Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1991, p. 15

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***.;.*.* .I.-.'-'..,..-,,"'.'."..- 'DE AiD # . 1 o. un 'uPjUJ-1unAiUcipUa. Board<0MB)unleiss cuncil, res- cçinds its decision.- S (The 0 MB *is a provincialy-; appomnted body, which tuies on mtmciplmùatters.) 1 Orlando wants té build apres- tige industriai .plant 'on,,0.8 acres ofrland on the:,,west saide of Thickson Rd;, north ý of Went- worth St. S'Corbett Creek runs dirèctiy te thewestof the site.> Although a staff report recom- mendedâaproval, council's plan- ning .and development committee rejected staffs advice on Mardi Fllowing apresentation by Orlando- the following week, council. directed, committee to take another look at the pro- posai. On March *.16, committee upheidlits originial decisionf and ila week'later,.coun'il endorsed the comtte's po sition. Council's reasons weretbree- foiLd ,ý 11I . *thé development should only be conisidered ini conjunction withZ adjoining lands. owned by Orlano iimeditelytethe soduth "and west; *the'prortis ladesinted a hazard land n Whtb9s ofriciai plan and has. ýa «greenbélt» zon- Théy-suggested the Town- con- sider buing thie site and makig it akad. t in'bis letter te council, l1awyer, Ieo4.Longo said tepro-ý posaliconformans to'DUrham egion's of ficiaI plan. - He alo said no other public or goen it, agencies, including the' Cetal Lake, Ontario Con-. servationi Authority, object to the deveopment. nô negative com ment lias been received sugge,,sting that th roposed developmènt wouîd resuit in any négative environ- mental impact to the creek and its associatedl valîey land,» states "lnder the cicumstances, w. respectfully belie ve there is no proper lanning basis for the position. taken y council,» he adds. Counicillor Joe- Drumm is not worried about the 0MB chaI- 1 Ltthem go to the board,» Drumim told last week's commit-. tee mee ting. "I 'stand-by councii's décisio he said. in, Committee .meber' <,received Lond's let ter as infor- ation. No additioa recommendation was ~jI ~ REGISTÉR TODAY! 1 1/2 HOUR PROGRAM,,INCLUDES' *The basies 'ofKiütchen Design *Why a itchen is- a good investmient * How to naximize space - *Choice of appliances and'countertops *Innovati-ve designs Space Limiteëd toFRS 25 people. Date: Thursday, June 6/91 Timea 17:10û p.m. Location: H Ilalmiïnen Homes, DesignCentre Sponsoredby: rùandom Kitchens THE POLLUTION SOLUTION If. you bicycle, walk; or take public transportation to your, destination, you are environmentally aware. Car exhaust eniissions contribuite to global 1warn4ing and aid rain, as weli as creating a smog wllich is «hazaý,dous to human. health. Also produced is a low-level ozone hich, t ground level, harme.plants and'animaIs. Automqbile'air coniditioners are a major contributor in releasing CFCs which depiete the, earth's protective ozone layer. Today school buses that cater to .students Who liveM reasonàblycose t their schooi, arecreating a societYofkd who believe, it is imp,'oàsible to travel'a few miles witlout the. aid of an, automobile. Office employees,.(if possible), a. well as tudents, should -walk or cie. 3 exerisg prior to daily routineJ, one, arrves with a fresh mental attitude, andl will be more receptive to absorb the probelms -of the. dayi Taking public transportation, wWng or cyling provides- time to socialize, reflect personai thoughtsor plan the day's aètivities. ichard Fraser, owner of Spoolces Bcce Shop orx Avenu e Rd.,(where my bicycle gets its. regular tune-up), says, "[My aduits - these days haven't considered the ,bieyc10 as an alternative means of tasotto.Wheniticornes t<ashort. trip to the store, for instne the new mountain bikes with low gearîng, and- possibly a oryng bakt make riding iery easy and convente "It's up to us to protect the earths environment and~ the best place to tart isin our own backyards." 1That -is theemessage fromù Metro Zoo on their sliedule of events., ted for.Envjironment Week June i te 9. Diuing this. wel,tho ,zoo-is offerignayspecial events. Enterainmnt fr chldrn 'A Walk for Rhinos," TEWry Bird Walcs (to register> for this event cal 416-392-5939) and a tree-planting'ceremony are scheduied. Interestingr tipsad information will, be, given on ow to, attract coloufirdsand- butterfiies to your yard, interesting bugs-in your neigbourhood, backyardI composting, life in your local ponie and orgamce gardénng Guest speakers will talk abut ýwildflowers, bats, birds and, feeders anfd compostingfi. Most 'of .,these activities are o nly- availabieý on -the wkeekends.- Schedules will b. posted on the, main gate.- For àmitious souls-who ride a bike te the zoo,, bicycle.racks' are provided near the bus stop.., COMIN EVEN: June S, 9, am. te 4 p.m..,- LEB fywood-(Monarch adB .Fe nret grage ie,,,.. envir zmext o ipIaY 13o ree iniceg, you can donate, l4oei p .sfRcdwA. fj CALL:- 432-'à330'01 To Reserve Your Space Now ,,Conoemed envronmn? We 'want to help our community. to be even more effective. on Fiday May3l, 1991- 9:OOam to Op the.'Whitby Salvation Armfy is opening a Thrift Store andClothing ýRecycçlinlg.Dept. 25Brook St N.,, Whitby,: Ont.666-0868 To Serve:: .Our community with.,good, uséd clothing at very affordable, prio'es. Ou 0r enviroýnment by ,offering çlothing recycling We welcOme you to éorne in - -meet the staff - browse and have refreshments VOURSUPPORT 15 APRRECIATED MAY 29, 1991, PAGE .4- 4 -4 ~'15 j; .4 -t

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