WiEn1 <Y FIRER PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1991, PAGE 17 selling busin-ess' recommended despite Regilon s opposition ke Kowali ,positioný from Dur- a retail' tree busi- ýd for north' Whitby orsed. <Town, côuncil's planning and dévelopmeënt committee recom. ,mended. last week that.Manfreè Leibbrand beog iven permission t sei', trees and shrubs from a vacant home on Hwy. 12ÃŽ nortih of Brooklin. The 1.08-acre' propertr is now zonïed agricultuiral and council would have te pass a temporar3y use bylaw allowig the reti operationl 'Ç H owever,, the Town' s- planning department opposes ýLeibbrands proposal, as- it does flot -conform te fand use designations for the site specified by Whitby's and Durham'Region's officiai plans. Planning staff fearý the Region ungtappeal1 a temporary use' Aniversary celebr tion,,, at St. Leo's *Forme r students and staff are invited te St.- Leo's chool, Brook- lin ý" for, the '26th anniversary celebration. The event will bè held on' Tuesday, June 4 , starting at 6 p.m. There will. be a barbecue" and'funi fair. >The Oshawa-Whitby Old-Time, Fiddle Club will erform, there will. be -crafts ýand, games and- white elephant table. IRain date-;,wiill be Thursday, June 6. 1For more information caîl Deb- bie Guiry at65-29 t' k k: I. i bylaw to the Ontario MiÙmicipa4' Board (0MB). Leibbrand, whose prorty i, located on "the west sideof0HWY. 12, north 6f ColüïmbusR, madte hua initial application in' Jaui néplans to soul only trees and shrbs mwhich he grows on 10 acres further to the. west. Butconi rejected Leib- brand's offiialpulan .à mendmenit application in February, and in~- steéad' ff ýto Prepare a temhporary use bvla w.' The bylaw- would limit the, retail outlet t o oly >,three' years and restrict what can be sold. The. business. would be. open from Marclýto October andagi in. Deceniber to allow for the sale of 'locally grown» Christmas trees. -But inu a report. to conmmittee staff, note that the bylaw woulâ, -not coiforn to agricultural and rural designations ini either offi-' Accordingly, staff cannot sup port 'a by-law- which,,«would likel be appealed'to, the 0B by the RWgin,.the rpr tts CounciIor Rs attn, com- : mittee- chirnn,said the'-bYlaw' is an acceptable. compromise- to both theToUwn andLeibbra nd It will allow LIeibbrand te selli his trees, but not lock a commier-' cial designation onto the site, said Batten. Brooklin -W]L meets Celebrating -8 <1 years of. 1thé Brooklin ý,Women ss Institute organization,' members met, at the community centre on May 14. Motte was 'ok Effort direc- ted te produce o. r 'accomplish ,Ëomething.' Roll cal was 'Naine a Canadian province and its in-* dustry.! The tepic, Canadian indus- tries, was presented by the con- vener in the orm of a'talk on stamp collecting and its histery and development through thme years. The nýumber 'of albums. filled with vaioustypesof post office stampa through the years were diHlayed.e served lunch - which included - a -an ,amusing, cake made by Bessie Cosway.' A -women's Institute pin,- for- merly owned by Evelyn Croxaîl, was presented te Ruth Agar. Theý Wl is sponsoring a forumi regading pre-arrangement ol' uneralsà . on Oct. -29, 7:30 p.m., at the Brooklin community centre. There will be representatives from at least two ffuneral, homes te, answer quýestions which m ay be presentedt in written formi and placed in a quiestion box.' The next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 19. H-ostesses will be Laural..Hamer and Bessie Cosway. PapeGr drive 2nd Brooklin scouts will hold a paper drive on Saturday, June 8, startingr at, 9:30 a.xn., in the Brookhn Mai.» Newspapers should be tied, and collection does not include shiny paper ( magLazines) or heavy bindings (telephone books). Noting:Lr that the procý-ea has talcen five m'onthe a, Ben said 'Now Nwe have a report saying theBRegiwould cnn lenge it. .1 have- some ccncerns with this, rd'like te give him some Planning director Bob Short replied that cocili hasthe-,right te pass the ,byÃlaw- but must be preared for an 0MB challenge. Gouncillor Marcel Brunelle SPECIALISIS F0OR DVii 10 YEAIISlmNCUISHT Ame sToIAGE PLANNING, DEsiON ANO imsIALLxriGI -RAÉCE AGE SH-ELVINO SEE, DETAILS, AT STORES__ Look Spend Le ss during ou... 1WITHTHIS SAVE 50c COUPON + 46 GST + 48 PST *(Unit coul 5»4' per 1M0 mL)½PRC Diet Pepsi-Cola l or Diet,7UP :IMT _D Iburcuon, I39 9 011cr valld May 27 - Jun1,1991. (Futurs price wlthout coupon 1.49> G/P "S.C. #68 COUPOTHI SAVE 50Fu COUPO + 49 GST + 48 PST' * (Unit coul 5.0'pur 100mL) 1P/C ' Diet Pepsi-Cola Q 1 r i -ht 7[]P ID _9Q Q *l %0 1,LO gIL1% r- boule IHTHS»ý IHTI LIMIT 1 boie par oupon. 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