Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1991, p. 3

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MH!WFE PRES, WI)DESDAYI UE5, 19ý1, PAýGE 3 Bylaw propos ed fr satellitedse Items from, Whitby Counceil agenda.(s) Monday, Juno 3,991i Plannig.and Development Committee That council resclnd Its approval 'lin principle" of applications ta amond Durham Reglon's and Whtby's officiai plans, plus rezonlng and site plan applications tram Marquis lnvostments Ltd. for a hotel complox at Sunray St. and Cansumers Dr. In 1987, the Oshawa-based company sought permission ta build a nlne-story, 128-unit an the site. In 1988, the«proposaI was revlsed, lncreaslng the hatel tawer to 10 storys w'ith 14.4 units. However, the munlclpallty has had no contact wlth, theo developer sînce early 1989,despito repeated letters ta, the 1campany. As a rosuit, staff belleve the applicant Is nat actlveiy pursulng the project at this time. R«'o, medto COUilO That council take no action on a potition tram resients ln the Cralgleith subdivision noar the northwest Intersec- tion of ,Rossiand Rd.,and Garrard Rd. wiho abject ta, the design and dark brown colour of a wood screen fonce along Rassland. The fonce was erected by the developer ln 1988 accordlng ta, Town specificatians. No reason for the mesldents' objections was lncluded in:>a staff report to committee. Becommedto council Operations Committée That a $268,851 tender t ram Pilon Construction of Canada Mt. of Bramptan, for work on phase one of the reconistruc- tion of Garrard Rd. be, approved. The total estlmnated cast of the project Is $335,000 ta be shared equally by the Town and ýOntarlo Mlnlstry of Transpor- tation. Work Includes pavlng and Installation of starm sewers f ram Winchester Rd. ta a point approximately 750 mnetres to the south. Phase twa af the project, proposed for 1992, wlli continue the reconstruction ta Conlin Rd. Becmmedeto coundil That playground equlprnent be InstalledIn the open space area at the end of Brlargreen Ct. A fonce wil also be erected aiong Cochrane St. and staff wili Investigate erecting a fonce between the park and backyards of homes abuttlng the site. Last year the Town recelved a petition fram 146 households ln the ares asklng for a park. However, residents whose homnes backç anto the site, argued against a park, clalming they paid a premniurn for having undevoloped land in their backyards. Recom ndedtÃ" ébiflCil By Mike Kowaisld *A. bylaw regulating television satellite dishes is being proposed for Whitby. Towr>, council's planning and developinent ëoxnmittee recom- mended Monday that a s9a ainendment ta the z2ingbyaw be prepared te regulate «acces- Soi-" buildings in the municipa- lity. If approved, by council next week, a public meeting on the eproposed amendinent will be held in the council chambers July 8. A draft bylaw was outlined te comnittee members Monday. Planning staff have made several recommendations con- cerning the location, size and height of the dishes. According te a staff report, Town officials have receîved many inquiries about the dishos i récent yea rs. While staff have roferrod te existing bylaws governing acces- sory bu!ildings,,it was feit the incroasing popularity of the dishes warranted spocifie men- tion in the bylaw. «With the inclusion of satellite dishes as accessory buildings.. the parametors for dish locations i rosidential zones will ho clear for the goneral public, installai-s and. staff," states the report. Among the recommondations: * dishes shbal h located in rear or side yards; * tho dish shall not ho dloser'te thé side or rosi- lot lino's than two metres or the distance effual. te the dianieter- of the dish, whichever is greator; * that only one dish per lot ho permitted; * that no dishes be permitted te bo attachod te a structure or rooftop; * the maimum height for a dish be 4.5 metres. Councillô'r Mar-col Brunelle questioned the neod for a restric- tion on mountingdishes te the side or roof of a house. He noted that technology eists to produc e sial .dishes capable of fitting on a roof much like a traditional telovision But problems with the orbiting satellites theinselvos has delayed production', said Brunelle. "I have no problems with it being in the back yard but I have a problem with it not boing on the roof," said Brunolle. His suggestion that dishes be resrcted tothe rear portion of a building's roof, was noted by plnigdirector Bob Short. Ceunc&illor, Lynda Buffett won- dered about peple who noôw 'have dishes which might not conform te a now bylaw. Short repliod that if a'dish is. not permitted now, the owner is liable te prosocution undor the existing bylaw. But ifj it subsoquen tly conforms te the new rules it would. be considorod a logaf non-conform-' ing use, s3aid Short.

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