- - PAGES,# WHrIY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYJUNE6.,1991 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whîtby resîdents! Pubiished every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario. mc. at 131 Brock St. N, Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone -668-6111' To'ronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maunce, Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production'Manager, 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 Neigbourly 'exchange Caincidentai or flot, organizersai the annuai Whtby-Longueull twinning exohange couidn't have picked a better date for Whltby ta act as hast of the'event. When the visitors, tram Longueul, Quebec enjoy same free time on Saturday, June 15, %they should wtness the "1cammunity" ln Whitby. For' on that. Saturday wili be heid 1he 'Gaod Neighbours. Festival,' wktinany events scheduled -ai variaus locations, ta put "peopis in touch wth, people." Longueuili visitors and Whftby residents can enjoy such attractions as a bike rodea, pancake breakfast, historical walking tours, muslcý and dancing and Information boaths, - whlle danning, orange ribbons- and farmhing a human peace chain. Intended ta maximize the -gaodwill of a communfty and make peaple take lime ta taik ta or help out a neighbour, i's also an appropriate time ta bld a fond weicamne ta aur Quebec neighbours whïo are part-9f an exohange that pramotes culture and biilngualism while discouraging discrimination. And a peace chain that includes Longueuli residents would enable Whltby to take the aims of the Gaod NeIghbours program on. step further ln the lnterest of the Canadian community. 1 . .. v .i - 2 2 -2 . o- 2 4fi4 4. Protecting the ozone By Stephen G. Leahy In 1930, a man named Thomas Midgley, Jr., his lungs filled with OFC-li, -biew out a candis In front of- 'a large, and distinguished audience. Mr. Midgley, the inventor of CFCs il and 12 thus demonstraîed ta th. world that he had invented a new, safer refrigerant. Oompared ta the sulph ur dioxides and ammonia, used aI the -timhe, O FOswere extraordinarily, benign. That was 61 years ago, and, now we, knaw better. indeed, b the early seventies, scientists, were warning of -the dangers ofiý Mr. Midgley's gases. They were saying 'that,.these were dangerous greenhoise g >ases --a single m'olecule of ,CFC-12 traps 20,000 limes more heat than a molecule of carbon dioxide.ý By the early eighties, R was clear that CFCs nibble away aI the thin enveope of ozone that protects us from, .uitraviolet radiation. Thon the hales in 1he ozone over 1h. Arctic and Antarctio proved this fact beyond a shadow of a doubt. Today, NASA tels 'us that the ozone layer'over Southern Canada is disappearing, faster than previously estimated, and that f ive per cent of aur ozone is çone. On. mare disconcertmng f act is the extreme stabilty Of 71h.OFO mofecules. The C Os that filled Mr. Midgley's lungs during his demonstration in 1930 will be floating. around. our plan.et for another 60 years ý-- 60 more years to nibble away ai our ozone layer., il will take sixto 10 years forlthé ORFCs and HCFCs which were released Ibis year by Canadians to, migrate up the ozone. layer. We have seen what, 1h. chemicals released up in-the sarly eighties have dons 10 o.the ozone layer in* Canada . It 'is five per cent thinner right now as-a resuit. ,One, in seven 'Canadians -are expeclsd to contract skin cancer. Most -of. them wvill -contract the disease asa -direct. resuit ai a higher level.,0f ultraviolet rays reaching the surface ai Canada. W hat will the ozo 'ne layer f .Canada b. like in 1999? What will the' rate 0of'skin caâncer be thon? Whal other effects, of global warming, and ozone destruction be horrifyingly clear in. a more eight yertime? Righl now,- the rate of skin cancer in Canada and the world over is skyrocketing. There is some prehiinary 'research that indicates that childrenbôrn today will havs damaged syssight by the lime they reach mhiddls age. Why? One reason: aur- protectîve ozone layer ls allowing more and more oi 1h. sun's .ultraviolet radiation through every year. in' 1987,- many counties, includîng Canada, signed whal was caldteMnrelPoooa SheR PAGE 31. Soetens: eea txhs fo asd highér fuel prie for truokers agreement 10 reduce -ozone- destroying chemicals. Uniortu- nately,. many, 0f-Ihe countries, including Canada, adapted .a go-slow aà pproach. The production aio these ozone-destraying chemicals has not been reÉ ded they have increased. dramatically. W. will have ta l11e with these increases 'for th. next 100 years. Whal if we stili have ,nat discovered the fullIimpact ai aa reduced ozone layer on us? -Surely, this is no lime ta go. slow. There is anoîher> meeting1 in Nairobi, Kenya, June 19 10 21 ai Ibis year. -hR would b. an ideal qpportunity for Canada' to announce a ban of these chemicals by 1995. W. couid. provide,,the ,leadership necessary t10 salive this gloal problem. loThe ederal minister ai the environment, Jean Charest, 'needs ta hear f rom the people 0f>Canada that we are' gravely concerned about aur future health and that ai aur children. If we continue as ýw. are, R will"come to'the point Where weý will viol . beable,10 o jt aur c-hildren play outside. Previaus ministers of, 1h. onvironment have not acted. They ai have roi used t10 enact 'an immediate pýrogram 1<> eliminate the production ai azonè .dest roying chemicals. Weý can oýnly, hope Ihat minister Charest -will -listen. He. will To the Editor: lb was -with some interest that 1 read the article by Mike Kowalski (Whitby Free Press, May 22/91> on the truckers' concems. Mike intsrviewsd Drummond White who carnies on as lthaugh,'h. is an opposition MPP with no ability to make changes. As h. doos on virtually every opportunity, h. blames 1h. federaigaverfment. As such, Itbought i1wuld share some factual information for your readers. Three* years ega, the was a vsry cisar interest in Canada 10 deregulate the transportation industry ta pravide more competitmon, mare opportunities for free enterprise, mars opportunities for individual lrucksrs la become awner/operators and, ultmatsly, greater oppartunities to reduce 1h. cost ai transportation in Canada. Deregulation bas dans thalto10the extent that we have the railroads complaining that the lruckers ai. Canada have undercut Iheir freight rates anid have loRen some.ai Iheir business away. This is j ust ans exampie. On-the issue of taxation et the ioderai level, I thought i1wouid updabe yau fully an 1h., difierence betwoen Canada and the' Unted Stabes. The truckers ablack the GSI, yet R is the GSI that effectively elîminatos any federai sales tax from brucking inputs, because truokers will b. refundsd ail the GSI they pay on Iheir rios, the fuel, the parts, tbe servicing and other overhead costs. Aller implementation ai - the GSI, total ioderai taxes included in fuel prices in. Canada are only four cents a litre on diesel fuel, which is 22 cents less than the 62 cents a litre ioderail ax on diesel fuel in the United States. Ibis ciearly shows tha tR is not ioderai taxation on fuel Ihat has caused the. fuel pices in Canada for KsUy Phqs Oà " truckers la b. higher. In the United States, there is a levy of 12 per cqnt tex on beavy truck and talr prhsswbich Canada does - i b ave. In the U.S., there is a prsfèrentiai depreciatian rate on capital equipment, wbicb Canada does, not have. R mssms that the .,ruckers wanl , the preferentiafl deprsciation rate, bt do viol wanb the 12 per cent tax on th. purchase of equipment. Ws wouid ail 1k. 10 beys R bath ways. On the other hand, provincial fuel taxes in Ontario tend 10 b. tisher than U.S. state taxes, anid Ibis differential is being increassd as, a resuft of tb. Ontario provincial budget in wbich -fuel taxes were Increased by 3.4 cents a litre. For exemple, after th1e Ontario budget, diesel fuel tex li Ontario will b. 142 cents a litre wbere Rt is only 4.6 cents in the stats ai Micbýîgan and 5.8 cents i the Stale ai New York. The truckers bave- laken. adanae icriticizinq tb. ires trade agreement as being part of their problem. What you shouid know is Ibat the iree trede ogemntdno- t include any- ch"nes lI tb. ground rules for the truckrssurroun'ýed thËamet buildingsi Ottawa, R lale.ifact, Ontario that bas a range of powsrs 10 affect truckers wblch lai far greater than that aio the ioderai goverviment. Rsguletion ai business practices, provision ;ai hlgbway infrastructure, standards for drivers and for vebicW e igbbs and dimensions, enforcement ai safety and taxes on diesel fuel are large~ provincial responsibilities. Lest summer, the Iofderai govrmmenit, in conjùnction witb the provincial' govervimen, agresd 10 establish a oomprehensle study of the.tran-border trucking issue andJ competitiveness. Ibis study .is-,bsing directsd by 'a steering committee ai industvy, labour unions, provincial ropresentatives and Transport Canada. IR is, slated '10 report.its findings lI sarly June. 1 would suggest ýtaO ý-yyu Its the govemment shouid nà ol ect 'until such time as R has receivedavev compreberisive report from al oi i should add, as le evidont 'In Ottawa. and 1'In My ridivig, I.tâ manyof'hs trckrs.wo -ars comDlainina are< independent SElEPAGEà To the Edkar I'Just made two pints with the original draft, of this letter,- afthough R was a ln g shot int the waste paper basket. Basically, whatI wat 10staE 1 _myppreciation for the loUter May -15'i h Whitby Fr. Press, 'Brake for Animais,' written by Edie *Gomiiie." ~This bItter sparked so many feelings that 1 have ab;out thoughtfully opýerating a vehicle andi respectin 'ail' Ide. that may be endangered by il, that i became very word. Thon 1 realized that whati was tryngta say had already been said, much more coherently in Ms. Mille's article. 8h. put ta aur attention that these corpses we leave, behind our tires (road-kilI as they're better known), are, ýor wsre, l1'iving creatures constantly battlinp ta survive an1 ever-changing environment. To add 10 this' unfortunately-needed reminder, common-sense solutions were also off ered -ln arder ta remedy our oversights. Edie Gomille's article had ta make al ai us who read R îhink' about the lack of thoughfulness w. may have as drivers. ft also must remind us that in order ta make this planet a better and safer place 10 live, we must respect ail If.. .Anyway. thank you, Edis for an article whichl wasuplifting. Rt is great -ta ses somethung in 1h. media that is .4 not only compassionate but also informative, with regard bo helpmng make a chanÎge for the better. Thanik you for lh. reminder 1I need when 1 allow my impatience 10 overcome my lhoughfulness. Vour article .will b. a constant reminder.