b4GE 189 WH1TYFREE PRESS, WEDNEýSPAYMA 2, 9 mame to bé scmapped cxotIOUfUI geflertion r cars coming rbt pags 20 - pags21 SECITI N ~'Pan crflyfrpaoe' SSCSof mind w hentravellng. Thf.Acidents. Unfamiliar al mso increesaety énd' 1ower,, remember ta ask for your «OAA b JiI Mclntosh ~~laws. Strange diseases. gsln osmtion.dsoutItwlsveouony Mclntsome> peopleethe perils * fiyou. are aOAA member awaiting th e lunaccustomed renting a car from. Hertz or Avis, SEA~ wnemaoes:nemoney go?7 By Jil Mclntosh Whoever said that -the only, certainties in life are- death, and taxes muet have b._een, a Canadian. Earlier this yeerSru èould pay for your new car and only-ho lut with PST, GST and tire tex., Now,. unlesse you ý are, buying an ecnmà hoebox, the powers9 that hobidt you With a gas guZzler'ý tax. With much fanfare < the goïvormont lots us know tkat the $4 400 surcharges will apply ta, veËl'clos such as Rolse Royces and Larnborghinis - after -ail, isn7tit fair since someone who cen afford a Rails cen afford the tex? What they aiso say, but much more. quietly, is that it wîll aise affect a large number af cars built by workers in North Anierica. Fin not ageinst the gas-guzzier tex,.becauseI ike big cars.. Pm gast it because I like having a job. Wen the doinestic. auto industry doesn't work, the'effecta are fet all over and'not jus <t at the assembly-line lovel. It trickies right down ta, the peo le who build parts 'ta supply the 'Itwould't, evon ho se bad if the money collected was spent on. research and devlopment ta, onabie us ta kIick our ai habit. Sa far -aiL ]Né* heard are the numbers l'il ho oxpected ta pay; no ane yet has told me juat where the money will ho gaing. Canada noeds an autamotive tex: one that shouid ho aimed straight at imports. Ail vehicies Umported inta this country, (and 'final assembly, in Canada' doent count if it nxeans putting on the hubcaps hore on a car built there) shouid/,be subjoct ta, s9tiff importation duties that will bring, their final sticicer price above what aur workershere are turning out.'-- 1- ' ' ->If. you, want ,ta, drive a foreign car, that's youir business, but you shoUld ho prepered -t py a price ta keep your country woring. There wouid be ioud protesta from the Japanese comparuos. 0f course, this is, the seme country, wl'hich recenti 'removed -ton paunds af rice Km an Anirican campn 9 dispiay at a trade fair. It is -ii al to, ïnport rice, inta Jao;ta law 'ýwas set up ta, protect ageinst comnpanies such as this- one which would. be importing abut 10,000 pounids a year, fram tramplinig on Japanps, 100-million pound rice industry. It doesn't seem tà work the same way for exportation, though. The $5 tiretax levied on ail. new tire purchases is another source of wonder for me. When the tax ýwas introduced, the governiment, tld us that the money would beý used to, assist with the propor disposal of used tires. Why thon, when I buy new tires and pay$5 on ech of them, dolI then ave ta pay the garae another $2 or $3 before they vall take my aid anies for scrp? At the new car dealership, where I work, I have been tald that 'the governiment does not require the tire tax ta ho listod, sePeratel when tax moneyi submittod- How thon do they know how much toaellot ta tire disposai? Thoy wouldn't ho luniping that money in with al aur other taxes ... would they? And whby, if ail of us have been payin $5 for se longdoes the wrcig yard near Mxy huse SURl SEE PAGE 21 uviiL er AAU n AAL umeK15uuIsU. ~.ua a vacationer trul have peace of mind when traveF ,According to Canada!s are1 travel facilitator, t he Canadien Automobile Association (OAA), it is indeod possible ... if you plan carefully. "There are several risl<s to be aware ofi notes, CAA president Michael MeNeil, "but Canadien traveliers cen take stops ta make their vacations 'as, worry-free as possible. * Before you drive away, have your vehicie thoroughly chocked ta avoid broakdowna fer from home. e Drive defensively. Accidents cen heppen anywhoro at any time. Rosponsibility cannot be left at home. 0 Pack only what- you need.: The more you take, the more can be stolon or lost., If you. drive,. unncesaryluggage adds wight ta your vohicle, causing more fuel -ta be consumned. That is bad news for, both your wallet and the onvironment. *Before driving abroad, femilierize vourself with -local. traffic signs. OAA offors a fre guide to foreign traffic signs. You aiso may need an international driving permit, which you can get through eny OAA office. 0 Plan your route. Touring vacations can oasily bespoiied by getting iost. OAA offers free maps and tourbooks to mombers. e Choose accommodations accarding to your needs. OAA Tourbooks 1include . a comprehensive rating of hoteis, campgrounds and restaurants across North Axnerica. *Always obey the speed limit, spcaliy In a foreign country. Logal hassies will rwin any vcti on. Moderato speeds Il JEREEMY BURGESS, a student at ILS.' McLaubn MVIin Oshawa, signe on with the'Dùrham intgra ted apprentioeship program. with' the ,%marigold lincolu Mercury car deaà lership 1iW Whitby. Fmom left are Sean Hale, B-urgesa, sermée, manager Peter Souch and Tom Hitechinq. F.. Pr.m photo DAREÃO TST DRIV COMPR Al Test ddve' a :Mercedes 1901-21:6 Test> dà ve a à BMW525i Test ddve a Výlvo 940 GLE At ~a Audi DeÉkr Mon~May2to- M&É MA _,& _.& Owasco Volkswagen InC. 1,425 DUNDAS ST. E., \/VHITBY 00ýeJ[qTOVýtl TORON TO Audl Oshawa Whilby 668-9383 Aj"ax,,PickeringToronto 683-3235 uD OVER 35 LATE MODELS ON SERVICE RENTALS Competîllvely priced, for your convemence. Experience the Ovvasco Fe(-,Iing-1t's been proven since 1972 Advancing the art ýC' A P. E C). M. L. S E R V 1 C E A VI A rý D 'Al N N E R o f eng ineering . F)(tericiec, ilouis -1-Lics "if-ICI i hurq illifil ý-,-3uor-n - liiil !hiju,(f,ýv of ý,ýv(,rv rlle(lih