Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1991, p. 28

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PAGE28, H[TBFREEPRES, WENESDY~-JfE S 109 ENGLISH NANNY requires live-in position to start Aug. or Sept. Requîmes use of a vehicle-aon eveninigs duo to schooî. Excellent moi erences available. Cati 668-1303. DAY CARE AVAILABLE in-my home. Meais. Safety. References. Lots of fresh -ar.. Rossiand& Anderson. 668-7025, Joanne. LOW RATES- Largehoue residentIal ýaea. Flexible haurs, weekends' & overnig htsoky Schoal bus stop, RA. Sennett. Cati between 6 &'g p.m.'far information. 666-4308. DAY CARE AVAILABLE in MY home, Palmerston Public School area . Mother of 2 young boys. 666-2172. MOTHER 0F 2 will provide day came In my home (days a evenings). Lunches, walks and fun for children. 668-9558. ( BEST WISHES TREES & SHRUBS- Do yu own iandscaping. White bich (singles & ciumps), blue spruce, mock orange,. Nanking cherry, bidle wreath, potenteIla qold- linger, Miac. Reasonably pricod. Phone 655-8088. LANDSCAFING, LAWN mainten- ance, pruning, seedinq, sodding. Spring clean-ups, pianting, gardon enov ations, ockories. Odd jobs. Fmoe est imates (416) 649-3183. Dutchway Landscaping. CLEARWATER,, FLORIDA. Three bedmoome, iuily iurnished, aiconditloned homes. Pbais, hot r tub, near boachos, attractions. Children welcomne. (Less than motel.) 683-5503. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. East aiofOono, 4th or S5th concession uine, 7 km. east of Hwy. 35/115. -Seasonai camp- Cl-ond.-252.Beautiful. $80 KENTUCKY HEADHUNTERS - 8 tickets for sale - June 27 performance. Cati after 5M0 p.m. 655-8365 or 655-3638, ask for Doug. HOCKEYIBASEBALL card sale. Lindros, Fedorov, Beifour, Vanpoppei, Justice, Griffej~ premier, set ($90), OPO 89-M sets, UPDK hi, Iow sets, thousands of singles, Bowman,, Proset, Tapps, score packs, Star card prflÉés, botter t ha show prices, atJune 8,9 &Am., 113 Bassett. SHEPPARD BBQ with md. burner and -'tank $1100, plnball machin. $500, antique thleare popcorni machin e $800, and other items. 668-1834. BABY ITEMS- crib,, dresser, rocker, strolier, play pen, waiker, swing, car seat 'chang table, etc. Ssii ail for $400. 666-e45. FACTORY BUILDING SPECIALS 60-U120 - $4.30 pst. 30-15-60 » $722 ps. 40-14-60 - $4,71 psf. 32-08-50 - $455 pst. 28-10-40 = $559 pst 24-08-30 - $5.90 pst. Call 41-985-7930. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seýats, sectionals,,. ese than hait prico. Large selection. McKeen Fumniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181.1 PRIVATE MORTGAGES- the place- ta go when your bank says *NO.u Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. REE MICRO WAVE& Rot rigeration Services. Servicing ail makos. Microwave avens, rot rig orators, freezers, window air cond itioners, humidifiers, etc. Cai Ree, 728-0692. ERROLS APPUIANCE SALES. New coin washoms and dryers. Repaire to refrigerators and appliances. Cloaning & servicing of window and central air conditioning systeme. 432'-7734. HANK'S APPIA NCES. New fldges$7,n p sdat fride & stove sets.$375 and up. Reit timers $55. Aieoa apiiance Ials&BO bumors. 191 lfo t ., Unit 6.'Oshawa 728-4043. gSe w i n g M a c h i n e R e p a i r s Ail Mkes Complote Tuno-up $39.95 Reconditonod Sewing Machines fmom $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE' 571-1385 400 Ing St. W. Oshawa TABLE& 4 CHAIRS, modemn table & 2 chairs, 4 stacking chairs, twin bed, dresser, toy box, 2 bookcases, etc. 666-9455. 1 ROBERT BATEMAN print (unframed. Two Loons on Muskoka Lake. $750 firm.'Serious Inquiries only. Cail 435-0138 after 6 p.m. MOBILE HOME - 43 fi. by 12 fi., partly fumished. Wilarrange move fromCoborg. 12,90. ail Ted after,5 p.m. (16) 723-9109 (Cheap Living). WANTED- QUAUTY hand- made crafts & ifts ta seli -on consiçnment in lCal store. Cati Debbie, 655-4882. MATTRESSES and box sprinig at hall price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. TRISHA ROMANCE pints, frae~lunramd.Best prices. Other artists & customn framing availabie. 668-1223. WINDSURFER. -Excellent ,,condi- tion. $800 new, asking $400. 655-3142.' E.6000. BTU WINDOW air conditioner- , 3 years aid, $150. 666-1423.- INDUSTRIAL COOLERS'20 x .12" with 2 doors,- meat, case. 728-5207,655-4394. 9-PC. SOUDTEAK dining ro suite reason'ably , prd. dAlsa,, aniqetreadie, s.wlng.machine, gorunning Ã"ondiion.66-1786. WATERBED:,.,Super single' pin. f rame, $125. 66&-0877. 2ý - 3 BEDR OOM'HOUSE and qarage in country. Workincope dog. Own appliances. Cati coileci' atter 520 p.m.'416-263-8775. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE iTrS FAST - IrS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL OOES IT AU.. THINK BIG . CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/RESORTS CABINS AVAILABLE for 5-Night Rireboat nruses on scenic TrentSevern waterway or Rideau Canal. Only S835.p.p. Obi. accommodation & meala. Cali Ontario Watervwmy COîmes Colect (705)748-3666. SOUTH CAROLINE - Tih. Myrîlo Beach Asot.- Oceanfront Candos. Houaekeeplng Includeil, lndoor/Ouldaor Pools, Wiidpoola. Saunas. Tennis Courts, Putting Green. Golf Packages Availabie. Free Brochure: 1-800-448-5653. NEDETAHELP WANTED $555ETRA UCAM Gifle needa Demnonslalore to soit laya and giflsaai Home Pafties. No invocîmont or oxperlonce requirod. Eatablisrrd orsmpany. Ciii loday (519)256e7905. SALES I-ELP WANTED «BE SUPER RICH* Esîn $250.000 PT. $50.000 PT commission marketing oui occlusive 2 for 1 music book Prolected Torrtorles evaileble. Fr00 24 hour inormation lino, 1-800-263-1900. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide Io homo-study coîrespondence Dipioma courses: Accounling, Aircondilioning, Bookkeoplng. Business, Cosmolology. Elecîronica, Legal/Medîcal Secroimry, Psychoiogy, Travel, Granton, (SA) 263 Adelaide Wesi. Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai e Soulhwessem Ontario Schoioio Auctlonoorîng. Next ciass: Juno 8- 15., Information, contact: Souîhwoalern Onario Scho ai Auctioneorîng. R.R05, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. APARTMÈNTICONOOMINIUM Management lobs. Many jobs availebie. Uve-In/Uve-ouL AU aroe. Free brochure write: RMVTI, 1801 - 1 Vongo St.. Toronto, Ont. MSE 1 W7, 1-800-685-8339. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY for cm' Purposel Psy off your bitas. crodit cardai Exempte: P.arrow $10.000, repsay 5195 monthly. No quabiyig hennis CatlI ntanIsicon Fmancai Toit Fiee 1-800-268-1429. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE Soir. for unpsid taxes. Crown Land avsitablttty. For ifornmation on bath wrte: Properties, Dopt CN, Box 5380, St . Ottwa.,tK20 3J11. FOR SALE IF VOUR 000 WONT STAY HOME. W. have the cnswert tra Amaizing, Il's Eloctronlo, ti works. FREE Oltaite: CAN.U.IC. R 1.* Bancroft. Ont. t<OL 100, Fox (613)332-1375. - HAN-CRAFTED. MVENNONITE, SoM dWood Funiubarsà rofinishool pin, antiques. Were et Fergus and Elors Farinera Maikets. and Uptown Elora. Open Weekendse. Cati (519)846.8447. HORSES FOR SALE MINIATURES HORSE SPAING SALE. May 18 tb Jîxe 30. AMKAIAMHR R.giaterod Yearlngs. Large Discountsa. Foundsflon Ferma. RAIl1. Hotetin. Ontario NOG 2^0. Phono or Fax 510)3»43121. Reidence (51 9>334-3665. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES BONAIR CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardlop. Folowrn, Fffo0s- whoet, Trevef. Park-modela, paîta.accessorios, Nm. Uaod. Fibretîne à t*or Fîbergiassa &Aiuminum Truck Caps. Constgnmenta wofcomo. Royai Traiter & R.V. Centre in Tevbomat, Ont. <519)343-2122. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Factoçy Direct. Prices woit nover b. iowor 25' x 301$51.999 wluh endwilis. Other sîzea avsilabie. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-6686422. (24 Houri). BEST BUILDING PRICES - SIeel Straltwstt Type - not quonsot - 32x48 $5U65: 40x64 58188: 50x96 $14,871 - non-onpandabto endl(s), allier sizes aveailabto - limited steel - Paragon-24 Houri 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: Summer 'Settebration* on Buildings from Futurs Steel. No glnïniclrs. luat oild value for your money. Cati 1-800-66-8853. BUILDINGS - Straighlwali - Sevinga 24x36x10 33,692: 32x36a12 54.667; 40x48xl2 $5.814. Includes Sheeting. Trim, & Steol Main Francs. Guonset buildings asc evailablo. Ait ies avaleable. Cali 1-800-608-4338. (416)842-2100., RESORT FOR SALE LODOE wilh RESTAURANToraati motet. 9 cottages, Souhhai Temagamni. Excellent potentiel. $375K<. For inb and ailie Lodge oetil (41)854-0355. FA. 1<NECH Real Esate Ud., Broker. BUSINESS FOR SALE Estabishod Dual Une CHRYSIER DEALERSHIP For Sale In affluant Norlharn Onlarto ,Community. Completety equippeol Service Deparîment. Owner r.ttring. Seriaus Inquiries. Telephone (705)889-3200. A^*for David. PERSOMIAL ADOPION - PREGNANT? Young. rted professional couple wichos ta provida wanderfut home for Infant. Workig ei govornment llcensed agency. CaR colle«i sfter 4:0Opm (418)771 -067. RIPPED OFF By eny niber of Ihe lnveetnentDeasiers Asan. oi Canada. Write short note Io: The Coalitn Box 251.* Brechin. Ontario LOK 1 BD. en Advocacy Action Grop. TOO 0WD For a Vacation - Nover tel liaIut oaur rosdents et Bracobrlg. Villa Retirernent Ladge. For fully assted va=cain padrtagea ce 1-00-461-5505. BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITIES Sind yow own 10K< JEWELLERV BUSINESS for ace ase $50. Fabufous design*. superb quel ity. excellent ý oils Th Go Dieméy. 433 -47 A»e.. Edmanbmn ISH 088 (403)34525W UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL. Manufacturer naw seeking Ontario dealers for 'JUICEWORS, lthe amazlng new freili uice vendlng machIne. Cad Acton Assmbls -60-45-506forInoanafon peoiage. FACT Otf - Ovur 450 people arsged $225K telS o iarm n lstc year. FMci#2 - Mor people eerned SiOKhno. pert timne. For more i. 416)777-1493. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE DUCI< DECOYS. Buy - Se0 - Tiade, On"ar'& oriy Show ASale, -Holidiy bInn Oehawa. OUio. Suasday., Janme 9Oh lOsn. Deal Iquris(418)6554158. Dant iseI., MEDICAL SERVICES Peu Jaconeln. MD.. conducting medlcal pracfite wlS ipecil intereat in NUTRITIONAIL à PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. For tibumancol(4lC46-Ut1 or wrl: 751 Pape Ave.. Su. 291. Toront. M4t< OTI. I our ad couid appear ln community newspapers In Ontario, or t-ight across Canadla, i or any Individue province. Spacs lu Limitod, 80 Cili This Noepaper Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wider market. adveif se throughoudthe regionimemb.rxhp ofthe Ontario and Canadiean Comnluniy Newspaper Associat ions CenralOnlrlo55 ewpapera - $160 for 25 teords - AtU Ontario 171 newxpapers - $350 for 25wod C ýl -onlri05 new NI Canada 572 newsm nr - $974 for 25 words For further Information please cali the Whtby Free Press Classifieds - 668-0594 WANTED: O'LDER 3 bedroom home wth f ireplaée, goad 'eh1n. Brooklin/Whitb, are a. ln -ng ap9roed. aimum',$150,000. Cati TAKE THE WORRY OUT Of buylng or selling- reai estate.- Cati' Wayne MIcPhee,- W. Frank., Rea Estate Ltd. 668-6171 or 686--1821. Bus. 668-617,1 To. 686-1821i Re. 5-37 COTTAGE FOR.-SALE, Guil River.:3 lake access, sandy beach, beautiful lot. 3 bedroomfiS, winter road, 200 amp service, new r oof:,& dock.< Excellent condition. $154,900. 666-9453. COTTAGE WANTED to. entby couple for week of Aug. 2 to 10. Must b. easonable. rates. Please cali & bave message, 666-8366. TWO ACRE LOT on improved rasouthwest of Napanesè. 200 ft. frontage.>$20,1000. 655-4731. The WarAimplutations. of Can ada Your donations su'portthe. CIIAMAP an d PLA YSA FE ProgWIms HORSES BOARDED. 6 box çtalls avaliabe on private. 10-acre hobby fammn ln- Whitby. Excelent care nvenRld- j e t Heber Downs Cnservation Are&. $lBOImo. 655-3142. KITTENS FREE to goad homes: orane tabby, cahco, orange& wh'te. Cati 655-37.16. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gottlng auto insumanco because of age., poor driving -record, or suspension of ý icense? Pemhaps we can heip. Phone 666-2090.

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