PAGE 8, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5,'1991 'J on a- hotel proposed 'for iouth Whitby. Shihasi Investment Corp. -pro- MOTIF bas be eetdt upyteclothing for 'The New Attitude Show' on, CHCH-TV. The prora'shostess Catbrine Swing, and hair expe Trish Gunderson wiil b. wearing-the fahons. The program wiil be firat aired in late September. Ofris Bove photo rnbRew's--' shoes ATANýDREWS QUALITYAND GOMEORT IS TOP PRIORITY For people who have to standup alilday Specialists in Ladies'& Men's Super Wide Fittings. WHITBY MALL 1615 DUNDAS ST., EAST 728-9141 r4. The Kdey' Fouùndation of Canada Chaos. from hundreds of quality fabrics! Vitrian Parlour Furniture For Sale! lAPppraisale Cail 65&8739 Whitby By Mke Kowaleud Economic -conditions must in- prove before construction begins IProspect to donate tips to charit The Prospect o Whitby pub/ restaurant at Pearson Lanes will hold 'Tip for Charity Day' on Sunday, June 9, 2 p.m. te 1 a.m. Four guest bartenders includ- ing oirganizer Ben Kelly,- two bans, Rusypund'Suzanne Chase,' and Popc staff' will donate their time anid tips te raise funds ta help victims of Tourette Syndrome (involuntary sweariig outb urst) A raffe rize will include air- line tickets for two ta a destina- tion of choice. SA sinilar fundraiser in Febru- ary raised $500 for the Hemophi- >aident Vinnie Patel said his com- pany stili intends to -build a f'our-etorey, 89-room hotel on the northeast corner of Brock St. and H1wy. 401. ,' But thia will only happen when the economny iegis to show signe of improving, stressed Patel. 1 1 Becau se of the recession, we've had top ut it on the back- burner,» eaid 1te. There '5 fno time frarne in which work wil commence on the estimated' ,$&$9 million facility, he said. "If you can predict the economy ...» said Patel, without completing his thought. But even if economic con- <itions- were right, work could no begin tomorrow. Ina previous interview, Patel s"d the hotel's auccess hinged pn a new eut ramp from the high- way onto Consumera Rd.,- to replace the existing raxnp.,ýnto Brock. i Without a new raxnp, motoriste would be forced ta drive through a residential area and wouid ssuibly be discouraged trying te, mdthe hotel, said Patel. A nanrJurisdictional dispute between, Whitby and Drhm Region temporarily delayed con- struction o f thef Consumera ram p. Athough the Town and Region have stili flot resoived the mat- ter, w*ork on ý.the Consumnera ramp began luat ear but was suspended'during thle winter. Gabe Oliver, project engineer with Durhami a wsdepart- mnent, explained that once frost is in the ground it causes problems with new asphait. Asi-a reeuit, work on the ramp was. delà yed until the spring, "ad Oliver. Construction has resumed and Oliver ,expects the project te, be completed by August. "When its finished, the new rarnp 'instead of openmng directly onto ldroclc, will open onte Con- sumers and then onto- Brock,» said Oliver. 1He said the dispute between - Whitby and Durhamn is "mrore for the future and dosen't affect this job." The Region dlaims, Whitby agreed te purchase property on the west aide of Brocl for a new. westboundraznp onto the 401. Tlhe Town bas taken the posi - tion that Brock isa-a regional road and the highway a provincial route, therefore the municipality is flotresponsible. OVER 50 employees of Duipont, Canada, mc. in WhitbT turnedt out for the. annual 'Waiking Kickoff RaUy. The. raUly is part of- 'Hea1th Horizon,' a. p! wbich enorg employees, to improve thefr healtii through, wallng. Chrb Bv p -ag Recession delYs hoelplaned. for. sout h MCGRAW-HilRyrsn executive vice-pres ident Bob McGraw welcomes visitors durIng the C nmg of tii. new headquarters buildin in sut Witby last week. The buidnwihcost $16.8 million, is situated on-WaterSt alonjg Whitby's Irkeshore., There arie 267 employees i 160,000 q. ft. Of offie and 'waréhouOspae. Tii.- McGraw-Hili Book Company began-in 1909 in the. U.S. The, company.then purchaaed the Emam BokCmpany of1 Toro to' Today McGraw-HIU Ryerson comprises two pubisilng companies,'the McGraw-Hii Book Company and the Ryerson Press, ohea.o,,,photo