WIUZfBY FMEERS8, WDNESDAY, MAY 29,1991,PAGE 13 Jaycees' 25th anniversaryto include'mmbrsip drive 4 Y Maureen Qudinan To 'celebrate, their 25th anniversrythe' Whitby Jaycoees will bZ.hldin a dinnerand dance'on ,June 1 at'the Brooklin Comimunity Centre. ,' The day will alo mark the starèt of thir msmbershin drive. President ýJeif Zavxtsl aysl the group hasn't changed miùucèhi over the years, except lnu mi-' bers. 1In the past the Jaycees have had a membership olalmo st 60 members, but now the grupi jrYngt6met her iniu sipryn equthirmn of 20 members. If the group does not make the' July 1 membership deadline.' Choirs raise. $2,OOO for ,St.Vinceë*nt,,'s' With proceeds from*,the'Spri*ng Concert on May 16, ý$2,000, has beén raised for St. Vinoients Kit-, chen, Oshawa.ý-- St. John the -Evangli4 Romà an Catholic'Church .Choir' and Dur- hemn Region'Roman Catholic Separate School Teachers' Choir perfor"ed at the'concert, sing*n both.liturgical, and 'non-liturgica1 selectionsof mus3ic. Saint Vinoent's serves ful course dinners, for $1, tô those in CANCER- SERVICE CALL 1-800O-2631-6750 they will be faced with termix- ý-Whitby Jaiycees pas-presidfint BoStaley says that some 0t~e serviîce clubs :may also be haln «We're A *in the same boat,» says Stanley. F or Jayc e, believes'that ipat.of the',mimbership problem maIy be the age limit of 18'to 39.- « Once a member turns 40, he has,,to leave the group and'that's whee e lose snome some of-the baickbone of the! Jaycee, says >ýHe, alsdo$feels that the, Jaycees in 'Whitby aren't as closely rela- ted te businesssas other groi4ps are in other areaà . lu I some places, like Toronto, «you have to belon gte the Jay- cees té get 'anywh-ere7 lin the business world, says Stanley.. Stanley ýfeels that 'because of <Whitby's size,' there juet iin't te same -reatosi bee bu 9nsssand the Jaycees. But -he and other me mbers9 have somne great ideas that they'veborrowed ýfrom -the very, succesà ful Florida 4aycees te hel themnembershi p drive. Nanley suggeststht. h group.obtain a com pany teoln- sor so- that'the Jaycees coul fly the ompany's banner, at thie varlous Jaycee functions and events. In return the company wou.ld make. some. of,, their e*nployesJaycee imembers.. Memnbers of ,the service club, are «devoted te self-improve- nient," says Zavitsld." The Jjayéees, haWr individual' programming on, effective speak- mngleaersip skills, parliamen- tary . procedure and . personaY A member of the group is «rovided wii\h a choice of un- hmiited activities which assist in' the realization of personal poten- iaI,» states a Jay.ceepamphlet. . Jaycees are involved in. activi- tiefjs suh as organiizing the Sauta Claus parade, the Whitby spring: carnival and election forums held for ail levèes of gove'rnment. > 'The Jayoees of Whitby have been iuvolved with several pro- jects on -the local and national level. They were ii hare f the wiuter bôard, aci had n tional Jaycees presid rit Fred I Kress attend th irboa d meetind Tlhe " P 0 mds ., Zui fg -r auy courses suc, h as1 speà ki~m or 'computer basica as part Of ~eir program. Local Jaycees 'uealso part of a national committee that organ- izstedcllection of unwanted and used sports equipmeut te be disitributed te third world coun- It' is 'expeted te be a high profile event ',for the, Canadian WHITBYML Introducing Laura Bronze& Beauty's newest'estheian, who speaaâlizes in body.keatrnents, face freatments, relaxing body:massage. Treatments are available'for.acneë, deep wýnkles, cellulite, sagging skin, scars, and stretch marks. (416)A434-5864 > ARNTS TOPSOI FREE.Do-It-Vourseif' Unllock:- Interloc;klng Stone Semnaà r SaturdayJunel1st FOR'QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE CALL, 630887> Top Soli - Sand - Curbs - Rockery Stone * Gravel Flrewood - Limfestone - Pine Mulch - Patio'Slabs Treated Timbers Ruoid d Rd. OuUV Retalning Walls- I. I i 1, Jeannt Coerad' Jess Walton who la Kathertine.Chancell'or ndJili boto "THYOUNG &THE RESTLESS" 'Lyv 8'Le Autographec Potrs with' the proceeds going to the Hospita f or IR RetaînîngW"alls 655-474 Dunidas St. WHITBY MALL Co ýpd;e4it-);.Çg 1 esmb