE ffleffl MMESDAY4 JUI mlu ztl-- MU IL, m AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT AT DUNDAS AND) PALACE STRETS JUNE- 14P'19 41 Car accidents are nothing new as this- photo shows. When, it was taken, the Whitby Police Departmnent consistesi of Chief Wiliam J. Elliott night watchman John 1'homas and on. or two constables. 10 TZARS AQO from the Wednesday, June 10, 1981 edition of the' WfflTBY RESS *No noise barriers will b. installed on Highway 401 for two years. *Durham Région coundil bas approvesi developmnent <f Broolin if First City Developments rpteservi cCosta. Me Most Lev. B.W. Scott, Primate <f the Anglican Church of Canada, will speak at the 135th anniversary of St. Jîohn's Church, -Port Whi tby, on June 2 1. *Sxty-r.wo f Durham Coilege's 1981 gedae are fromn Whitby and Broolin. 25. TZARS AGO fro te Turda, June 9, 1966 edition of the WUIITYWEKKLY NEWS *A 30,000 square-foot addition wiilb. built at Anderson HiEgh School. *Wbitby iPublic Utilities Commissi«on wants te know the Towns intentions for the future development of Heydenshore Park which the PUC purchased last year. *Cauncil i. debating whether the. Red Enslgn should fly bad. the new Canadian mnaple leaf flag at the Cenotaph. *Construction <f a new senior publiceschool on Garden Street wiil begin in 1967. 75 TZARS AGO fr-om theba4Jue 8, 1916 edition of the' WETTffy fflAND) CIMONCL19 " The. Board of Education wants an additional $8,000 from the. Town council te complèe thý lgh School renovations and the new Brock Street Public School. " Thi. Gazette and Chronicle is complaining about the poor condition of the Kingston Ross through Wii c1~ e$8 y, tailor, asivertiss"su and overcoats hrm $18t$0adtosesfm A. ACouple <f drunks untied a team <f horses at the Windsor Hotel and chasesi them up Brock Street.

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